The secret to curing the shingles fast lies in nipping it as soon as its symptoms appear. Some of the major symptoms of shingles are flu-like pain, cold, swelling of the lymph nodes, headache and sensitivity to light. This is followed by tingling, burning sensation and numbness on the affected area of the body generally the right side of chest, below the arm and on the back. Of course, it may occur elsewhere on the body as well.
You should either rush to the doctor immediately or do your own home treatment to suppress the symptoms.
The problem with most victims is that they cannot decide because of lack of knowledge about the nature of the early symptoms. They generally think it is an attack of flu or some other similar ailment. Others think it is an ordinary itch and will go away on its own. At the most they apply any face cream, lotion or oil that may come in handy.
In any case most people cannot even think that it is the old chicken pox virus that is revisiting them in form of shingles and needs immediate medical attention. There are two reasons for this ignorance. One, they may have forgotten that they ever had a chicken pox attack since it may have taken place long time back. Two, they even do not know that they ever had a chicken pox since it might have occurred just when they were small kids. Moreover, the dormant chicken pox virus may take decades to become active again and cause a breakout.
Consequently the patients visit the doctors when the initial symptoms start maturing into a dense and fearful looking crop of fluid filled lesions and causing shooting pains on the affected spots. Once the virus takes the form of rash, it intensifies very fast. It almost explodes leaving the patients flabbergasted. It causes acute shooting nerve pain on the affected area. The problem aggravates further with old people, as their immune system is often weak.
If you react immediately, you can cure shingles very fast. Here is what you can do to alleviate the pain.
1. Apply ice pack on the affected area.
2. Take bath with water mixed with vinegar, oatmeal powder or baking soda. Gently clean with a soft fresh towel thereafter.
3. Apply pure and organic honey in thin layers on the affected area and leave it for an hour or so until it gets sufficiently absorbed into the affected area.
4. Above all, take nutritive vitamins and minerals to strengthen the resistance levels of your body so that you can ward off not only with shingles, but also several other ailments that afflict immuno-deficient people.
ShinglesThere are several other proven simple yet powerful herbal remedies for curing shingles. The only thing is that you should search them out. You are welcome to download a FREE report on 3 Top Easy Shingles Cures.