Read through Roofing - Types of Shingles far more

Roofing - Types of Shingles



If you need to have a new roof installed, one of the first things you will need to decide is the type of shingles you will be using. Your roofing contractor will need to know this in order to give you an accurate price quote. Here are some of the most commonly used shingles and the benefits and drawbacks of each.

Asphalt Shingles

Most homes in the United States have asphalt shingles. They are relatively inexpensive when compared to other types of shingles, can easily be repaired, and resist fire. They also come in many different colors and designs, so you can easily tailor them to the look of your house. Most homes look just fine with asphalt roofing.

On the other hand, these shingles have a short lifespan, lasting between 15 and 30 years at best. They do scar in hot climates, and they can grow mildew and moss. The process of making and then disposing of asphalt shingles is quite costly on the environment.

Metal Shingles

Metal shingles are made to look like other types of shingles, including cedar and slate. They are durable and last at least 50 years with little maintenance required. They can also be installed over existing roofs, removing the need to take down your roof. They do well in protecting against weather damage, and they are not very damaging to the environment. They do need to be painted sometimes, and they can be quite expensive. You will certainly need a roofing contractor to install them.

Wood Shingles

Wood shingles add insulation to your home and are easy to repair or replace. They require a lot of maintenance, but if you take care of them properly, they should last 30 to 50 years. They are not good at fighting fire, and they can rot, split, or mold.

Tile Shingles

Tile comes in a variety of colors and patterns. These are easy to maintain and are fireproof. They are quite heavy, though, and cannot be used on older homes that do not have the right structural requirements in place. They can also be damaged by walking on the roof, but are durable against weather damage.

Slate Shingles

Homeowners typically choose slate roofing because of its distinctive appearance and fireproof properties. While it is quite expensive and requires specialized installation, once it is installed it has a long lifespan. Like tile, slate shingles can be quite fragile if you are walking on your roof.

Concrete Shingles

Concrete shingles reinforced with fiber come in many styles and colors. These often resemble tile, stone, or other popular, but expensive, roofing options. In contrast, concrete singles are more lightweight than other options and resist fire and insects well. They require little maintenance and are not damaging to the environment. However, they can be expensive if you do not have an affordable option for purchasing them.

If you feel uncertain about the type of shingles that would work best for you, contact a roofer and ask his or her opinion. Consider the style of your home and the lifespan you need for your shingles and you will be able to make the right choice.

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Read Shingles Vaccine - Should You Consider Taking This Vaccine? extra

A friend told me recently that her doctor had suggested she consider the new shingles vaccine and she asked for my advice. When answering such a question I consider the following - what is the impact of the disease, what are the ingredients and side effects of the vaccine and are there any natural preventions available. This article summarizes my findings.
What is shingles?

Shingles is a virus; the same virus that causes chickenpox. Shingles usually occur in people over the age of 60. A case of shingles starts as a tingling or pain in a localized area which is followed by a rash. A bout of shingles may last several weeks or even longer. If nerve damage occurs as a result of shingles - called post herpetic neuralgia - the pain can continue for much longer, even years. Most people only have shingles once. Only about 4% have more than one episode in a lifetime.
Shingle vaccine ingredients and side effects

The active ingredient in the shingles vaccine is a weakened form of the live chickenpox virus. The inactive ingredients are sucrose, hydrolyzed porcine gelatin, sodium chloride, monosodium L-glutamate, sodium phosphate dibasic, potassium phosphate monobasic, and potassium chloride. While none of these are exceptionally toxic, many of them I advise against ingesting, most notably monosodium L-glutamate.

Side effects of the shingles vaccine are reported to be limited to redness or irritation at the site of the injection. No long term side effects have been documented, however, the vaccine has only been approved for four years.
Vaccine effectiveness

The shingles vaccine has been found effective in only about 50% of recipients. Vaccinated people who contracted shingles experienced a slightly shorter duration of the episode - 20 days instead of 22 days. The level of pain was not significantly different.
Natural preventions

As shingles is a virus the best natural defense is a healthy immune system. A healthy diet, plenty of exercise and avoidance of toxins is the best way to improve your immune system and prevent shingles. It is also a possibility that the chickenpox vaccine has contributed to the incidence of shingles in people over 60.


While shingles are painful, they are not life threatening. The shingles vaccine is only effective half the time and contains ingredients that are not health - promoting. If you do get shingles you are not likely to experience a recurrence. Following a healthy lifestyle can boost your immune system and decrease your likelihood of contracting shingles.

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Shingles Vaccine - Should You Consider Taking This Vaccine?

Read through Shingles Rash - Symptoms and Treatment extra

Shingles Rash - Symptoms and Treatment


Shingles rash is a skin inflammation caused by varicella-zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox. Once an individual has had chickenpox, traces of the virus remain dormant in the nervous system and are never completely cleared from the body. Later on, certain conditions such as emotional stress, immune deficiency from AIDS or chemotherapy, or cancer may reactivate the virus and cause shingles. Adults over the age of 60 are more susceptible to shingles rash.

Symptoms of Shingles Rash

It is estimated that up to a million cases of shingles occur every year in the U.S. Before the rash becomes visible, the patient may experience several days of burning pain and sensitive skin. At this point, determining the cause of the pain may be difficult. Symptoms of shingles rash depend on the type of nerve affected by the virus. Although it is caused by chickenpox virus, the rash is different from chickenpox rash. Chickenpox affects most areas of the body, while shingles rash affects a specific area of the skin, usually occurring as a band on one side of the body. The rash usually forms on the chest, back and face.

A rash from shingles appears as small blisters on a red base over a period of three to five days. Clusters of fluid-filled blisters form progressively. After a few days, the blisters pop and ooze fluid. They eventually dry out, form a crust, and start to heal. It usually takes about 30 days from start to finish for the blisters to heal, leaving behind scars and skin discoloration.

Patients may also suffer from headache, chills, abdominal pain and increased fatigue. In rare cases, a fever may accompany the rash. Also, the pain may continue even after the rash disappears.

Treatment of Shingles Rash

Antiviral drugs and steroids can help manage the pain, severity and duration of the symptoms if they are started early, within 72 hours of the first appearance of the rash. Effective treatments for shingles rash include the antiviral drugs famciclovir (Famvir), acyclovir (Zovirax), and valacyclovir (Valtrex). Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and narcotic pain control medication may also be administered for pain management.

People over the age of 60 can have themselves vaccinated to reduce the occurrence and severity of shingles.

The primary goal in the treatment of shingles rash is to shorten the duration of the rash, speed up the healing process, manage the pain, and reduce the risk of complications. The affected area must be kept clean and dry, and bathing is permitted. Cool compresses and calamine lotion may also be used to control the itch.

Is shingles contagious? Find out the answer to this question and learn more about the best shingles treatment by visiting our website today!

Read Developing Awareness of Shingles Signs and the Affliction far more

Developing Awareness of Shingles Signs and the Affliction


Shingles disease is often known as Zoster or Herpes zoster. It's a condition in which painful blisters develop and show up on the skin. The root cause is the same virus that results in chicken pox. This virus is the "varicella zoster virus" or VZV. If you've had chicken pox as a child, then you are at a higher risk for developing shingles later in life. 

Basically, when a person contracts the chicken pox, a small amount of the VZ virus will remain in their body. Then, once the patient's immune system is weakened either by aging, stress or an immune system deficiency, the disease may return and attack the nervous system. 

