Go through Shingles Disease - Is the Vaccine to Prevent the Rash Right For You? much more

Shingles Symptoms

It is hard to ignore the shingles disease due to the fact there is often pain on top of the rash. This is due to the fact that the virus can strike the nervous system. The virus is called varicella zoster virus and it remains in the body after chickenpox able to re-activate years later. Though in the past this was recommended, in 2008 the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices now suggests the shingles vaccine for people over sixty.

It is important however to realize it may not be appropriate for everyone since live cultures of the virus are administered in the shot. Depending on your immune system condition and history, it may not be ideal for you. Your doctor will need to review your medications, health history and current medical condition. The vaccination is said by experts to have a fifty percent chance of prevention of a shingles outbreak.

Shingles is often a blister rash that has fluid. It can be both itchy and painful. Herpes zoster may be only on one side of the body, but this is not categorically the case. Herpes zoster is not the same as herpes simplex virus one which causes the cold sore one often sees on someone's lip. Other shingle symptoms can include chills and flu-like symptoms.

As the shingles rash heals, it will form a crust. However, before this happens, the blisters can be contagious to others. You won't be spreading shingles itself, but you can pass chickenpox on to a child or infant. Because many people think of shingles as a disease that strikes those over fifty, there is often a lack of knowledge that it can be communicated to a child.

Check with your doctor if you are a candidate for the vaccine for shingles disease. If you are under sixty, you should still ask your doctor. One reason to have the vaccine is that they say over 65 percent of people can avoid a complication of herpes called post-herpetic neuralgia or chronic neuralgia which is a painful condition in the skin area of the shingles rash after it has faded.

Stop by to see a shingles video and read about the Shingles Disease Vaccine. Get more facts on shingles symptoms and prevention at http://www.itchyskinrash.net/shingles-disease.html.

Shingles Disease - Is the Vaccine to Prevent the Rash Right For You?

Shingles Symptoms

Read Shingles Symptom and Effects in the Eye additional

Shingles Symptom and Effects in the Eye


Shingles, also called herpes zoster, it is a contagious disease. It is common that shingles occur on the trunk, but it is rare that it is in the eye. Many people even do not know that it is possible to get shingles in the eyes. Once you are unlucky to get it, it is suggested you should take some proper treatment, as it is dangerous, different from the shingles on the trunk.

The symptom occurs when the nerves in the eye is infected by the varicella zoster virus, which is the same virus that is responsible for chicken pox. Actually, people who have had chicken pox before, are more prone to getting shingles.

The main symptom in and around the eye is characterised by rash. At the beginning, the rash is is red in color, and could develop into blisters after a few days. The rash is similar to the blisters that of chicken pox, but, the pain is very severe compared to chicken pox which usually comes on around 2 weeks before the rash appears. In addition, the skin around the eye will tend to become tender to touch and there is burning hurt too. The rash will keep developing for two weeks, after that the blisters will subside and start drying up.

During this period, the patient will have heavy pain and itching in the eye, together with low grade fever and fatigue. For some serious case, some people will have problems with the vision.

For all patients, shingles in the eye should not be neglected. It may cause conjunctivitis- inflammation of conjunctiva, which is disease characterized by redness and often accompanied by a discharge. It also can lead to Scleritis, Episcleritis, Pseudodendrites, iritis, sterile ulcers, cloudy Immune Reaction, glaucoma, and PHN (shingles after pain) which can last for months and years.

Is shingles contagious? yes, the virus can pass to others by some way.

Read through Homeopathic Shingles Remedies much more

Homeopathic Shingles Remedies



There are certain homeopathic Shingles remedies that can help you get rid of the overall pain caused by this skin disease. Shingles is known as an extremely stressful condition that causes an outbreak of blisters in a specific region of the body. It is known to be very painful and quite severe. The majority of people that experience it are older, such as seniors. This is mainly due to having a weakened or compromised immune system.

In severe cases of Shingles, the rash may appear on the face near the eyes or ears, which can be very dangerous. Otherwise, the most common place for the blisters to appear is on the back or stomach, which is also very painful and severe.

While drugs and medications are commonly prescribed by doctors, there are other well-known solutions available. Homeopathic Shingles remedies have been used for years and have been very effective in treating the condition. A couple of the homeopathic Shingles remedies are known as Rhus Toxicodendron, which uses warmth to ease the painful blisters as well as itching. If you notice that the pain is eased by cooling it, then another remedy known as Mezereum may be used. Mezereum helps especially with the more severe pain. It also helps prevent brown scabs once healed in the place of the burning or itchy blisters, as well as shooting pains along the nerves after the rash is gone.

If your rash appears along the left side of your body, then one of the best homeopathic Shingles remedies is Lachesis. Lachesis is known to help any swelling that may occur. This is especially helpful if you feel relief when the area is cooled and further irritation when warmed. Another one called Apis helps cool the rash and helps with stinging pains.

Though all of the homeopathic Shingles remedies listed above are very helpful, the best one that most doctors recommend is Ranunculus Bulbosus. It helps with the itching and nerve pains. It is also great if the rash is on the trunk of the body.

As you can see, there are plenty of great homeopathic Shingles remedies that will help you get rid of the rash and symptoms you may be experiencing. Remember, if you've had Shingles once, it doesn't guarantee that you can't get it again.

It's important to understand that Shingles is mainly due to having a weakened immune system or from experiencing severe stress in your life. Just knowing this, you can take the necessary precautions to ensure that your immune system is strong and that you are stress free in your life.

Want to cure Shingles as fast as possible? Find out how to cure shingles in days by visiting this helpful Shingles cure website!

Go through Medications for Shingles much more


When you have shingles, there are certain types of medications that can be given to you. When combined, you will find that there are many things that can help with this. Let's take a look at the different sort of medications you might be told to take to help you with your condition.

The first type of medication that is often times prescribed would be antiviral medication. Since shingles is caused by a virus, this would take care of that. This is usually only prescribed to those who have just been recently diagnosed with this condition. This would be when they first start noticing the outbreak. They are normally given the first seventy two hours after someone has been diagnosed with this. They are to take this sort of medication then for five to ten days. There are two main types that they might choose to use. One of these is known on the market as Acyclovir. This is to be used forty eight hours after the onset of the rash. The down side to this medication is that you are to take this every four hours. Then there is Valacyclovir. This is almost like Acyclovir. The thing with this is that you don't have to take this as often. This is good to take every eight hours. You are to take this for seven days.

Another sort of medication that you might need to take are pain medications. The one most uncomfortable things about having shingles is that they cause harsh pain. This might only be at the rash sight, but either way, it's not something that is too pleasant to experience. Normally, a doctor will just tell you to take over the counter pain reliever. When you have this, you will find that it can take some of the pain that you are experiencing away. There are still more things they might have you take as well.

