Study Viral Skin Rashes - Understanding Molluscum and Herpes extra

Viral infections are due to the entry of a virus in the skin. Examples of viral rashes are herpes, shingles and chicken pox. When someone has a skin problem due to a virus this may also present other related symptoms such as stomach upsets, respiratory problems and a fever.

A skin rash may an outbreak of red bumps or patches on the skin. Symptoms can include, itching, a burning sensation or sometimes a very rough surface as in some forms of eczema. There are several cause of skin rashes. Some are due to an allergy or irritant on skin. This is referred to as contact dermatitis or atopic dermatitis. Other causes are fungal, bacterial and viral infections. A bacterial skin infection can be impetigo or strep rash.

Some viral skin infections such as herpes or shingles can attack just one part of the body but other viral rashes can be more generalized across the body.  Patients with these rashes may show additional problems such as coughing, nausea or sneezing. Itching is usually the main problem and reason for discomfort. With shingles or other herpes viruses such as fever blisters, there can be pain in the area and sensitivity on the nerves.

Another viral skin infection is Molluscum Contagiosum, also known as mc. Molluscum can be spread through direct contact with an infected person through touch and sharing clothing or towels. Though the incubation period is 6 weeks but symptoms may take as long as 6 months to appear.

Like the other viral skin rashes, molluscum can also disappear without any medication. It is advisable to clean the affected area with alcohol swab. Some physicians will cut through the lesion and remove contents. For those with the herpes virus, the virus remains in the body but there are anti-viral medications to suppress the eruptions. Cold sores on the lip can be spread through kissing and sharing personal hygiene items. It goes through the stages of an initial tingle, red bump and finally reaches the scab stage.

Shingles Symptoms
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Viral Skin Rashes - Understanding Molluscum and Herpes

Examine Roof Wind Damage - What to Do About Missing Shingles more

This pertains to any sort of roof fix that needs replacement of any small section of roofing that is losing shingles. There are usually several explanations that wind gusts might blow off tiles from a home. 1 might be faulty installing, usually owing to incorrect position of the nails securing the shingles. Missing shingles can easily even end up owing to the seal breakdown with that shingle. Or simply it can maybe end up being due to winds going above the particular roofing material manufacturer ranking of the shingle.

Whenever we all find a roofing that has a few shingles missing and we have not really got destructive wind gusts greater than sixty miles per hour, we simply just replace the particular missing and affected tiles.

We very carefully clear away the damaged tiles which remain. We subsequently re-install fresh shingles matching the particular color and also pattern as closely as available and correctly securing them in accordance manufacturers requirements.

Afterward we smear shingle sealant in the courses of shingle to be able to make certain that the existing tiles bond with the newer shingles. We in addition make use of sealer to shingles near the damaged roofing shingles. We thoroughly clean up up any specific repair associated rubble the instant we the service is accomplished.

One warning regarding roofs which have endured this form of harm is that several other shingles may possibly blow away in other locations in the future. Truth be told there is certainly virtually no accurate method in order to foresee or even avoid this and it may not necessarily even occur. It may perhaps be complicated to match the existing shingles to the newer ones mainly because of age together with fading. In cases where you actually currently have shingles kept over from whenever the roofing was redone that may help.

Our opinion is that if you get had a couple cases associated with shingle blow off you will want to consider getting an estimate for a new roof the roof. It is important to take note that if anyone have been the victim of a a storm in excess of 60 miles per hour., your entire roof should really be inspected carefully for storm damage. It may also require replacement and would likely possibly be protected as a claim on your property owners insurance.

You might plan to keep in mind to check at each and every part of your roof once in a while because blown off roofing material might not really bring about a roof drip right off, but may as the roof decking deteriorates.

In the event that you notice a number of missing shingles on your neighbors property you may really want to bring up this to them since some portions of their roof might often be a bit more noticeable by your current orientation than theirs. We could replace any missing roofing shingles you might have got. We also keep in inventory out of stock designs and shades just for roof repairs.

A Columbus, Ohio roofing contractor that performs both roof replacement and repair. Roof Wind Damage.

Roof Wind Damage - What to Do About Missing Shingles


Go through Treatment For Shingles: Here Are Your Available Options far more

Treatments for shingles are similar to those for chicken pox. There are no specific treatment for shingles, it is more a case of controlling the itch.

If the individual has previously suffered with chicken pox, they can later develop shingles. This virus (varicella zoster virus) can stay dormant in the nerves of the spine. This virus will not necessarily infect someone else even if they have had chicken pox previously. This virus will only reactivate in specific circumstances, such as being unwell, or having a raised temperature.

The symptoms of shingles are the same as the chicken pox virus. These symptoms can be;

Temperature of 38C or higher,
Pains in the muscles,
Possible pins and needles sensation in the areas affected,
Feeling generally unwell.

If you are suffering from the shingles virus, you can take precautionary measure to prevent the passing of chicken pox to those who have not previously it. These precautionary measures are only basic but they have the potential to succeed in isolating the outbreak.

Avoid social interaction,
Do not share any kind of wash cloth or towel,
Avoid swimming especially in a public pool,
Avoid sports where physical contact is necessary.

If a person who has shingles shares a bed with someone who has never had chicken pox, it is likely that the other person will develop chicken pox. It is advised that you keep interaction at a minimum, even sexual contact.

The spots of shingles are like blisters, when they are moist your shingles virus is highly contagious although direct physical contact would be necessary. When the blisters are dry and scabby they are no longer contagious and it is safe for social interaction and physical contact is alright.