To learn more about Shingles disease, including information on its symptoms and how to prevent its spread, keep reading.

Symptoms of Shingles

Shingles typically begins with a low grade fever that can last for up to six days. An individual will also experience ongoing fatigue, lethargy, possible headaches, occasional digestive problems, aches, pains and even chills. And though, eventually the person will develop a rash, it is at this stage that the patient or a doctor may misdiagnose the disease as the flu.

Eventually, the patient will develop small and painful blisters on the skin. These will usually extend from the spine to the chest and are the most common and visible symptom of the malaise.

Why It's Important to Treat Shingles

Shingles and the VZV can directly affect the nervous system leading to issues and other medical problems throughout the body. It's critical to seek treatment swiftly before the disease progresses.

People at Risk for Developing Shingles

The people who have the highest risk levels for developing Shingles are those who had chicken pox as children. Primarily, the disease affects those over the age of 50 and is especially prevalent in persons suffering from any other condition that damages the immune system (like AIDS or cancer). Also, it can impact anyone taking immunosuppressive drugs.

What to Do if You Have Shingles

Shingles are often contagious, so precautions should be taken to protect family members and others in close contact with the patient. When sores or blisters are present, they should be covered at all times, and bedding and clothing should be washed separately.

To alleviate some of the pain and discomfort common to patients suffering from Shingles disease, they should keep affected areas out of the sun and avoid using harsh chemicals like certain soaps or creams on blisters or sores. Patients should also refrain from scratching and irritating any rashes or sores.

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Study Shingles Treatment Tips extra

The question is - is shingles contagious? The answer to this question is both in the affirmative and negative. Shingles that is caused by the herpes zoster virus, the same virus that is responsible for chicken pox, cannot normally be spread from one person to another. That is because only those who have had chicken pox sometime in their lives can be affected by the herpes zoster virus. In other words, if someone has not suffered from chicken pox before, it is highly unlikely that he will get shingles - because the virus is not within his body. Actually, the same virus, having stayed dormant for years, comes back as shingles at a later stage. And since most people have suffered from chicken pox at some stage, normally shingles is not contagious.

But there can be exceptions to this. For example, what would happen if someone with shingles interacts with someone who hasn't had chicken pox? In such a case, the virus can be transmitted, but then, the newly affected person will not get shingles - he will get chicken pox.

Consider another situation - someone has chicken pox, so can he spread the shingles disease? This issue is raised because it is the same virus that causes both these ailments. The answer to this is in the negative. This is because for the virus to become effective, it has to reside in the nervous system for a while. So if someone not having the virus comes in contact with someone with chicken pox, he cannot get shingles.

All this can become a bit confusing. So here is a list for easy understanding...

Has shingles - Meets someone who has not suffered from chicken pox before = Shingles is not contagious here.

Has shingles - Meets someone who has suffered from chicken pox before = Shingles is contagious here.

Has shingles -- Meets someone who has not suffered from chicken pox before = Shingles is not contagious but the affected person can still get chicken pox.

Has chicken pox - Meets someone who does not have the virus within himself = Contagious but the person will get chicken pox and not shingles.

Has chicken pox - Meets someone who has chicken pox within himself = no one can get shingles in such a case.

So the shingles disease is not normally contagious through casual contacts, coughing, sneezing or waste materials like most other diseases are transmitted. However it is still advisable to avoid coming into contact with someone who has been affected with the shingles virus. Blame this on the rashes, particularly when the blisters are still there. However once the rashes have dried up, the risk goes down considerably. The chances of a shingles contamination are very less then. There is no reason to worry at a stage when there is just the pain and very few rashes. Shingles in not contagious at such a stage.

Medications are available to strengthen the immune system to lower the risk of a contamination from shingles.


Jen Carter is team member and writes regularily about shingles, Post-Herpetic Neuralgia and other common conditions for

Shingles Treatment Tips

Study Shingles Is A Viral Infection extra

While many adults have heard the term "shingles", incredibly few realize exactly what the disease actually is. This can cause confusion in understanding what the symptoms of shingles are, what causes shingles, and how shingles can be treated.

If you've shingles, you've painful rash somewhere in the body. This rash can take place anywhere in the sufferer's body. However, it is somewhat more common on the torso than in other locations.

This rash is caused by the same virus that is known to cause chicken pox in kids and occurs when the virus has lain dormant in the body for years and then for some reason chooses to rear its ugly head in the form of shingles.

Typical symptoms of shingles consist of pain in the affected location, along with numbness and burning feelings. It can also cause headaches as well as tiredness.

As previously discussed, after a child has chicken pox the varicella-zoster virus lays dormant in the body. For some reason in older adults this illness can be reactivated and will flare up into a case of the shingles.

Because of the fact, that no one knows for certain, who will have the varicella-zoster virus show up again in the later years of life, there is no exact way to protect against a shingles episode. However, there are techniques to treat the condition.

Shingles is a viral infection. This is the reason why it takes some time to cure. However, there are some prescriptions that can make the process a little bit faster. They are known as antiviral drugs.

There are also some additional medicines, along with antiviral medicines, that can be utilized to make you feel better. For instance, some antidepressants as well as anticonvulsants are used efficiently as a treatment for shingles. Also, pain medicines are useful in reducing the pain caused by the problem.

While shingles can be incredibly painful and undesirable condition, there are also some vaccines created against varicella-zoster virus. These vaccines helps in keeping the virus dormant in your body, hence preventing the occurrence of shingles.

If you have shingles episodes rather frequently, it may be a good idea to talk with the specialist whether these vaccines would be a good option for you. It is also vital that you learn to recognize shingles as quickly as possible after the flare-up. The earlier the medication is started, the earlier the symptoms of the condition can be treated.

Finally, always make sure that you talk about any concerns that you could have concerning any medical condition with the physician. They can talk about the concerns with you and together you can determine exactly what treatment if any is best for you.

Shingles Symptoms
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Shingles Is A Viral Infection

Examine Shingles on Face - A Painful Disease Indeed far more

Shingles is also known as herpes zoster, it is a resurfacing of the chicken pox virus that had remained in the body after you had chicken pox during your childhood. It can start on any part of the body, in a small area. It starts on one portion of the body in the form of rash. The disease may start anywhere on the body, but eventually it reaches the face and when you have shingles on face, it really is very painful. When it starts on the face initially, some suppose it to be a bug bite.

The sensation starts as itching with burning on the lower part of the face. This may be a recurrence of the chicken pox virus, but it is worse than that. The whole body aches and there is weakness all over, the patient is tired all the time and the feeling of nausea is just horrible.

The reason shingles on face is so painful is that the nerve system is affected by this disease. It starts at the spinal area and slowly makes way towards your face. When it reaches your face it is an indication that the disease is at a serious juncture. Consulting a doctor is the only way you can get relief from this pain. Often people mistake the disease for something else. Here are the symptoms that should indicate that you have Shingles on face.

Early Symptoms

There will be rash on the patient's face with high temperature on the body followed by stomach upset, fever, chills, headache and fatigue. If such symptoms are ever notices and the patient feel a tingling sensation with a rash, consult a doctor. Remember all the sensation should be there for shingles.