There are what is known as topical medications. Some people use calamine lotion. Others use oatmeal. There are also topical things that are prescribed by their doctor. This can help reduce the itching that is associated with the shingles. This can also help you to reduce the pain that they might experiencing. The way this does this is by actually numbing the skin. What is found is that when you have shingles, you will find that the rash disturbs some of the nerves in the body. This will only affect a certain area of the body. So, this will have to take part in reducing the effects that this plays on those nerves.

These are the things that you can use. Most of them as you can see are over the counter which means that these are safe to use without a prescription. They can be bought at many locations too. So, that's the good part. However, if you can catch the rash that accompanies shingles early on, then you will find that more treatment options are available to you when this occurs.

Are you looking for more information regarding Medications for Shingles? Visit http://howtotreatshingles.com/medications-for-shingles/ today!

Medications for Shingles


Understand How to Treat Shingles a lot more

Shingles or herpes zoster is a viral infection that can only develop in persons who have a previous infection of Varicella-zoster virusor chickenpox. The virus lays dormant inside nerve cells in the body and can only be reactivated after many years or decades from the initial infection due to old age or any condition that can compromise the immune system, such as taking immunosuppressive drugs, extreme psychological or emotional stress.

Methods of Prevention

Like most viral infections, there is no type of treatment that can kill off or rid the body of the viral pathogens but shingles and its initial infection of chickenpox is self-limiting and, therefore, eventually goes away even with no treatment. There are, however, methods of preventing the transmission of the highly contagious virus and available palliative treatments are only used to shorten the course of the disease and to lessen its manifestations.

About the Vaccine

Zostavax is a brand of live but weakened vaccine given for the prevention of the initial chickenpox or infection from Varicella zoster virus (VZV). A study with 38,000 participating older adults, in the year 2005, found that the vaccine can prevent, more or less, 50% of the cases of herpes zoster and significantly decreased the cases of post-herpetic neuralgia (nerve pain after the acute infection of herpes) by approximately 67%.

The Vaccine in the USA

In a 2007 study, it was found that administration of the vaccine is very likely to be cost-efficient in the United States, saving between the ranges of $82 to $103 million in healthcare expenses with cost-efficiency along the $16,229 to $27,609 range for every quality-adjusted life year (QALY) acquired. By October of 2007 the vaccine was formally approved in the United States for age 60 years and up, in healthy adults. Since October 2008, a quality control study has been commenced to examine and determine the efficiency of the vaccine in the 50 to 59 year old age range.

Adults also took booster doses of the vaccine in the event that they became exposed to children who have chickenpox and this in turn, prevents around 25% of developing cases of herpes zoster incidents among the non-vaccinated adults. This routine of giving booster doses, however, is becoming less common as more children in the United States are commonly being given vaccine for Varicella zoster virus.

The Vaccine in the UK

In the United Kingdom and some countries in Europe, widespread, population-based immunization against the virus is not practiced routinely. The reason for this is that, prior to the vaccination of the entire population, adults who previously had a chickenpox infection can benefit from occasional exposure of Varicella zoster virus coming from children, which serve as their booster doses and, therefore, provides a stronger immune system, diminishing the risk of developing shingles later on as they grow older.

The vaccine is approved and can be administered, according to the UK Health Protection Agency, but there are no plans of supplementing the vaccine to the immunization routine of children. The vaccine may be given to healthcare professionals who had no prior infection to Varicella zoster virus.

Pharmacologic Treatment Modalities

During bouts or episodes of shingles, there are treatments or pharmacologic therapies that can provide relief of symptoms experienced by the sufferer. The goal of palliative treatment, aside from the relief experienced, is to shorten the course of the shingles episode, and reduce the severity or development of complications. Palliative treatment is also necessary to manage post-herpetic neuralgia.

Pain Relief

Patients experiencing mild to moderate pain can be treated by giving over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers or analgesics. Certain lotions that contain calamine can be applied topically on the rashes or blisters and may provide relief from the itching sensation. On occasions, severe pain can be treated by administration of opioid drugs, such as morphine. Capsaicin cream (Zostrix) may be given when the lesions crusted over to prevent pain that may be caused by post-herpetic neuralgia.

Other Drugs Used

Another type of drugs, used for palliation, are the antiviral drugs that work by stopping the multiplication of Varicella zoster virus, decreasing the severity of its associated symptoms and duration of the episode with few side effects. Antiviral drugs will not, however, prevent post-herpetic neuralgia. An uncommon type of drug, corticosteroids, may also be administered orally as well.

Corticosteroids are usually given to treat infection and acts to provide relief by reducing swelling of the rashes and the inflammation overall, but much has to be learned if corticosteroids, such as prednisone, can indeed provide benefit to patients having shingles. There are serious risks associated with corticosteroid treatment and is, therefore, given only to individuals age 50 and above to decrease their risk of having post-herpetic neuralgia.

Shingles Symptoms
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How to Treat Shingles

Go through Shingles Pain far more

How would you guess that you have got shingles? Shingles pain is one of the clear indications, but it occurs in stages and in certain patterns. First you need to know that shingles is a manifestation of the same virus that causes chicken pox. It is known as varicella zoster. That's the virus. The disease is called herpes zoster. You probably contracted chicken pox as a child. You may remember the spots, the itching, the feelings of tiredness and illness. Well, the chicken pox didn't just go away when it went away. It went into hiding. That varicella zoster virus retreated to some of your nerve centers near the spine.

So, what is it doing back again? It came back again because, for some reason your immune system took a hit. You may be under terrible stress. You may have HIV. You may be under treatment for cancer. Radiation and chemo can affect your immune system. Perhaps you had an organ transplant, and had to go on immunosuppressant medications. Whatever is going on to knock down your immune system, the varicella zoster broke out of hiding and is on a tear. The virus tracks outward along your nerve axon fibers toward the skin surface. When it gets to the skin, a spotty rash develops in the pattern made by your nerve endings. And those nerve endings catch fire with pain.

When you first start to get shingles, you will likely have something that feels like the flu. This can last for a couple of days or more. Then you may feel some tingling, or itching at the site on the skin where the virus will come out. The skin will be affected on the stomach, sides of the back, arms, legs, face or forehead. After that, get ready for the real shingles pain.

The next stage is the worst. This is when blisters form on the skin. The blisters will be along one side of the body, and will sting, and hurt like hell. The blisters will usually form a pattern like stripes or bands. This is one of the major tip offs that it is herpes zoster. The blisters last for a couple of weeks or more. Blisters begin with clear fluid inside. In a few days, the fluid becomes milky, then after about a week, will crust over. This is the time that you may have the most pain and discomfort. There are some cases, however, where people do not even develop blisters.