It is common to feel slight pain in some areas of the body, this will usually happen up to 5 days prior to breaking out in spots. If you already have the shingles spots or blister in one area getting pain in another area pin points the next affected area where spots will appear.

Treatment for shingles;

As with chicken pox shingles are also itchy so a simple application of a lotion such as calamine lotion may reduce the need to itch. Continuous itching of these blisters may result in an infection. If this happens seek advice from your doctor as you may need a steroid based cream.

Pain relief, shingles can cause discomfort, paracetamol may ease the pain, however pain can continue after the virus has gone.

Shingles are usually relatively mild, If you do have shingles you should start to recover as soon as the blisters are no longer moist. Pain can continue to occur for weeks or even months after the shingles virus has gone.

If you are worried about the persistent pain that shingles can cause. Seek advice from your doctor, even though this is known to be harmless, your doctor may provide you with temporary pain relief.

Treatment for shingles is very basic, resist the itch, pain relief if necessary, apply a soothing lotion, other than this all you need to do is recover, this will start to happen a week or so after the spots first appeared.

Shingles Symptoms

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Treatment For Shingles: Here Are Your Available Options

Shingles Symptoms

Go through Shingles Treatment and Diagnosis far more

Shingles Treatment and Diagnosis


Shingles is a very popular keyword because according to estimates as many as 20% of the population in the US suffers from the disease. And the fact that more of those who are on the wrong side of 50 are affected makes it a condition that needs to be treated fast, because as a person ages, the natural immunity of the body also goes down. Therefore shingles treatment is a priority though the disease normally does not cause too much of a medical hassle. However there are exceptions, particularly in all those cases where it becomes a bit more complicated and the person suffers from postherpetic neuralgia.

There is a lot in common between shingles and chicken pox and thus, the treatments also tend to be the same. And why not, after all both the diseases are caused by the same virus - the herpes zoster virus causes chicken pox when one is young, and comes back as shingles in the advanced years.

Approach To The Treatment Of Shingles

One very methodical and scientific approach to shingles treatment that has developed over the last few years starts with identifying the causes that invite an attack of the virus. But before going deeper, it needs to be mentioned here that only a person who has suffered from chicken pox can be infected with shingles. In other words, only that person who has the chicken pox virus (a virus can never be removed from the body) within the body can get the shingles disease when the virus reactivates due to some catalyst.

The approach is to identify these catalysts and stop them from bringing the virus back. It is assumed that the person can get a shingles attack if he is living a very stressful life, drinking too much alcohol, does not exercise and even an excess of junk food can be the invitation.

Treatment And Cure

This is the sad part about the disease. Just like chicken pox where there is no cure (but the symptoms can be removed though), in shingles too the case is much the same. With adequate treatment it can take a lesser time for the symptoms of the illness to be removed. Also the spread of the symptoms can be vastly controlled. And the complications can as well be avoided. Thus, though there is no permanent cure as the virus will remain within the body, but shingles treatment is still necessary.

Eastern And Western Treatment For Shingles

Shingles treatment tends to be different in the east and the west. While in the west they go for antiviral drugs, in the east the application of natural solutions are more such as the use of a Capsaicin based cream and red pepper solutions. There are a number of Chinese remedies that involve the use of costus root, ginseng, acomite, ginger and others.

In the west too they are now agreeing that these natural remedies might be more effective in the treatment of shingles.

Jen Carter is team member and writes regularily about shingles treatment, shingles articles and other common conditions for

Understand Shingles - Facts & Information additional

You may have heard of shingles many times before but didn't know what kind of disease it actually is. Shingles, less commonly known as herpes zoster, or zona, is a viral illness distinguished by a painful, unpleasant skin rash accompanied with blisters in a certain region on one side of the body. Shingles generally appear in characteristic long straight regions or stripes. The starting infection of Varicella zoster virus (VZV) the acute disease, which has a short and fast onset but severe course, is chickenpox, which primarily occurs in children, adolescents and, less commonly, in young adults.

Once the development of chickenpox has concluded, the virus is not eradicated out of the body and can go into a dormant or inactive stage, eventually causing the development of shingles - a viral illness with signs and symptoms that differ from what can be observed from the initial Varicella zoster infection. Shingles usually shows up many years after the first infection.

Varicella zoster virus, as earlier mentioned, can become latent or inactive in the nerve cell bodies after the initial chickenpox infection; and less periodically in the dorsal nerve root, cranial nerves and the autonomic ganglion, without showing any signs or symptoms. Many years after getting infected by chickenpox, the virus may come out from the nerve cell bodies and travel down to the nerve axons that will result in the viral infection, shingles, of the skin in the area of the infected nerve.

The rash of the infection then becomes painful because a dermatome becomes affected, which is a region of skin catered to by a single spinal nerve. Although the rash usually subsides within a matter of two to four weeks, some people may suffer from residual nerve pain for a couple of months or even years, a circumstance known as post-herpetic neuralgia. As for the explanation of how the virus ends up in the nerves and becomes latent, no clear and definite answer can be provided as of now.

Around the world, the incidence rate (a measure of the risk of developing a new disease within a certain time period) for healthy individuals every single year for herpes zoster goes between 1.2 to 3.4 cases for every 1,000 individuals. The incidence rate goes higher for individuals older than 65 years old to 3.9 to 11.8 cases for every 1,000 individuals, every year. Until now, there are no drugs that can cure viral infections such as that of shingles but antiviral drugs can decrease the severity and duration of shingles provided that the prescribed period of treatment of these drugs is followed and started, at the most, 72 hours from the appearance of discernable rashes.

Shingles Symptoms

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Shingles - Facts & Information