Pain You must have felt pain when you had chicken pox at a younger age; but the pain of shingles is more intense. You will start feeling a tingling sensation which gradually turns into a persisting pain that goes on for a long time. If the trigeminal nerve is affected then you can expect the pain to prolong even after the rashes have healed.

Eyes Singles on face can affect the eyes also. The situation is known as zoster keratitis in medical terms. Now this is really a very serious condition that can lead to blindness. Therefore when you start feeling a tingling sensation on the face you should visit a doctor immediately.


Shingles on face will appear as red bumps with swollen skin. They will blister in a few days and then dry up. When the shingles on face appear it is not painful but your start feeling pain when the healing process starts.


Shingles on face means on a single side of your face you will see a red band which will tingle. But soon the tingling sensation turns into severe pain as virus reaches the nerve ends of the face. Therefore when ever you have the symptoms mentioned above, do not waste time in trying to guess what it is, just rush to the doctor immediately.

Learn more about shingles on face []. Stop by Sleat Gurion's site: are shingles contagious []

Shingles on Face - A Painful Disease Indeed

Shingles Symptoms

Read Asphalt Roofing Shingles additional


Asphalt shingles are by far the most commonly used option for covering a residential roof. There is no doubt about it, the fact that they are relatively inexpensive and durable make them the most popular roofing option.

Asphalt shingles are basically made of either fiberglass or paper backing soaked with tar. Then by using adhesive, small granules are embedded onto backing. The process described makes the shingle waterproof and makes the shingle more resilient to wear and tear caused by weathering.

Other than pricing, another factor that makes asphalt shingles so popular is the fact that they can make a home very attractive. There are many different manufactures, each with their own color options giving the homeowner a simple and inexpensive way to greatly improve the overall curb appeal of his home.

Manufacturers of asphalt shingles all comply with standards set by the roofing industry, however the quality of the tiles may vary depending on brand. A good way to determine the quality is by closely examining the warranty offered by the maker backing the product. For the most part you will see a range of warranties anywhere from 5 to 10 years. However in some instances you can find warranties on the higher end of 20 to even 30 years. This type of guarantee will likely come from one of the top asphalt shingle producers, and you can expect the price of the shingles to reflect so accordingly.

When looking at the overall project, keep in mind that you can tell the difference between a 5 year manufacturer's backed shingle and one which is guaranteed for 20 years. The cheaper shingle will appear flatter, may be less decorative and most importantly may have less surface granule content. You will also be much more limited when it comes to selecting color and pre-made trim options. The best option to take for the average homeowner would be to find a mid-range shingle with a decent warranty. This way you can have a very nice looking roof for a moderate price.

Asphalt shingles are easy to install, however due to the need for tools, carpentry skills, ventilation and weather considerations, roofing a house with asphalt shingles is best left to professionals. The end result of a newly shingled house is beauty at an inexpensive price. With cost and time savings considered, asphalt roof shingles are often the way to go when you are deciding on a new roof for your home.

You can learn more about roofing shingles, and get much more information, articles and resources about roof shingles by visiting Roof Shingles

Asphalt Roofing Shingles


Read How to Get Rid Of Shingles Fast more


Shingles is a disease resulting from the reactivation of varicella-zoster virus which lies dormant in the body after an episode of chickenpox. The reactivation of the virus is usually triggered by a weakened immune system. Shingles can be excruciatingly painful. For this reason, patients who suffer from shingles would want to get rid of shingles fast.

A visit to the doctor would guarantee a prescription of antiviral medications. These medications are said to get rid of shingles; however, they can cause many undesirable effects. Headache, upset stomach, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, joint pain, and malaise are some of the common side-effects of antiviral medications. Other side-effects such as rash, anemia, confusion, muscle pain, and agitation may also occur. Some of the more serious side-effects include hypersensitivity reactions, seizures, and hepatitis.

Although these side effects may not necessarily occur in all patients, some individuals would just want to stay way from them for good. For individuals who would want to get rid of shingles naturally, there are a number of effective home remedies available.

To get rid of shingles, the rashes and blisters must be washed with water and soap at least twice a day. Lukewarm water should be used along with an antimicrobial soap. It is best to choose soap with drying formula. The rashes must be washed gently and should not be scrubbed vigorously. The rashes should be allowed to air dry after washing.

Cold packs or cold compresses can help alleviate the pain caused by the blisters. The cold pack or compress should be wrapped with a towel and applied on the affected area. The procedure should be done for twenty minutes, with a twenty-minute interval between each application. Pouring ice cold water on the blisters can also help.

Another way to get rid of shingles is the application of a liniment made from mixing certain essential oils. The liniment is made by mixing 2 ounces of vegetable oil (high grade), 10 drops of lavender oil, 10 drops of tea tree oil, 5 drops of geranium oil and 2 drops of oregano oil. This liniment has been found to soothe the pain and to help kill the virus causing the shingles.

Another way to get rid of shingles is to include proteolytic enzymes in one's diet. These enzymes are produced by the pancreas to help break down protein. These are found in foods including pineapple and papaya. They can also be included in certain supplements.

These natural ways to get rid of shingles re not only effective, they are inexpensive as well. In addition, these remedies are generally safe and cause only minor side-effects.

Want to find out how to get rid of Shingles within 3 days or less?

Check out this Shingles Treatment website right now for more information!

How to Get Rid Of Shingles Fast


Study Shingles Pain - What Are the Causes, Symptoms and Treatment? far more

Shingles Pain - What Are the Causes, Symptoms and Treatment?

Shingles Symptoms

One hardly ever equates lower back pain with herpes zoster or shingles. However, when there are wounds in the lumbar region brought on by this infectious disease, intense and debilitating pain is sure to be experienced. This problem is known as Postherpetic Neuralgia, and the pain caused from this condition is called Shingles Pain.

What is Herpes Zoster?

A contagious disease, herpes zoster is brought on by the Varicella Zoster Virus (VCV). In patients who have experienced chickenpox when they were young, the virus would infect the dorsal root ganglia of the nerves where it would stay in a latent state. Shingles will occur when this dormant virus is activated by some unknown process. While herpes zoster may appear at all ages, it mostly spotted in adults and particularly in the elderly.

Signs and Symptoms of Herpes Zoster

Within the dermatome of the skin, vesicular eruptions will develop, similar to chickenpox but without the rash, and these will develop unilaterally or on one side. However, unlike chickenpox which is itchy, the wounds of herpes zoster are excruciatingly agonizing, generally because they follow the nerve branches within the dermatome. Dermatome areas that are frequently associated in shingles are T-3 to L-3 and the lower back. Quite often, even before the lesions turn up after 48 to 72 hours, pain will be experienced within the dermatome as the condition begins to occur. The pain at this stage is called Acute Neuritis.

Although timeframe of the disease is between 7 to 10 days, it may take as long as 2 to 4 weeks before the skin returns to normal health and pain disappears.

How Shingles Pain Develops

From Acute Neuritis to Postherpetic Neuralgia. After several months or years that the disease has been resolved, 50% instances of herpes zoster patients, who are 50 years old and above, can manifest this illness yet again. This is referred to as Postherpetic Neuralgia.

Quite rare in younger age groups, postherpetic neuralgia is the most unbearable complication of herpes zoster and it can manifest in both normal and immunocompromised people. This problem is largely an ailment of the elderly. Hypesthesia and hyperesthesia, which are the decrease and irregular boost of sensitivity to sensory stimuli, respectively, may also be experienced in the damaged dermatome, apart from the severe unbearable pain.