For most people, that's it. The pain goes away, and life is good again. For some, however, pain becomes lasting, or chronic. This is called posttherpetic neuralgia. This chronic pain can last a month or more. It can even continue for years. The pain is piercing, and unstopping. A breeze brushing clothing against the skin in this area can cause intense pain. It can become so extreme that all normal life functioning can be affected.

Do you remember when Dave Letterman was missing from his show for over one month? This was in 2003. He had shingles, and it messed him up so bad that he couldn't work. Shingles pain is nothing to make light of. It can be serious, and disrupt your life.

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Shingles Pain

Examine Shingles Cures extra

If you find yourself suffering from shingles, or adult chicken pox, as the disease is often known, you're probably suffering from pain, itching, fever, and other symptoms. This means you're probably searching everywhere for a shingles cure. Well, you're in for some bad news: just like chicken pox, there is no shingles cure.

There are, however, several different treatments and medications you can use to shorten the illness and help relieve the pain, itching, and other symptoms. These include antiviral medications that reduce the duration of the illness, some topical creams to relieve the itching and pain, and some pain medications to reduce the fever.

Your doctor should prescribe some antiviral medication once he or she diagnoses you with shingles. Starting on this medication within the first couple of days of seeing shingles will lower your chances of any complications. It's very important to treat shingles as soon as possible because if you don't, the illness can become more serious. The more serious it gets, the more shingles is resistant to treatments. You should take your antiviral medication in conjunction with over the counter pain relievers, corticosteroids, and topical creams. Using all four medications will greatly help reduce the symptoms of shingles.

These initial forms of treatment should be enough to get rid of the infection. However, if you continue to experience pain for a month or so after the rash has gone, you may have postherpetic neuralgia. It can actually result in pain for years, and it affects between ten and fifteen percent of everyone who has shingles. Again, there is no cure for postherpetic neuralgia, but there are treatments, including antidepressant medication, topical creams, anticonvulsant medication, and pain killers like codeine.

If your shingles complications get even worse, your doctor may have to perform surgery or may prescribe more powerful antibiotics and antiviral medication depending on the symptoms.

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Shingles Cures

Read Shingles Natural Remedies much more

Shingles (herpes zolster) - is a virus which is characterised by a rash which is made up of blisters and which can be very painful. Usually the rash is on one side of the body. Symptoms can last between two and five weeks, but for some people it can last a lot longer.

The initial treatment of shingles is by the use of antiviral drugs which are prescribed by your doctor. Depending on the severity of the shingles depends on how long these drugs are prescribed for. Also because the rash when it blisters can cause agonising pain, prescribed painkillers are also often given.

The following natural remedies can be used to help the rash to heal faster and provide pain relief:

Use Calamine Lotion to sooth the area

Bathe the rash with 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar mixed with a cup of water.

Try cayenne pepper mixed into a mild soothing body lotion, preferably one that is fragrance free or 100% natural to avoid irritation.

Mix uncooked oatmeal with a small amount of water to form a paste and apply this to the affected area(s)

Add 10 ten drops of chamomile, lavender and tea tree oil to your bath and soak for 15-20 minutes. Other essential oils which are useful include bergamot, lemon, eucalyptus and geranium.

Use bio-oil to soothe and hydrate the area.

Natural remedies are often the very best at healing the skin instead of using lots of different medication including prescribed creams. This remedies won't cure shingles (you definitely need to go to your doctor if you suspect you have shingles) but will soothe the rash and provide temporarary pain relief and should help heal the rash quicker than using nothing at all.

I hope you found this article useful, for more on natural remedies please visit: http://stardust9023-naturalremedies.blogspot.com/

Shingles Natural Remedies


Study Did You Know There Is a Shingles Vaccine? extra

Lately, I've had many patients ask me about shingles. How do you get shingles? What are the symptoms? Is there a cure?

As a Dermatologist, I thought I should provide a little information about shingles and let everyone know there is a vaccine available.

What is Shingles?

Shingles, also called Zoster, is caused by the Varisell Zoster Virus. This is the same virus that causes Chickenpox. It is a painful skin rash, often with blisters. The rash usually appears on one side of the body and can last 2 to 4 weeks. Its main symptom is pain, which can be quite severe. Sometimes the pain continues after the rash goes away. This is called post-herpetic neuralgia.

Shingles is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. Once a person has had chickenpox, the virus can live, but remain inactive, in your body. If it becomes active again, usually later in life, it can cause Shingles. There is no way to predict if you'll get shingles. What's more, the inactive virus usually has no signs or symptoms. So, Shingles can appear at any time without warning.

Zostavax is the First and Only Vaccine to Help Prevent Shingles. Zostavax is a vaccine that is used for adults 60 years of age or older to prevent Shingles. It works by helping your immune system protect you from getting Shingles, the associated pain and other serious complications. If you do get shingles, even though you have been vaccinated, Zostavax may help prevent the nerve pain that can follow shingles in some people.

Anyone 60 years of age or older should consider the vaccination.

You should not receive the Shingles Vaccine (Zostavax) if you:

Are allergic to gelatin or neomycin

Have a disease or condition that causes a weakened immune system

Have active TB (tuberculosis) that is not being treated

Are pregnant or may be pregnant

Zostavax is given as a single dose injection usually in the upper arm. Common side effects are:

Redness, pain, tenderness, itching and swelling at the site of injection
Ask us about the Shingles Vaccine During Your Next Exam!!!

I highly recommend that you ask your Dermatologist whether or not this vaccine is right for you.

--Dr. Abrams is a licensed Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine who is A.O.B.D. Board Certified in Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery. He is noted as being one of the top dermatologic surgeons in the Sarasota, Florida community. You can learn more about Dr Abrams by visiting his Sarasota web site at http://www.abramsderm.com

Did You Know There Is a Shingles Vaccine?

Shingles Symptoms

Understand Shingles - Not Just For the Over 60 Crowd much more

Shingles - Not Just For the Over 60 Crowd



In late summer 2009, I was enjoying a lovely Labor Day holiday with three generations of my family, frolicking, relaxing and bonding. As much fun as I was having, something was nagging at me. I felt an overall fatigue, had a daily headache over my right eye and soreness in my eyebrow that felt like the eruption of an ingrown hair. But none of these signs, separate or together, could have prepared me for the monster which was about to unleash. Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus had descended on me and mine.

When I say "me and mine", that's exactly what I mean. This is not just a personal trauma. Shingles ophthalmicus, or any other type, moves in bag and baggage taking over your life like an unwanted relative. It was in fact a full-blown fiftieth birthday present, and one that couldn't be returned. It has also become the unwanted gift that keeps on giving, popping up from time to time in the form of pain, malaise, light sensitivity and itching. All these issues intrude on your daily life and the lives of your family.

