Read Signs That You Need To Replace Your Roof extra

Shingles Symptoms

Asphalt shingles are made to last a specific amount of time. You can find them rated as 10 years, 20 years or 30 years. This is the amount of time the manufacturer states the shingles should last. There are shingles rated to last less than this; they are cheap and commonly used. Different things can affect and severely shorten the life of asphalt shingles. They include:

• High UV exposure. This is especially true in states such as Texas.

• High heat buildup inside the attic.

• Hail, storms and high winds.

• Popped nails.

• Inadequate flashing allowing water to seep past and into the attic.

Inspect your attic after a hailstorm. If all you see is tar paper, torn shingles or the gravel from the roof is gone, you will need a new roof installed as quickly as possible.

If you inspect your roof by walking on it and find spots that "give" or feel springy, the decking needs to be replaced. If your roof is within a few years of its useful life, you should consider replacing the entire roof. All of the damaged decking must be replaced in order for your roof to be safe.

Over time, the decking will delaminate. This means the glue holding the plywood layers together is giving out. You can see valleys or grooves forming on your roof when you look at it from the ground. When you replace the shingles on this roof, the decking must be replaced as well.

Obviously, if the roof leaks when it rains, you have a major problem with the roof. The water must seep past the shingles first, find a path through a hole in the tarpaper, and seep through the decking and into the attic. The water will soak the insulation and drywall before leaking into the house.

If you look at your roof and see shingles that appear to have popped up, this is a sign that the roof needs repair. You can reset the nails into the shingle and use roofing cement to glue the shingle down, but this is a temporary measure. It is a sign that excess heat is damaging the roofing materials from underneath. Adequate ventilation will solve this problem; it can be installed with a new roof.

Excess heat inside the attic can also cause the house's paint to peel and blister. Instead of continually touching up the paint, add ventilation to the attic. Excess attic heat can also affect the insulation on the HVAC's ducting system. It can cause the tape holding the insulation in place to fail; thereby causing condensation in the attic. Adding proper attic ventilation will also help reduce utility costs because the HVAC system will not have to work as hard to keep the house cool.

Dark lines with mold or fungal growth are signs that water is pooling in areas of the roof. This means the shingles may be broken, torn or worn away. Eventually, water will find its way into the attic and cause more problems.

Regular inspections and maintenance of your roof will help extend the useful life of the shingles and to help keep your home cooler and healthier.

Titans RoofWorks Inc Mississauga, ON (905) 693-1919 is a premier Mississauga roofing contractor. If you are in need of your roof repaired be sure to call Titans RoofWorks today. []

Signs That You Need To Replace Your Roof

Shingles Symptoms