How to Treat Shingles Pain

At the beginning of the ailment, famciclover, a medication of choice for herpes zoster, is provided to prevent further problems of postherpetic neuralgia.

It can be very difficult to manage a patient experiencing postherpetic neuralgia. For some patients, non-prescription NSAIDs will help reduce the problem while for others tougher narcotic types utilized in collaboration with tricyclic antidepressants like amitriptyline and fluphenazine are needed to reduce the situation. Cautious patient monitoring is critical though to protect against drug reliance.

Pain relief for 4 to 12 hours may be given with the application of lidocaine skin patches. Not only will it ease acute neuritis, corticosteroids may also be used to protect against the occurrence of postherpetic neuralgia. Made by Merck, the vaccine Zostavax is not only effective for shingles but it can also protect against postherpetic neuralgia. It is best to administer Zostavax to individuals above the age of 60.

Presently, when it comes to shingles, there are so many treatment choices out there. When a valuable remedy is seen, it could supply profound alleviation for shingles pain for the rest of their lives.

Shingles pain is the pain resulting from the condition known as Postherpetic Neuralgia, which is largely a disease of the elderly. Find out what are the symptoms and the treatments for shingles pain on the Back Pain Relief Reports site.

Read Why Select Composite Roof Shingles far more

Why Select Composite Roof Shingles


Making the perfect home with everything correct is a tedious job. The most important part of your dream home is the roof. Choosing the correct material for roofing can be quite a tricky job at times.

Using composite roof shingles is the latest trend in the world of roofing. People now days prefer them over traditional roofing materials because they prove to be the best choice as material for roofing in most of the cases. Composite shingles are quite similar to other conventional and traditional shingle materials.

You also have a lot of options regarding their looks. Just like other traditionally used roofing materials they come in a wide variety of colors and styles. The only difference lies in the fact that in comparison to asphalt shingle roof materials and other traditional shake, composite roof shingles are very durable. They also have a longer life as compared to other traditionally used roof shingle materials. It is because of its dual quality and ability of not only being durable and lasting much longer but at the same time also being stylish with amazing looks that composite roof shingles are the most popular and preferred choice for roofing materials for all the people world wide.

Nowadays you have unlimited options in terms of looks and style when it comes to composite roof shingles. These composite roof shingles are found in many, all-possible shades of colors and styles. Though they have been in market for quite some time now but it is because of there improvement in terms of looks that they have become much more popular then they were earlier.

Everyone wants their roofs to look great as well as be durable and non-affected by weather changes. Go to any market and ask for any color, size or shape and you will get it in the form of a composite shingles. As for example you can go for the conventional and standard three tab shingles or the composite slate like shingle. The latest on offering is the woody shake like shingles that seem to being in great demand for houses as well as offices. The modern manufacturing techniques have made the looks of composite roof shingles exact replicas of the traditional shingles. In fact unless you are an expert or the manufacturer yourself, you won't be able to detect any difference between the two.

Popularity of Composite Roof Shingles

Another reason for the huge demand and popularity of composite shingles is due to their high durability. They last much longer than conventionally used materials. This can be proved by the fact that, composite shingles have generally a warranty term of about 30 to 50 years. Whereas on the other hand the traditional shingles have a life span of anything between 15 to a maximum of twenty years. In fact some manufacturers have such trust on their composite shingles that they even claim a lifelong warranty. This is quite an impressive statement given that roof shingles are exposed to such rough treatment on your roof top. So you can well imagine the quality of products yourself.

As an extra incentive, many companies are manufacturing composite shingles that has a special additive that makes it resistant to mold growth and algae. This feature of shingles can be especially handy if you are living in a place that has a humid climate or experience a lot of rainfalls. Thus this feature is like icing on cake. Thus we can conclude that if you are building your new home or need a new roof than your best and obvious choice should be composite roof shingles.

As Long Island, LI Roofing Contractors, and Northern Virginia Roofing contractors we take great pride in maintaining customer satisfaction for all types of new roof installation and roof repair work for residential and commercial roofing accounts.

Read Shingles Treatment and Diagnosis extra

Shingles is a very popular keyword because according to estimates as many as 20% of the population in the US suffers from the disease. And the fact that more of those who are on the wrong side of 50 are affected makes it a condition that needs to be treated fast, because as a person ages, the natural immunity of the body also goes down. Therefore shingles treatment is a priority though the disease normally does not cause too much of a medical hassle. However there are exceptions, particularly in all those cases where it becomes a bit more complicated and the person suffers from postherpetic neuralgia.

There is a lot in common between shingles and chicken pox and thus, the treatments also tend to be the same. And why not, after all both the diseases are caused by the same virus - the herpes zoster virus causes chicken pox when one is young, and comes back as shingles in the advanced years.

Approach To The Treatment Of Shingles

One very methodical and scientific approach to shingles treatment that has developed over the last few years starts with identifying the causes that invite an attack of the virus. But before going deeper, it needs to be mentioned here that only a person who has suffered from chicken pox can be infected with shingles. In other words, only that person who has the chicken pox virus (a virus can never be removed from the body) within the body can get the shingles disease when the virus reactivates due to some catalyst.

The approach is to identify these catalysts and stop them from bringing the virus back. It is assumed that the person can get a shingles attack if he is living a very stressful life, drinking too much alcohol, does not exercise and even an excess of junk food can be the invitation.

Treatment And Cure

This is the sad part about the disease. Just like chicken pox where there is no cure (but the symptoms can be removed though), in shingles too the case is much the same. With adequate treatment it can take a lesser time for the symptoms of the illness to be removed. Also the spread of the symptoms can be vastly controlled. And the complications can as well be avoided. Thus, though there is no permanent cure as the virus will remain within the body, but shingles treatment is still necessary.

Eastern And Western Treatment For Shingles

Shingles treatment tends to be different in the east and the west. While in the west they go for antiviral drugs, in the east the application of natural solutions are more such as the use of a Capsaicin based cream and red pepper solutions. There are a number of Chinese remedies that involve the use of costus root, ginseng, acomite, ginger and others.

In the west too they are now agreeing that these natural remedies might be more effective in the treatment of shingles.


Jen Carter is team member and writes regularily about shingles treatment, shingles articles and other common conditions for

Shingles Treatment and Diagnosis


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Find Out What Roofing Shingles Are



Roofing shingles are something that most every homeowner has, but few spend enough time thinking about them. They provide a single layer solution to a leak resistant roof. They are generally laid from the bottom of the roof, with each subsequent row overlapping the row below it . Traditionally shingles were made of wood and were capped at the top with a row of copper or lead sheeting. In modern roofs this cap is replaced by a row of shingles that includes a plastic underlay.

Back to the make up of roofing shingles, wood was considered good. But eventually asphalt and asbestos cement replaced wood as common materials. Fiberglass asphalt shingles are currently the most popular used in the United States. The obvious issue with wood is fire, and fire is the reason wood and paper backed types are used infrequently in modern construction.

Most people have seen a special type of wood shingle, but wouldn't be able to identify it. It is named a shake, a wooden shingle made from split logs. Shake roofs were common with log cabins, and with many wood frame homes. They're still in use today, most commonly transported by helicopters, but it wasn't always done that way. Shakes were tied into packs and transported by pack animals, or even people, before helicopters were invented. Often cut in hilly areas, they were carried down the slope with the help of a long line run from the bottom to the top. This line served as a kind of hand hold so people carrying the shake packs wouldn't fall.