Shingles gets its name from the Latin cingulus meaning girdle since many individuals who contract shingles get them on their trunk. Other areas include the legs, arms, neck, face and, for me, the eye. My case was textbook as far as zoster cases go. When I explain this to people, 9 out of 10 will remark that they have never heard of shingles in the eye. In reality, there are over 250,000 cases of zoster ophthalmicus annually in the U.S. which account for 10-20% of all cases.

Shingles is a viral disease exhibiting a blistering skin rash which mainly erupts on one side of the body in a limited area. The virus, varicella zoster, is more commonly known to cause chickenpox. Once chickenpox has run its course, the virus lives on latently in nerve cell bodies with virtually no outward symptoms. At a future point, this "sleeping" virus can escape from the nerve cell body and cause a viral skin infection in the nerve's area. According to the New England Journal of Medicine in an assessment done the week my shingles appeared, approximately 98% of the U.S. population, men and women equally, are infected with the varicella-zoster virus.

My vesicles, or blisters, began to appear in my eye, then around my eye, over my brow, then onto my forehead stopping right at about the Ash Wednesday mark. This tell-tale design denotes the trigeminal cranial nerve involvement which is responsible for facial sensation and also incorporates the ophthalmic nerve which controls sensory skills for the forehead and scalp, the conjunctiva and cornea, the upper lid and the eye-socket and its contents. When all I could think about was pulling out my eyebrows, this virus was gearing up for the big assault. My headaches were also a part of the ophthalmic onslaught, as was the recent hair loss I had been experiencing, according to my dermatologist.

Once the vesicles began to pop and crust over, I figured I could put some ointment on them and carry on with life. Then the pain arrived. No one could have prepared me for the extent of what followed. Post Herpetic Neuralgia happens to about 20% of the 1,000,000 zoster patients per year and I was one of them. There is an approximate six-week period with which I am not familiar. I went from a person who never took medications to never being without them. My face could model for the special effects department of a Steven Spielberg movie. I lost 10 pounds even though I started out at a weight just below 100. Sleeping became my new exercise program and my new best friends were pain pills and the cat, which stood guard over me like I was Tutankhamen. If I had scratched my forehead any harder, I would have reached bone. Even the ghost in our 85-year-old house checked on me. She probably thought she was finally going to get some company.

Then, at a routine progress check, my ophthalmologist gave me the name of a pain management specialist. This man took control of the situation as aggressively as my shingles had taken control of me. We went through pain medication restructuring and began nerve block treatments to stop the pain messages to my brain, allowing my ophthalmic nerve to recover and begin working again. For the first time since I began my antiviral medication, I began to see the light of day. Literally. A side effect of zoster ophthalmicus is light sensitivity. None of the vampire series have anything on me. I couldn't go out after dawn either.

Although there are side affects from my medication, I am now vertical, have sight and am able to generally go about my life. Things that should not be ignored in the case of Zoster Ophthalmicus include unexplained hair loss, headaches, brow pain or a stinging or foreign body sensation in the eye itself. These episodes singularly or together can spell months or even years of pain if not acknowledged in a timely fashion. When shingles are suspected, beginning a course of antiviral medication immediately can mean a better managed patient. With ophthalmicus, it can mean the difference between keeping your vision, or losing it. Even after the worst has passed, daily stress and weakness from the zoster attack can leave one open to further episodes. A maintenance course of antiviral medication may be an option your doctor will suggest.

There is some prevention for this affliction, though limited in its scope. There is a vaccine, Zostavax, which incorporates a weakened chickenpox virus to stimulate the immune system to help fight the virus. The vaccine is only for people over the age of 60 as this demographic has shown to be the group which suffers most from the symptoms of the disease and has the longest recovery periods due to the blisters running deeper into the skin. Zostavax is not prescribed for current shingles sufferers as it only a preventative measure. It does not work on Post Herpetic Neuralgia and may not be appropriate for certain individuals with specific allergies.

In recent surveys and blogs, however, it is evident that a wider range of age groups are becoming personally familiar with this unnerving disease. There are a variety of further breakouts including race, age, even geographic locations which can go on for pages regarding statistics on which group in what location have higher or lower incidences of shingles.

My sabbatical was a five-month period. Before I could return to work, I needed to feel 100% and look 100%. You see, ironically, I am a medical device rep who calls on ophthalmologists. Any MD or OD would be able to take one look at me and see what I had been through, which was not optimal. I had a wonderful village of doctors who put me back together; an optometrist, an internist, an ophthalmologist, a pain management specialist and in the end, a dermatologist and a plastic surgeon. They diagnosed, treated, reviewed their results and got very creative with a 27-gauge needle to make my scarred forehead look more like it had been eaten by a Pekinese rather than a Saint Bernard.

I am actually a very fortunate individual. Shingles came to visit and hasn't completely left; it stops in from time to time to send its regards, however, my friend Valtrex shows it the door. I have my sight, which was closer to being lost than I care to acknowledge. Being slapped flat did give me time for pause. I have a deeper regard for my friends and family who all stepped up in a large way. I don't rush around and worry as much as I used to. I take time out, and literally stop and smell the roses in my yard. I finished a full-length mystery novel, the first in a series, while lying in bed. This was especially difficult at times due to various medications which impaired my vision. And because of the permanent nerve damage at the brain stem, colors seem a bit brighter, smells are stronger (for better or worse) and my thought processes have broadened, also for better or worse.

I wouldn't recommend shingles; that's not the gist of my blessings summary. But when life gives you shingles, you either put up a roof, or lie down and let them crush the life out of you. I would have to say, at this point, I have a beautiful crown over my head.

My name is Jacquie Galvin from Tampa, FL. I am currently a medical device marketer but have a bachelor's degree in journalism from The Ohio State University. I have worked in and out of marketing and editorial services for 20 years and have had articles and short pieces published. I have also been a newsletter editor for the City of Columbus and former editor of the home services division of CompuServe Inc. I have written articles for various small publications for over 20 years.

Go through Post Shingles Neuralgia more


After a shingles outbreak, you may have severe pain in the area of the rash as well as beyond that area. This pain is called post herpetic neuralgia (PHN), or after-shingles pain. Some people would mistake it with other disease, because it seems nothing to do with shingles, so it occurs after the rash was healed. Not many people would have such experience, out of the 1 million people who develop shingles, about one in five people will go on to develop PHN.

Although the shingles is healed, but shingles virus exist in your body for ever. Shingles pain is also caused by such virus. Usually, the pain appears in the area of the shingles rash, but the size of the PHN pain region can vary considerably, such as from left to right. In some people, PHN pain can last for months or even years.

Age is an important factor in determining who gets shingles and PHN. The older you are, the easier you probably to get PHN. For example, if you are age 50 or older, you have a more than 50 percent chance of developing PHN. If you are age 80 or older, you have an 80 percent chance of developing PHN.

