Examine What You Should Know About Herpes Zoster far more

What You Should Know About Herpes Zoster

Shingles Symptoms

Herpes Zoster, also known as shingles, is caused by a virus which makes the nerve root become inflamed. Occasionally it is a secondary result of certain diseases of the central nervous system in which the nerve roots are involved. Tumors, syphilis, and other disorders are among the primary but infrequent causes.

There is also a relation between the virus of chickenpox and shingles, and cases of chickenpox have been noted after someone has had contact with patient with shingles, and vice versa.

The red areas and water blisters that break out are similar to cold sores except that they appear along the entire course of the nerve affected. Every few days new crops appear. The disease is usually over in 4 to 6 weeks and, as a rule, involves only one side of the body. When the blisters dry, they form shingle-like scabs which occasionally leave scars when they heal.

Symptoms of herpes zoster. There can be skin sensitivity and aching pain along the course of the nerve a few days before the redness appears. Sometimes there are fever, chills, and weakness, but this disappear when the rash breaks out. With the outbreak of blisters, there is uncomfortable, burning pain. Even after the blisters are gone and the area is dry, the neuralgic nerve pain may persist for some time.

If the eye nerve is involved, a severe form of herpes zoster can develop, which such results as eye pain, tearing, sensitivity to light, and even the formation of ulcers in the cornea.

Complications. The only complication occurs when the eye is involved. Without treatment and careful management, corneal ulceration and blindness may result.

Prevention. There is no known method of preventing herpes zoster. The illness is mild in most cases, and presents few problems. The doctor will examine the patient to see if there are any undetected primary causes such as tumors or syphilis. And he will help the patient guard against secondary infections by careful local care and good skin hygiene. Such drugs as are available for treatment are used to try to limit the spread of the infection and to make the patient as comfortable as possible.

Rully Nugraha.

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