The main difference between a shingle and a tile is flexibility. Tiles are generally made from ceramic. They're brittle and ill suited to locations where tree limbs might fall on a roof. Shingles are flexible and therefor better able to stand up to tree limbs. Wood rot, while ceramic tiles don't, but modern materials such as the asbestos base don't rot. Another difference is the shape. Ceramic tiles have an "S" profile to allow them to interlock for strength while roofing shingles are flat.

One of the more unique materials is slate. Because of both cleavage and grain slate can be easily split into thin sheets. Such sheets, the slate shingles, make for an worn look for a roof. Slaters, tradesmen trained to work with slate, cut and install them. Because slate is fireproof and an electric insulators, qualities that make it excellent for roofing shingles, slate was used for early 2th century switchboards and relay controls for large electric motors . Imagine that, making a phone call on your shingles.

Chokyi Ooi runs a Home Improvement and Family Resources site and hopes this site can help us to improve our home and family lives. To learn more about Roofing Shingles [] and lots of other guides, feel free to drop by [].

Go through What is the Right Shingles Medication? extra

Anyone who has had chicken pox may later also have shingles. This disease however may need some other kind of treatment that is different from chicken pox medication. Given below are some types of shingles medication.

Consulting with Your Doctor

Although shingles do disappear on their own after a couple of weeks, it is important to immediately seek medical attention once you experience shingles symptoms. Shingles medication given by a doctor can help reduce the discomforts that accompany shingles and prevent complications. A doctor too would be able to give you the right combination and dosage of medications in consideration of your age and severity of condition.

Antiviral Shingles Medication

The first type of shingles medication that most doctors prescribe for shingles patients is antiviral medication. This is because shingles is caused by a virus and an antiviral can help prevent the development or increase of the virus. Antiviral medications also speed up the healing of shingles blisters and help ease pain. Experts say that antiviral medication should be given within 3 days of the first signs of shingles for best results. It is also believed that prompt and early medication can help limit the possibility of a patient developing post herpetic neuralgia or PHN. PHN is a condition in which pain persists for a long time after the shingles rashes have healed.

All patients with shingles may benefit from antiviral shingles medication. Early antiviral treatment however may be especially helpful for the elderly and those with severe cases of shingles. In some cases, antiviral medication may result in headaches as a side effect.

Corticosteriods Shingles Medication

Sometimes doctors may also prescribe corticosteroids in addition to antiviral shingles medication. Just like antiviral medicines, corticosteroids also work best when give early. Some doctors however recommend that corticosteroids only be given to patients who are more than 50 years old or those who have shingles on the face and are in extreme pain. This type of shingles medication can reduce pain, decrease itchiness and limit swelling.

The problem with the use of corticosteroids as shingles medication is that it might result in a number of side effects headache, stomach upset, moodiness, thirstiness, insomnia and increase in weight. Corticosteriods have also been known to make shingles rashes appear worse. The worst possible side effects of using this medication for a long time include meningitis, osteoporosis and cataract.

Other Medication

Your doctor might also additionally allow the use of over the counter anti inflammatory pain medication to help relieve pain further. Antibiotic ointments are also recommended to prevent infections that originate from shingles blisters.

Post Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN)

In rare cases, shingles patients may develop PHN, in which case a different set of medications is required. Medical treatment for PHN includes tricyclic antidepressants, nerve blockers, opioids, anticonvulsants and topical pain relievers.

Antidepressants in particular have become a common mode of treatment for PHN. Low doses of certain antidepressants have been observed to relieve pain. Further studies however are still required to understand exactly how antidepressants help with PHN.

Shingles Symptoms

To find out more details about the different methods used for shingles medication [], visit [].

What is the Right Shingles Medication?

Shingles Symptoms

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What is Shingles - Understanding Herpes Zoster


You may have heard of someone who has come down with shingles and wondered, what is shingles? The medical name for shingles is Herpes Zoster and it is a form of the herpes virus that originates with the childhood disease, chickenpox.

After a child has a bout of chickenpox, the virus lays dormant in the body and can manifest itself years later as shingles. It is unclear what triggers the outbreak of shingles but it seems to be more prevalent in people with compromised immune systems. This includes the elderly and those with other illnesses.

The first sign of shingles is usually a rash, often on just one side of the body. The rash is very painful and is made up of raw blisters. Some people are hit with the pain first, before they even get the rash.

The rash can run around your body as it follows the flow of the nerve where the virus had been. In addition to the rash, other symptoms of shingles are upset stomach, headache, fever, chills and sensitivity around the rash area.

Shingles usually affects people that are in their 50s or 60s and can sometimes be brought on by stress. The rash area develops blisters that will begin to ooze fluid and crust over. Shingles is contagious while there are still new blisters developing but as soon as they begin to crust up the shingles virus is no longer contagious. Because the blisters can be in various stages, be sure that they are healed before being near children who may have not had chickenpox.

You can spread the virus itself to anyone who has not had chickenpox but they will not get shingles, they will get chickenpox. If you have already had chickenpox, you cannot catch shingles from another person.

If you treat shingles in the very early stages- within 72 hours of the first sign of the rash - it may respond to antiviral medicines. There are also pain medications that can be prescribed to help with the discomfort.

Troubled with shingles? Stop by Shingles Rash to learn more about shingles symptoms and treatment at

Study Stress Causes Of Shingles extra

Shingles Symptoms

Shingles (herpes zoster) can only occur in people that have previously had Chickenpox. Chickenpox is never completed eradicated from the body and lies dormant. It can be reactivated at any time by a number of causes, one of which could be excessive stress. The result is normally a localised rash which could be painful or itchy. Other things that may cause shingles are being run down, old age or weakened immune systems.

Stress can cause shingles because chronic stress will affect the immune system. Normally, during a stressful event the body will change the way the immune system will work. This is done by passing adrenaline and cortisol through the bloodstream. In terms of the immune system this will increase the consistency of the blood to make it thicker or sticky. This is in case of injuries that require clotting to seal the injury. This will increase the amount of plasma in the blood. Should the body become injured it will have to fight off potential bacteria and disease. The immune system responds by producing more white blood cells which fight against foreign bodies that may harm the body.

This is fine for sudden stress but if the stress is prolonged and becomes chronic then the immune system is constantly on high alert. This will mean the blood will be thicker than normal which can have further health complications. There will be too many white blood cells in the bloodstream than is needed. An over stimulated immune system has two consequences for the body. It works too well and starts to attack parts of the body or bacteria that live in the body that work in synergy with the body to attack disease. Or, it becomes so conditioned to working at a heightened level that it does not respond to mild diseases or ailments that enter the body. This is why people that are under stress often complain about catching colds easily. This generally leads to a feeling of being run-down and tired.

In the case of shingles, it is believed that the immune system is weakened and the body is run-down. This contributes to the reactivating of the chicken pox virus, as the body cannot suppress the virus. This leads to rashes occurring on the body that can be painful or itchy. The rashes can last for days weeks or months. In some cases they can last for years. For temporary relief you can apply a soothing agent like aloe vera, for example. If the rash persists it is advisable to consult your doctor.