Below is some information to about post shingles pain. Hope to help a friend who is in agony.

1. The pain is well defined in the area, sharply limited to left side of trunk, above waist and below upper part of chest.
2. It is sensation of frequent electric shocks, like a fizzy burn, especially where breast or arm rubs against skin.

4. It becomes worse for touching, breezing, sweating or motioning.

Once you have post shingles neuralgia, you might prefer a topical treatment, taking a pill, or both. Actually, there is no cure for PHN at this moment, because the virus is no longer present after the blisters dry up. Thus it is important to talk with your healthcare professional about your pain treatment options and together you can create a customized treatment plan that is best for you to reduce the pain.

Shingles is contagious. Once you have got shingles, please take care yourself to avoid it contagious to others. Click to see more information about shingles contagious.

Here is some information about Shingles Contagious Stage.

Post Shingles Neuralgia

Understand Is There a Shingles Vaccine? much more

Shingles Symptoms

Shingles, or the adult version of chickenpox, can be painful, annoying, and cause you no end of difficulties if it returns again and again. Thankfully, a shingles vaccination has recently become available. This vaccine fights against the varicella-zoster virus, or VZV, the cause of both chickenpox and shingles. If you've suffered from the disease, you know it causes itching, tingling, and pain, and shingles can even lead to blindness and permanent scarring. The Zostavax vaccine, however, can prevent all of that.

But should you run out and get a Zostavax shot right away? Who should get the shingles vaccine, exactly? Well, it is recommended that those over 60 get the vaccine as soon as possible since shingles generally only affects the elderly, although anyone can suffer from the illness. If you're under 60 and have a health condition that may make you more at risk of getting shingles, such as cancer, HIV, or a condition that requires you to take immunosuppressive drugs, you might also want to discuss the vaccine with your doctor.

Zostavax is also available for those who have already suffered from shingles. However, doctors recommend that you want at least two years after your outbreak before you get the vaccine.

The bad news about the Zostavax shingles vaccination is that it's not a one hundred percent cure. It does, however, reduce your chances of having a shingles outbreak by about 50 percent in those over 60. Tests have shown that it is 64% effective in patients between 60 and 69. There are a few side effects, including some swelling and tenderness at the injection site, a headache, and itching. At this time, it's unknown if additional doses of the vaccine will help or not.

If you want to learn more about the shingles vaccination, or indeed the symptoms of shingles, click on one of these links to visit our site for a more in-depth view.

Is There a Shingles Vaccine?

Shingles Symptoms

Study Symptoms of Shingles additional

The symptoms of shingles tend to be mistaken for colon illnesses. The symptoms of shingles can end up as a very painful experience. The first, most apparent symptoms of shingles outbreaks a harsh pain which may occur in the leg or arm. Symptoms of shingles can also include feeling a sick stomach as well as a headache and high temperature. The symptoms are generally very close to that of the flu considering the pains and aches as well as a high temperature. The shingles symptoms are very often confused with more serious ailments such as pneumonia as the symptoms seem to copy other diseases. Shingles may appear as more of a sickness than a virus which can reoccur.

Shingles itself occurs when the body cannot keep the chickenpox virus under control. People who have shingles may notice the symptoms also include tingling on one side of the body and burning. The virus tends to cause a mass amount of pain in those it appears on. This pain generally makes it very hard to move. Generally the most painful shingles symptom will be the constant body aches and pain going through the body just days before the outbreak of shingles emerges. Shingles symptoms eventually lead to an outbreak of blisters on the skin which is the most apparent sign a person has a shingles infection.

Shingles is a lot like the chickenpox only it occurs in people who are much older, usually in their golden years. The blisters which are caused by shingles and are the defining symptom of shingles are very painful and occur in groups. With the shingles virus there will be a large area of red inflamed skin and blisters will cover that area. The blisters of shingles tend to be filled with liquid, which is another symptom or sign which is readily obvious it is more serious than having a rash or something like eczema. The one symptom which may help determine that a person has shingles is the fact where the body hurts is always where the shingles outbreak will occur.

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Symptoms of Shingles

Examine The Stages of Shingles a lot more

A lot of people contract the herpes zoster virus or the chickenpox while they are still younger. Shingles is a disease that involves the "reactivation" of the virus. The symptoms of the illness include sensitivity to light, flu-like symptoms minus the fever and headache. Other signs of shingles include red, itchy rashes, scabs and blisters. The illness comes with different stages of shingles.

There are 3 known stages of shingles and for each phase, the symptoms also vary. There could be times when health care workers mistake shingles for flu or a cold. In rare cases, it is also even mistaken as symptoms of heart attack.


During the beginning part of the condition, tickling, pain, burning, numbness and tingling may be experienced on some areas of the body before the rashes appear. In other cases, flu-like symptoms are also experienced along with stomachache, swelling of the lymph nodes and chills.

Active or Eruptive

During these different phases, the first strips or bands of rash will show on the body and usually appears along one side of the body. Typical areas include the face and the torso. After some time, the rash will then become blisters. At first, the fluid inside blisters may look clear but turns cloudy after 3 to 4 weeks. There is severe discomfort and excruciating pain that comes with the rashes. After around 5 days, the blisters will start to crust. During this stage of shingles, the rashes will disappear as short as 2 weeks and as long as 4 weeks.

Post-Herpetic Neuralgia

This stage is where chronic pain is experienced for severe shingles cases. This last phase is characterized by extreme pain, stabbing, persistent pain, burning and intense sensitivity to touch which can be experienced for as long as 30 days.


The most infectious stages of shingles is the active or eruptive phase. This is the time when a person who is suffering with shingles gains the biggest chance or contracting it to others who have never experienced chicken pox in their life or those people who have a weak immune system. The risk of infection increases when the blisters begin breaking and oozing with fluid. In addition to that, it is also possible that the shingles virus can find their way into a person's eyes which may cause permanent damage. The illness does not really need hospitalization but it needs some ways to control the pain and to prevent further infection and complications.


Want to find out more about the stages of Shingles and how to cure them?

Check out this useful Shingles treatments website for more!

The Stages of Shingles


Read through Shingles in Senior Citizens additional

Shingles in Senior Citizens


Have you ever had chickenpox? After exposure to chickenpox, the virus that caused it (varicella-zoster virus) remains in the body, residing in some nerve cells. This virus can become active again in the form of a disease called shingles which results in pain and blisters. Senior citizens are at especially high risk for developing shingles. It is important that seniors and those involved in caring for senior citizens know about shingles.

The onset of shingles is similar to chickenpox in that it produces feelings of being sick and rashes on the body or face. The main difference is when these diseases develop - that is, chickenpox mostly affects children while shingles will always occur in adults, usually after the age of 50. Shingles is somewhat rare (only occurring in 1 in 5 people). Once activated, the virus travels along the paths of the nerves to the surface of the skin producing rashes and pain.

