Treatments for shingles are similar to those for chicken pox. There are no specific treatment for shingles, it is more a case of controlling the itch.
If the individual has previously suffered with chicken pox, they can later develop shingles. This virus (varicella zoster virus) can stay dormant in the nerves of the spine. This virus will not necessarily infect someone else even if they have had chicken pox previously. This virus will only reactivate in specific circumstances, such as being unwell, or having a raised temperature.
The symptoms of shingles are the same as the chicken pox virus. These symptoms can be;
Temperature of 38C or higher,
Pains in the muscles,
Possible pins and needles sensation in the areas affected,
Feeling generally unwell.
If you are suffering from the shingles virus, you can take precautionary measure to prevent the passing of chicken pox to those who have not previously it. These precautionary measures are only basic but they have the potential to succeed in isolating the outbreak.
Avoid social interaction,
Do not share any kind of wash cloth or towel,
Avoid swimming especially in a public pool,
Avoid sports where physical contact is necessary.
If a person who has shingles shares a bed with someone who has never had chicken pox, it is likely that the other person will develop chicken pox. It is advised that you keep interaction at a minimum, even sexual contact.
The spots of shingles are like blisters, when they are moist your shingles virus is highly contagious although direct physical contact would be necessary. When the blisters are dry and scabby they are no longer contagious and it is safe for social interaction and physical contact is alright.
It is common to feel slight pain in some areas of the body, this will usually happen up to 5 days prior to breaking out in spots. If you already have the shingles spots or blister in one area getting pain in another area pin points the next affected area where spots will appear.
Treatment for shingles;
As with chicken pox shingles are also itchy so a simple application of a lotion such as calamine lotion may reduce the need to itch. Continuous itching of these blisters may result in an infection. If this happens seek advice from your doctor as you may need a steroid based cream.
Pain relief, shingles can cause discomfort, paracetamol may ease the pain, however pain can continue after the virus has gone.
Shingles are usually relatively mild, If you do have shingles you should start to recover as soon as the blisters are no longer moist. Pain can continue to occur for weeks or even months after the shingles virus has gone.
If you are worried about the persistent pain that shingles can cause. Seek advice from your doctor, even though this is known to be harmless, your doctor may provide you with temporary pain relief.
Treatment for shingles is very basic, resist the itch, pain relief if necessary, apply a soothing lotion, other than this all you need to do is recover, this will start to happen a week or so after the spots first appeared.
Shingles SymptomsFor more information on health related topics be sure to visit Health Ezines.