Stress can cause outbreaks of shingles and many other illnesses. To find out how stress affects health and how to develop a stress management program visit Adrian Whittle writes on many stress related issues including common symptoms of stress and ways to relieve stress.

Stress Causes Of Shingles

Shingles Symptoms

Understand Shingles Pain Treatment additional

If perhaps you're currently suffering from Shingles and searching for the most effective Shingles pain treatment, you're in the correct place. It's really important to start treating Shingles as soon as you possibly can, as it can certainly lessen the severity of the condition as well as the length.

In the following paragraphs, I am going to reveal to you several easy Shingles pain treatment which you can use immediately.

1) Ice Pack Or Wet Cloth

Numerous Shingles affected individuals have reported using an ice pack or a wet cloth can in the short term be utilized for a Shingles pain treatment. You want to make sure that the skin and also infected area is thoroughly clean just before utilizing an ice pack or wet cloth, since you don't want to have an infection. However the ice pack may help relieve any pain or even discomfort by numbing the actual infected nerve area.

2) Calamine Lotion

You may apply calamine lotion around the infected region as a Shingles pain treatment, which will help ease virtually any pain, burning or even itching.

3) Eat 2 Pears A Day

Pears are full of caffeic acid, that is commonly used as a natural antiviral treatment and can assist being a Shingles pain treatment. You either can eat the pears whole or even juice them or even consume an all natural pear juice for great results. But, be sure you're eating pears throughout the day!

4) Lysine

Take in a minimum of two 500 milligram tablets of Lysine several times daily. Lysine is an anti-viral amino acid that can be present in green spinach, lentils, peas, carob as well as soybeans. Lysine may be effective in getting rid of any kind of signs and symptoms and as a fast Shingles pain treatment.

Not to mention there is Ibuprofen, Tylenol or even Aspirin which will help reduce any pain you may be going through. There are also additional prescription medications you are able to take that your doctor can present you with, nevertheless, much research has shown that those medications can be harmful to your body and could not be worth putting yourself at that level of risk. Presently there are many natural, safe and effective treatments for Shingles.

Shingles Symptoms
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Shingles Pain Treatment

Examine What You Should Know About Herpes Zoster far more

What You Should Know About Herpes Zoster

Shingles Symptoms

Herpes Zoster, also known as shingles, is caused by a virus which makes the nerve root become inflamed. Occasionally it is a secondary result of certain diseases of the central nervous system in which the nerve roots are involved. Tumors, syphilis, and other disorders are among the primary but infrequent causes.

There is also a relation between the virus of chickenpox and shingles, and cases of chickenpox have been noted after someone has had contact with patient with shingles, and vice versa.

The red areas and water blisters that break out are similar to cold sores except that they appear along the entire course of the nerve affected. Every few days new crops appear. The disease is usually over in 4 to 6 weeks and, as a rule, involves only one side of the body. When the blisters dry, they form shingle-like scabs which occasionally leave scars when they heal.

Symptoms of herpes zoster. There can be skin sensitivity and aching pain along the course of the nerve a few days before the redness appears. Sometimes there are fever, chills, and weakness, but this disappear when the rash breaks out. With the outbreak of blisters, there is uncomfortable, burning pain. Even after the blisters are gone and the area is dry, the neuralgic nerve pain may persist for some time.

If the eye nerve is involved, a severe form of herpes zoster can develop, which such results as eye pain, tearing, sensitivity to light, and even the formation of ulcers in the cornea.

Complications. The only complication occurs when the eye is involved. Without treatment and careful management, corneal ulceration and blindness may result.

Prevention. There is no known method of preventing herpes zoster. The illness is mild in most cases, and presents few problems. The doctor will examine the patient to see if there are any undetected primary causes such as tumors or syphilis. And he will help the patient guard against secondary infections by careful local care and good skin hygiene. Such drugs as are available for treatment are used to try to limit the spread of the infection and to make the patient as comfortable as possible.

Rully Nugraha.

Get the excellent way to cure herpes zoster and heal genital warts [] at []

Go through What Is Chickenpox? far more

Chickenpox is an infectious disease caused by the varicella virus. Most cases occur in children under age 15 but older children and adults can get it. It spreads very easily from one child to another.

Symptoms include an uncomfortable, itchy rash, fever and headache. The rash is like blisters and usually appears on the face, scalp or trunk. The disease is usually mild and lasts 5 to 10 days, but it sometimes causes serious problems. Adults and older children tend to get sicker from it. Do not give aspirin to anyone sick with chickenpox since the combination might cause Reye Syndrome.

How do people get chickenpox?

Chickenpox spreads from person to person by direct contact with fluid from broken chickenpox blisters or through the air by coughing or sneezing. Chickenpox is so contagious in its early stages that an exposed person who has not had chickenpox has a 70% to 80% chance of getting the disease.

After infection, the virus stays in the body for life. Although people cannot get chickenpox twice, the same virus causes shingles. A person with shingles can spread the virus to an adult or child who has not had chickenpox, and that person can develop chickenpox.


Symptoms of chickenpox begin between 10 and 21 days after a person is exposed. The illness typically includes fever and a generally sick feeling. This is soon followed by itchy, red bumps that quickly become fluid-filled and are easily recognized as chickenpox. These skin blisters are round, about 5 millimeters to 10 millimeters across (about the size of a pencil eraser), with a red base. Sometimes, they are described as a "dew drop on a rose petal." They appear in various stages over the next few days and eventually crust over. These blisters may appear anywhere there is skin, even inside the mouth, throat or vagina. Some patients have only 50 blisters or fewer. Others have too many to count.

What is the treatment?

For some children, the rash may be no more than a passing inconvenience, but for others, it can be very unpleasant. Treatment is, therefore, aimed at controlling the symptoms.

Asking your child not to scratch their itch will probably fall on deaf ears, however, it is worth trying to distract them as best you can. Cut their fingernails very short and make sure that their hands and fingernails are kept clean.

If the rash or sores are very itchy, bathe the child in a warm (but not too hot) bath with half a cup of baking soda in it. Your pharmacist or doctor will also be able to recommend some anti-itch preparations if your child is very distressed. Calamine lotion can be useful as well.


Chickenpox (varicella) vaccination is not included in the childhood immunization programme in New Zealand as the Ministry of Health does not recommend the routine use of this vaccine for normal, healthy children. However, the vaccine is available and licensed for use in New Zealand, but it is not subsidised, so the patient or parent must pay for it. The vaccine can be given to children over about one year of age and adults. Children aged under 13 years require one dose, whereas anyone over 13 years requires a second booster shot about six weeks later.

Shingles Symptoms

Read about herbal remedies natural remedies [] Also read about fitness training muscle training and benefits of aloe vera juice

What Is Chickenpox?

Shingles Symptoms

Read through Fastest Cure for Shingles far more

Shingles Symptoms

Research has confirmed that treating Shingles effectively can result in the condition being cured in less than one week. Given properly followed medication and diet, a cure for Shingles can really be that fast. Medical doctors advise taking anesthetics and over the counter medications in treating the virus. Breakout lesions are usually visible days after Shingles symptoms appear.

While medications are useful in healing a breakout, medications and prescriptions are not the only effective cure for Shingles. It is a known fact that Shingles is contagious, caused by the same virus causing the Chicken Pox. This potent virus is known for its ability to resurface even after recovery, which is why it is important to apply a cure for Shingles that is not only effective, but should also be able to reduce the risk of recurrence.