Because shingles is caused by a virus present in the body from a previous infection of chickenpox, it is not contagious. However, you can catch the virus which will cause chickenpox in the recently infected individual. If you have never had chickenpox before, it may be best to stay away from people who develop shingles. Recently, a vaccine has been developed that can keep you from getting shingles. It is only available for senior citizens.

Risk Factors    

Although there is no way to detect whether the dormant virus will become active in someone who has already recovered from chickenpox, there are certain risk factors than make activation of the virus more likely. These include:

Advanced age. This may be due to the fact that older people have a harder time of fighting off infection. The risk of shingles dramatically increases after the age of 70.

Immunodifficiency - difficulty fighting off infections. If the immune system is compromised for other reasons than those due to aging, you are more likely to develop shingles. Some factors that may weaken the immune system include HIV infection, cancer, cancer treatment, organ transplants, and physical or mental stress.

People who develop shingles often complain of: 

Burning, tingling, or numbing of the skin
Feeling flu-like sickness - chills, fever, upset stomach, or headache
Fluid-filled blisters
Skin that is sensitive to the touch
Mild itching to strong pain

There is a natural progression of the disease that proceeds in the following manner:

1. Tingling or burning of the skin occurs.

2. A few days later, a red rash is visible.

3. The rash develops into blisters that dry up and crust over within a few days.

4. The overall duration of the illness can last from 3-5 weeks.

Other complications that can result from shingles are due to blisters becoming infected and causing scarring or blindness if they develop close to the eyes. Other people experience hearing loss, brief paralysis of the face, or swelling of the brain (encephalitis).


If you think that you might have shingles, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible in order to treat the virus. Shingles is often treated at home with medications prescribed by your doctor. These medications can be antiviral drugs, pain relievers, or anti-depressants. If these medications are used within 72 hours of a rash developing, they can effectively shorten the duration of the illness and risk for other complications that can occur. Although most people only get shingles once, it is possible for it to recur again.

There are things that you can do to relieve the symptoms of shingles if it develops. These include:

Getting enough rest, avoiding stress, and eating right
Simple exercises like stretching or walking if it is safe and not too painful
Applying a cool damp washcloth to blisters
Doing activities that take the mind off the pain like watching TV, reading, or Spending time with loved ones and friends
Relaxation or listening to music that you enjoy
Talking about your pain and emotions with others that you trust
Asking for help when you need it

Some people experience ongoing pain after recovering from the virus. This pain is called post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN) and usually affects the areas of the body that had rashes before. This pain has been described as sharp, throbbing, and stabbing and can interfere with daily activated for older adults who have developed shingles. Doctors can prescribe medications for the long lasting effects of PHN which older people are more at risk for. 

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David Crumrine at the Caring Space We are an organization that connects caregivers and care seekers, providing an easy and affordable resource for families seeking care for friends/loved ones and caregivers seeking employment.

Understand How to Cure Shingles Fast a lot more

The secret to curing the shingles fast lies in nipping it as soon as its symptoms appear. Some of the major symptoms of shingles are flu-like pain, cold, swelling of the lymph nodes, headache and sensitivity to light. This is followed by tingling, burning sensation and numbness on the affected area of the body generally the right side of chest, below the arm and on the back. Of course, it may occur elsewhere on the body as well.

You should either rush to the doctor immediately or do your own home treatment to suppress the symptoms.

The problem with most victims is that they cannot decide because of lack of knowledge about the nature of the early symptoms. They generally think it is an attack of flu or some other similar ailment. Others think it is an ordinary itch and will go away on its own. At the most they apply any face cream, lotion or oil that may come in handy.

In any case most people cannot even think that it is the old chicken pox virus that is revisiting them in form of shingles and needs immediate medical attention. There are two reasons for this ignorance. One, they may have forgotten that they ever had a chicken pox attack since it may have taken place long time back. Two, they even do not know that they ever had a chicken pox since it might have occurred just when they were small kids. Moreover, the dormant chicken pox virus may take decades to become active again and cause a breakout.

Consequently the patients visit the doctors when the initial symptoms start maturing into a dense and fearful looking crop of fluid filled lesions and causing shooting pains on the affected spots. Once the virus takes the form of rash, it intensifies very fast. It almost explodes leaving the patients flabbergasted. It causes acute shooting nerve pain on the affected area. The problem aggravates further with old people, as their immune system is often weak.

If you react immediately, you can cure shingles very fast. Here is what you can do to alleviate the pain.

1. Apply ice pack on the affected area.

2. Take bath with water mixed with vinegar, oatmeal powder or baking soda. Gently clean with a soft fresh towel thereafter.

3. Apply pure and organic honey in thin layers on the affected area and leave it for an hour or so until it gets sufficiently absorbed into the affected area.

4. Above all, take nutritive vitamins and minerals to strengthen the resistance levels of your body so that you can ward off not only with shingles, but also several other ailments that afflict immuno-deficient people.


There are several other proven simple yet powerful herbal remedies for curing shingles. The only thing is that you should search them out. You are welcome to download a FREE report on 3 Top Easy Shingles Cures.

How to Cure Shingles Fast

Examine Shingles and Chickenpox - Rooted in the Same Virus additional


Chickenpox is a common childhood disease. A child or adult with chickenpox may develop hundreds of itchy, fluid-filled blisters that burst and form crusts which can leave scars. It is caused by the varicella-zoster virus, the same virus that causes shingles in adults. Shingles, also called herpes zoster, is a painful rash. If you get a cold sore on your lip area this is herpes simplex virus one. Once a person has had chickenpox, the virus can remain alive but inactive within nerve roots. If it becomes active again, which usually occurs later in life, it can cause shingles. Out of all of the people who have had chickenpox, only about 1 to 3 per thousand healthy individuals under 65 years old will get shingles. This number goes up to as high as 12 per thousand for those older than 65.

When someone becomes infected, with chicken pox, the pox will usually appear within nine to twenty two days. People become contagious one to two days before breaking out with pox. They remain contagious while uncrusted blisters are present. Most cases of chickenpox occur in children under the age of 10. The disease is usually mild, although serious complications can occur. Adults and older children usually get sicker than younger children.

Most people with chickenpox display symptoms such as a fever, headache, tummy ache, or loss of appetite for a day or two before breaking out in a rash. These symptoms often last a few days after breaking out. oatmeal baths in warm water provide comfort and a coating on the skin. An oral antihistamine can help to ease the itching, as can topical, unscented lotions. It is also effective to trim the fingernails short to reduce secondary infections and scarring from the scratching habit.