Treating Shingles can be a long journey because of its high recurrence possibility, especially as a prescription based treatment, as it takes a longer time for Shingles to heal. There is however, a natural cure for Shingles that can treat the virus for shorter days and reduce the risk of recurrence. But before you apply a treatment for Shingles, you must know the symptoms and how to deal with it. Remember, the early stages of the condition are the easiest to cure since the virus has not infected larger areas of the body, which makes a treatment application much easier.

When your family has a history of Shingles, or you have close relatives infected by the disease, be aware of the following symptoms: headaches, moderate fever, strong nerve pain, chills, skin sensitivity, itchiness, rash and blisters, exhaustion/fatigue and sensitivity to light. These symptoms can also be a sign of other diseases, so make sure to consult your doctor for confirmation.

While most people depend on a prescription to treat the disease, a natural cure for Shingles is the best alternative if you want faster relief and recovery. Some of the natural options as a cure for Shingles include calamine lotion to reduce the burning pain or itchiness from the breakout. The red-lesions, which look like rashes, are effectively dried up by calamine lotion. This process reduces skin inflammation since the urge to scratch the breakout lesions are reduced.

Another cure for Shingles is the oatmeal paste. The simple process of mixing water with oatmeal and applying it to the affected areas does wonders in addressing the painful and itchy symptoms of Shingles. By using oatmeal paste, chances of further skin infection are greatly reduced. While undergoing a steady treatment to cure Shingles, it is important for every patient to have a healthy balanced diet to boost their immune system and reduce the possibility of recurrence in the future.

To find out the top cure for Shingles, check out this website on how to cure Shingles within days!

Fastest Cure for Shingles

Shingles Symptoms

Study What is Shingles Rash? Understanding Herpes Zoster Virus additional

What is Shingles Rash? Understanding Herpes Zoster Virus

Shingles Symptoms

What are the symptoms, and it's underlying causes? Can it be prevented, and if not, how can it be treated? These can be important questions to have answers to, especially if you are at risk for the infection.

Shingles is a skin rash caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox, the Varicella Zoster Virus. If a person is exposed when young to the virus, they develop the common chicken pox rash. After a few weeks the skin rash clears but the virus never completely leaves the body, remaining in the nervous system. Later, the virus can become active again, causing the shingles rash.

Symptoms of shingles rash are different from chicken pox. Shingles typically affects only one side or area of the body, and symptoms can include fever, pain, nausea, and dizziness in addition to the stages of rash on the skin. The skin rash is of course the most evident symptom, but only occurs for a couple of weeks during the usual five week course of the infection's outbreak.

During the course of the infection a person with shingles is contagious and can spread the infection to others. If you have had chicken pox, you can develop the shingles rash later when your immune system becomes weakened by other illness, injury, or extreme stress. If you have not had chicken pox, being exposed to a person with shingles can cause you to develop it, even in adulthood. The infection is most easily spread by contact with the fluid in the blisters of the rash, so keeping the area clean, covered and away from surfaces or objects others might touch is an important way to keep from spreading the virus to others. It's important to be aware that young children can catch chicken pox if exposed to someone with herpes zoster virus due to shingles.

Stop by to read about ways to reduce rash symptoms, Shingles Vaccine and Common Viral Rashes.

Examine What is Shingles (Herpes Zoster) - Is it Contagious? far more


Shingles (Herpes zoster) is a viral infection that develops in people who have had chickenpox in the past. It can come about when you have been subjected to prolonged emotional distress, an immune system disorder such as HIV/AIDS, or taking chemotherapy treatments. Anti rejection drugs can also cause a shingles outbreak, because these drugs must suppress the immune system to avoid rejecting a transplanted organ.

Shingles may start out as a low-grade fever or flu-like symptoms. The fever can be followed by pain or itchy areas on the skin, then a red rash appears within five days. The rash turns into painful blisters that begin to leak a clear fluid that crust over then heals.

Is Shingles Contagious?

Shingles is not contagious, but the virus that causes it is. The zoster virus spreads by coming in contact with a person with an active zoster infection. You won't get shingles, but you may get chickenpox if you've never had it before. Varicella and herpes zoster are caused by the same virus, varicella zoster. Anyone who has a prior history of chickenpox before can get shingles, but is mostly seen in people who are 60 years old or older.

A main reason the virus kicks back up again is due to emotional stress, which when prolonged will have an affect on the immune system, thus reactivating a virus that has been dormant in the body for years, resulting in a shingles infection.

Who is at risk?

A woman who is pregnant should avoid at all costs anyone showing to have an active shingles infection. If she has no history of chickenpox, the virus being shed can be passed to her, and ultimately her unborn baby. Should the expectant mother be exposed to the shingles virus, she could develop chickenpox herself, and her baby could be born already having chickenpox.

People who are in good health and have immunity to varicella are not in danger of the zoster virus. You are immune if you've been vaccinated against chickenpox or already had a chickenpox infection before. An active shingles infection is contagious to those with no prior history of varicella.


To prevent infection, it is advised to get vaccinated. Presently, Zostavax has been approved for our senior population. Zostavax is a one-time chickenpox booster injection and helps to prevent getting shingles and its complications. It is advised to get the chickenpox vaccination if you have never had one, or if you have never had chickenpox before.

Always contact your health care provider if you are having symptoms of chickenpox or shingles infection. The older you are with either of these conditions, the more painful it is.

Barb Hicks is a licensed registered nurse who is passionate about writing and sharing her knowledge. She has an online classroom at where she shares about What Is Shingles and Shingles Prevention and Precautions.

What is Shingles (Herpes Zoster) - Is it Contagious?

Study Effective Home Remedies for Shingles That Work more

Shingles are caused due to the viral infection of Varicella zoster. This same virus is responsible for the outbreak of chicken pox. Commonly known as Herpes Zoster, the infection appears as rashes and blisters on the skin quite similar to the chicken pox but is not contagious as chicken pox. The symptoms are generally observed in the aged people but the young people too get affected by this disease. The painful blisters appear on the face, head and limbs. Sometimes the eyes are affected too and if prompt treatment is not administered it may result in blindness or facial paralysis.


The symptoms almost resemble the chicken pox which can be listed as

1. Appearance of painful blisters and rashes on the face and limbs.
2. Feeling of intense pain, itchiness, burning sensation and numbness.
3. Pain and tenderness may develop in some parts of the body before the outbreak of rashes.


The virus Varicella zoster is the causative factor of shingles. Other important causes are

1. Weakened body immunity system, especially in the elders.
2. Stress
3. Certain medications
4. Injury

Home Remedies for Shingles

Home remedies are quite effective in reducing the disease within seven days after the blisters get ruptured. The scars also disappear with the prolonged home remedial measures.

1. Application of a paste of 2 powdered aspirin tablets and 2 tablespoons of chloroform on the affected area helps in alleviating the pain.

2. Applying cold compress on the affected areas also provides a soothing effect. A solution of baking soda and water can be very effective as a cold compress.

3. Avoid food rich in amino acids like cereals, grains, nuts, seeds and chocolate.

4. The blisters should not be scratched and should be kept open and dry.

5. Moisten a cotton cloth with a mixture of half cup apple cider vinegar and 2 cups of water. Dab the cotton cloth on the affected areas. It will provide some relief from the painful condition. One can also use Vitamin E oil, cool golden seal, mugwort or peppermint tea to dab on the blisters.

6. Dab the infected blisters with hydrogen peroxide.

7. Application of colloidal powder on the blisters reduces the itching and pain.

8. Apply a mixture of aloe vera gel, raw honey and leek juice on the rashes. This with reduce the pain and help in drying of the scars.

9. A mixture of yoghurt and zinc oxide is applied on the particular nerve few days before to curb the outbreak of the shingles.

10. Eat ample amounts of pear as its juice is rich in antiviral caffeic acid.

Shingles Symptoms

Read more about Home Remedies for Shingles. Also know effective Home Remedies for Sterility.

Effective Home Remedies for Shingles That Work

Read through What Is Shingles And Are There Home Remedies? additional

Shingles is a viral infection that is typically associated with a painful rash that can appear on any part of the body. The virus that causes this condition is called varicella-zoster. An active infection will commonly appear on the trunk and run from the middle of the back to the breastbone or chest. This is often referred to as herpes zoster virus.

This is the same virus that is responsible for chicken pox. Because of this, if you have had chickenpox you have a likelihood of developing herpes zoster. It is speculated that as an individuals ages his or her immunity to this specific virus will abate, which in turn raises the individual's risk for developing shingles. As with chickenpox shingles can be quite contagious and places all those who have not yet had chickenpox at risk. However, once exposed to shingles the individual will develop chickenpox rather than shingles. Newborns, those having a lowered immune system and women who may be pregnant should avoid contact with any individual that is experiencing an active breakout.

There is typically little that can be done for shingles other than to let the virus run its course, but there are some home remedies for Shingles, but you should first consult with your current doctor before you try them . Normally the virus will take several weeks to run the course, so make sure you eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables to help improve your immune system and also make sure you get plenty of rest and take a daily vitamin supplement to insure that in fact you are getting enough daily vitamin intake. Home remedies for shingles include taking pain relieving medication such as acetaminophen, naproxen sodium or ibuprofen. This can help to soothe the pain and to lessen the associated inflammation. Calamine lotion and other anti-itch creams can help to relieve the discomfort of itching. Oral antihistamines can be purchased over the counter, such as Benadryl, which can also have an advantageous effect on itching.

The affected individual can place cool packs around the infection, such as an icepack to relieve any sensations of burning. One half of a cup of apple cider vinegar can be combined with two cups of water and used to treat the area by applying gently with a soft cloth or cotton. Raw honey, aloe vera gel and leek juice can be combined together and applied to the rash to avoid excessive dryness. It is important to never apply ointment to a shingles rash by rubbing. Instead, any application should be dabbed onto the area. The affected individual will also benefit by getting plenty of rest as this will help to keep the mind from focusing on the many discomforts that are associated with shingles and allow the immune system a chance to rebuild itself.

Shingles Symptoms

Are you affected by Shingles, or know someone who is? Then you can get more information about home remedies for Shingles and Shingles Symptoms at

What Is Shingles And Are There Home Remedies?

Shingles Symptoms

Examine Treating Shingles a lot more

Shingles is a viral infection caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. In fact, the infection is similar to chickenpox but it only affects adults, generally older adults. The symptoms of shingles include a rash that generally affects one side of the body. It can appear as a long strip of bumps and rash or it can cover a small area. Either way, it generally affects older adults who, for whatever reason, have a weak immune system. While shingles can reoccur, generally people only suffer from shingles once.

As a child, you may have suffered from chickenpox. If you did, then you still have the virus in your system. It simply became dormant, but it still exists in your nerve roots. For some, the virus will stay dormant for the rest of their lives. For others, however, the virus will reactivate and cause shingles.

What are the symptoms of shingles? First, you'll have a headache. You may experience flu like symptoms, too, but you won't have a fever. Then you'll start to see a rash that is both painful and itches. Then the rash will turn into blisters that may leak fluid and then crust over. In about four weeks, these blisters will heal. Note, however, that some people will never experience a rash. Others may have a horrible rash that lasts for several weeks.

There is no shingles cure, but there are some ways of treating shingles. Antiviral medication, including steroids, can help you get over the illness. Antidepressants, topical creams, and other pain medication can all help you get over shingles more quickly and can reduce the pain. There is also a singles vaccine that can prevent older adults from ever suffering from shingles.


If you want to learn more about the treatment for shingles, or indeed the symptoms of shingles, click on one of the links and visit our site for a more in-depth read.

Treating Shingles


Understand Guide to Treating Shingles on the Face - Medication and Natural Remedies additional

Guide to Treating Shingles on the Face - Medication and Natural Remedies

Shingles Symptoms

Shingles is a painful viral infection that forms sore rash and blisters on the skin. It can also develop on the face, and is a relatively bad experience. One of the worse symptoms of shingles is that the pain can last for possibly years even when the rashes have fully disappeared. This painful experience is known as 'postherpetic neuralgia.' The good news is that timely treatment can effectively heal shingles and return your skin to normal. If you are diligent and follow up on your treatment, you should be able to recover fully from shingles.

Usually, shingles are not that severe, and the mild symptoms can be treated without the help of a doctor. However, having shingles on your face is especially dangerous. If you have rashes around eyes that are sore, you must run to your doctor at the earliest, as it can lead to permanent eye damage. An early treatment is particularly crucial for people with weak immune systems. The risk of other bacterial infections of the skin increases when you have shingles. There is also a risk of damage to the eyes and ears, and a facial paralysis. Therefore, you must seek proper consultation from your doctor and follow the treatment closely to avoid any complications. You must not take any chances if you shingles on the face.

Depending on the seriousness of your infection, your doctor will be able to advise suitable treatment. Anti-virals are usual given, alongside anti-inflammatory medication. More powerful drugs may be necessary if the pain persists. Topical lotions and antibiotic ointments are necessary to keep the blisters dry and ensure quick healing. Injections of vitamin B12 provide pain relief.

Besides these, there are some easy, self-help, natural remedies that can be followed at home in order to relieve pain and itching of rashes on the face. Firstly, you don't want the infection to spread or make way for any bacterial attacks, so keep your rashes clean and dry. Apply ice packs and cool towels to your face regularly. Apply fresh pulp of aloe vera along with some cayenne pepper in it. Coconut oil, olive oil or eucylyptus oil are other good options. You can gently massage the skin of your face with these natural oils.

If the blisters are really sore, opt for cotton balls dipped in coconut oil and aloe vera and rub it all over the affected area. Use peppermint oil or lemon oil as they relieve pain and work against viruses at the same time. This has several advantages: it relieves pain, keeps the skin dry by absorbing moisture, and helps the blisters to heal quickly.

Maintaining a good diet is another important aspect of good shingles treatment. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables for at least 1 to 2 weeks. Include oatmeal in your regular diet. Eliminate sugar, caffeine and meat from your diet. Alkaline water speeds your recovery. Green tea has great anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties and will increase overall health as well.

Thus, you can successfully treat shingles on your face with the help of your doctor and these natural methods. Good medication, along side effective, organic oils and healthy diet tips is the best treatment remedy for shingles.

Shingles is an agonizing viral infection that gives you sore rashes and blisters on your skin. You can learn more about this skin condition, including shingles symptoms and causes of shingles on