Although preventative vaccinations are available remember that because chickenpox is airborne and highly contagious before the rash appears, it is almost impossible to be completely protected against. It is possible to catch chickenpox from someone, who does not even know they have chickenpox! Unlike chickenpox, you can't catch shingles from someone who has it. However, if you have shingles and you are around someone who never had chickenpox then that can be a virus you pass to them so they can get end up with the pox. Early signs of shingles include burning, shooting pain, tingling and/or itching, usually on one side of the body or face. The pain can range from mild to severe. Then blisters form and can last from up to two weeks.

There is no cure for shingles. The pain of shingles can last for weeks, months or even years after the blisters have healed. Early treatment with medicines that fight the virus may help. These medicines are also used to prevent lingering pain. The new shingles vaccine, called zostavax, is only approved for people over 60 years old and it is still only effective for about half of the people who have been vaccinated.

Antiviral medicines can help reduce the pain and duration of shingles while pain medicines, antidepressants, and topical creams can help to relieve long-term pain. Herbal remedies which soothe the rash and help the body fight the virus include but are not limited to: Lemon Balm. Echinacea and Garlic, Chickweed and Chamomile. If you know someone with shingles warn them about exposing kids who never had chickenpox to their rash.

Looking to Understand Common Rashes

Stop by to read about Common Contagious Childhood Rashes and learn more about eczema, hives, poison ivy and other Itchy Skin Rash

Shingles and Chickenpox - Rooted in the Same Virus


Examine Roofing Shingles Reviews and Cleaning Roof Shingles Tip a lot more

Roofing Shingles Reviews and Cleaning Roof Shingles Tip



Roofing shingles reviews are an important part of every home's maintenance. Your roof may be showing signs of wear and weather. Black streaks are indicative that the shingles are beginning to be invaded and that tar is being leaked. A professional who specializes in cleaning roof shingles will check your home's specific roofing shingles reviews before cleaning your shingles to ensure that the roof is protected from any potential damage to the roof by following any necessary instructions specific to your roof.

Bleach can be used in conjunction with Sodium carbonate; but, you must ensure that the bleach used is oxygen bleach rather than chlorinated bleach as chlorinated bleach is destructive to the roof and plants. A power washer is the best way to maintain an attractive and clean roof. Moss, mold, algae and dirt can be cleaned with a power washing treatment from a professional. Your roof is important and its longevity is connected to the care and maintenance that it receives. Having the gutters kept clean is also important to the life of the home and will protect it from unwanted water damage, dirt and debris.

Cleaning roof shingles is best handled by a professional due to the chemicals that may be used to remove algae of moss as well as the potential danger associated with climbing in the roof. Dangerous situations could occur if the roof had weak spots or damage. Falling from the roof is especially a potential hazard as handling power washing equipment on angled roofs or at great heights is a danger that is best addressed by professionals that are well acquainted with roof angles, heights and issues such as weak spots in the roof. Having your roof assessed for damage should be done every few years. Cleaning the gutters out should be done twice a year and the shingles should be washed on a schedule set up with the specialists that focus on cleaning roof shingles.

For more information of cleaning roof shingles visit http://www.yourshingles.com.

Read What Causes Shingles? far more

Why does the disease develop in some, not in others? How does it travel from one person to the next? These are just some of the questions you may need answered if you or someone you know have been exposed to shingles.

What causes shingles?

Shingles is caused by the varicella zoster virus. This is the same virus that causes chicken pox, which is usually a childhood disease. After a person has had chicken pox, varicella zoster remains in the body in a deactivated form. When the virus is reactivated, shingles results.

Why don't all people who have had chicken pox develop shingles?
This is a good question and the answer usually lies within the immune system. Certain demographics have a greater risk of contracting shingles simply because of compromised immunity.

Older adults are generally more at risk for shingles, but children can also develop shingles. It also believed that people who were given the chicken pox vaccine can develop shingles, since the vaccine contains an inactive form of a varicella virus.

How does shingles travel from one person to the next?

Shingles, herpes simplex, chicken pox are similar in that they all are caused by a herpesvirus. Chicken pox and herpes simplex are highly contagious and usually transmitted through physical contact. Shingles is different from its cousins because you can't "catch" it.

The only real risk the disease poses to people who either don't, or haven't already had it, is the possibility of chicken pox infection. That risk is generally a non-issue if chicken pox was contracted as a child. If you're going to be around someone who has shingles, and you've never had chicken pox before, ask that they cover lesions with cotton dressings.

Want to learn how to manage and relieve symptoms of shingles [http://www.shinglesrash.info] SAFELY and EFFECTIVELY using natural remedies and techniques? Visit Shingles Rash [http://www.shinglesrash.info] for simple tips and tricks to get you started on your shingles pain free life.


What Causes Shingles?


Understand Shingles Information To Help You Battle Against It much more

Shingles Symptoms

Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, is a skin condition wherein painful rashes are developed on one side of the body. This is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. The virus is stored in the body after chickenpox, and becomes reactivated again after years. This is common to adults aged 60 and above since they have a lower immunity than those who are younger.

Shingles can start without the visual manifestation. You may feel pain on one part of your body, and only see the rashes after days. The rashes can develop into blisters with fluid inside. After some days, the blisters can pop, oozing out the fluid and making the virus more prone to be passed to other people. As the wounds develop crusts or scabs, you can experience less pain until you are healed.

Anyone who has already had chickenpox is at risk at developing shingles. This means that shingles in itself can be passed from one person to another. However, the virus can affect people who haven't had chickenpox yet. If a person who has shingles come in contact with a person who has not had chickenpox yet, he or she can catch the virus and develop chickenpox instead of shingles. However, after the chickenpox gets healed, they will then be at risk of developing shingles.

Shingles commonly manifest on the side of the trunk, near the waistline of a person. This area is called the dermatome. The rashes usually take a web-like pattern, caused by how the virus travels, which is from one nerve to another. As a result, the rashes look striped and web-like. A person who has shingles can experience mild and severe pain, making it very uncomfortable to move.

Fortunately, there is now a vaccine which can prevent the development of shingles in a person. Zostavax is a Food and Drug Administration-approved drug which can be administered to anyone who is at risk at developing shingles. Although the drug is not a hundred percent effective in preventing the virus from coming back and causing distress, it significantly reduces the severity of the pain and of the other symptoms associated with it.

And once you develop the condition, you can reduce the duration and the severity of it by taking drugs which suppress the virus. Immediately seek the advice of your doctor when you start to develop the symptoms of the condition.

How much does the shingles vaccine cost? View shingles pictures by visiting our website today!

Shingles Information To Help You Battle Against It

Read through Chickenpox Symptoms And What You Can Do To Soothe The Itch a lot more

Shingles Symptoms

Chickenpox symptoms typically present as hundreds of fluid-filled blisters that are very itchy and can appear anywhere on the body. Chickenpox (a.k.a.Varicella) is a highly contagious viral disease and though this has long been considered a childhood disease, the same virus (herpes zoster) can cause a condition called shingles in an adult.

Chickenpox Symptoms And Causes

The typical child will present with signs of general illness a day or two before breaking out in the itchy, fluid-filled blisters typically associated with the chickenpox. These early symptoms may include a fever, headache, stomach upset or ache, or loss of appetite. During this one to two day period the child is contagious to others.

Within a couple of days, a child will break out in hundreds of small, itchy red spots and blisters. These blisters typically appear on the face, trunk or scalp first before spreading to other areas of the body. The blisters change over the next few days to form a crusty scab as new blisters continue to form, springing up in groups for a few more days. Blisters can form in the mouth, vagina and on the eyelids.

Chickenpox is caused by an infection of the Herpes zoster virus through direct contact with the fluid from a chickenpox blister or airborne particles from an infected person's cough or sneeze. After exposure to the virus, it will commonly take between 10 to 21 days for the pox to appear.

Chickenpox Diagnosis And Treatment

This viral infection is typically diagnosed through the observation of the aforementioned symptoms. If there is any question about the diagnosis, the presence of the illness can be confirmed by a physician using blood tests or a test of the blisters.

Treatment may involve simply waiting for the virus to run its course, which typically happens within 2 weeks. After exposure to the virus it will remain dormant or asleep in the person's body for a lifetime. However, the virus can re-emerge in adulthood resulting in shingles.

A child should avoid any contact with other children until the pox have crusted over and dried completely.

To help soothe itching a person can use cool compresses, calamine lotions or topical anesthetic ointments, or an oatmeal bath in lukewarm water. An oral antihistamine may also help ease the intense itching associated with this illness.

A medical doctor may use antiviral medications for those with additional risk factors such as older (adult or teen) patients or those with complicating conditions (i.e. eczema, lung conditions, weakened immune systems)

Excess heat and sweating should be avoided and the child should be discourage from scratching. Acetaminophen may be used to decrease fever and discomfort. Avoid aspirin entirely when dealing with a viral infection such as chickenpox.

The introduction of the chickenpox vaccine has made classic chickenpox in children less common. Those with the vaccine may still get a mild version of the illness and will be contagious to others.

Scarring is not common unless the pox became infected from scratching.

Take an active role in your health by learning even more about Chickenpox

You can read more about this condition and use a free tool that walks you through your symptoms and leads you to an online diagnosis. Prepare yourself before your doctor's visit and figure out what your symptoms mean using this Medical Symptom Diagnosis Tool.

Chickenpox Symptoms And What You Can Do To Soothe The Itch

Shingles Symptoms

Understand About Shingles - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment For Them much more

About Shingles - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment For Them


Shingles is the common name given to the viral disease known as herpes zoster. This ailment is characterized by a skin rash or blisters that appear only a limited area of the body. Typically, shingles appear in the form of stripes. Initially, the virus affects young people in the form of chicken pox, but even after the ailment is treated the virus doesn't go away from the body. Many years after the episode of chicken pox, the virus emerges again with very different symptoms in the forms of shingles.

What are Shingles?

The same virus, the Varicella zoster virus (VZV) that causes chickenpox in young people is responsible for causing shingles in adults. This virus belongs to the Herpes family of viruses. Shingles is a condition that manifests itself in the form of a skin rash across a limited area. This rash is quite painful and occurs because of various reasons like intense levels of stress, cancer or immune deficiency. The dormant virus cells in the person reactivate themselves, triggered by the causes.

Causes of Shingles

There are a range of causes associated with shingles. However, there is no surety as to what really causes shingles. It's not about what causes shingles but about the factors that actually activate the shingles virus that is lying dormant in the person's body. Stress is one of the primary causes of reactivation. Stress, especially of the emotional variety, triggers off a process of reactivation. Another cause is fatigue. Even when you are suffering from shingles, fatigue or a general sense of malaise is a primary side effect of the condition. Sometimes, a person's immune system gets weakened as a result of suffering from some diseases or the intake of medications. This could also be a result of aging or the result of addiction to various drugs. Such people suffer from shingles. A person suffering from cancer or undertaking radiation treatment for the same is also prone to shingles. Shingles is also a result of an HIV infection.

Symptoms of Shingles

The symptoms of shingles are dependent on the various nerves that it affects. Shingles, as a medical condition can affect all parts of the body. The primary symptom of shingles is extreme pain in one side on the body. The sensation could either be itchiness, a tingling sensation, a deep ache, or a person could also suffer from a lightning bolt like pain. Its quick, it's extreme and is intensely painful. At times, a person could suffer from this kind of pain or symptoms near the face or the eyes. At such times a visit to a doctor becomes critical. Other symptoms that a person also displays include headache, fever, itching and chills.

These symptoms are followed by the appearance of the rash in the same areas that experience these symptoms.

Treatment for Shingles

If you think you are suffering from shingles, it's important that you consult your doctor on an immediate basis. There are various shingles medications that can be prescribed to you but they are only effective if taken during the early stages of the ailment. Doctors can prescribe various topical creams or antihistamines that will relieve the itching associated with shingles. Also, pain killers will be prescribed in order to relieve the pain. Another way of treating shingles is that cool water compresses must be applied to the affected area for a minimum of 20 minutes. This should be done as many times in a day as is possible. Also the affected area must be cleaned with water and mild soap. Health experts also suggest the application of petroleum jelly. This not only helps soothe the affected area but also helps in the healing process.

Author of this article also provides information on dermisil for shingles which is a homeopathic treatment for this skin infection.

Read through Shingles Virus Explained additional

Shingles are caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox, therefore everyone who has had chicken pox is at risk of developing shingles.

Shingles is an infection of a nerve area caused by the varicella-zoster virus. It causes pain and a rash along a band of skin supplied by the affected nerve. Symptoms usually go within 2-4 weeks. Shingles are caused by a reactivation of the chicken pox virus, around 1 in 5 adults get shingles, although it's more common in people over 50 or who have poor immunity. It's not apparent what causes the chickenpox virus to reactivate but it may be linked to changes in your immune system.

The first sign of shingles is normally sensitive, tingling or burning skin where the shingles rash appears. The area can be painful. At the same time, you may experience fever, headache and enlarged lymph nodes.

The shingles rash is a series of red spots on the torso or face which develops into fluid filled blisters. These blisters are full of the chickenpox virus making the infected person contagious. You can't catch shingles from an infected person but you can catch chickenpox if you previously haven't already had chickenpox and therefore aren't immune.

Shingles can be treated with antiviral medicines and painkillers calamine lotion can also be used to help reduce the itching. Shingles that affects the eyes needs antiviral therapy and urgent assistance from an optician.
If for any reason a persons immune system has been weakened for instance through cancer treatments chickenpox could be caught for a second time.

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Shingles Virus Explained