Chicken Pox Symptoms - There Are Up to 26 Symptoms of the Chicken Pox You Need to Know About
Shingles SymptomsWhen you're suffering from the chicken pox virus, there are several symptoms that occur as your body's response to this virus. The intensity of these chicken pox symptoms are usually determined by how strong your immune system is. Many children haven't developed a strong immune system, so they're more likely to experience more chicken pox symptoms than teenagers or adults. Make sure you take note of any of the chicken pox symptoms you may be noticing below in yourself or your family member.
This list below are all the most common symptoms that can occur:
Skin Irritations (blisters filled with fluid, rashes, red spots)
Throat Irritation (sore throat)
Loss of Appetite
Nasal Discharge
Impaired Breathing
Muscle Pain (or backache)
Urinary Difficulties
Eye Irritations
Photophobia (sensitivity to light)
Weight Loss/Gain
Inflamed Lymph Nods
Joint Pain
Sudden Onset
Once someone is exposed to the virus, it takes 2-3 weeks before the chicken pox symptoms to occur. This condition usually occurs during childhood, but adults who contract this virus are usually very ill. This skin disease is an extremely contagious disease that infects approximately 3 million people in the United States each year. More than 90% of the cases occur in children less than 12 years old.
This skin condition, while most believe to be mild, is not meant to be taken lightly. Each year in the United States, 4,000 to 9,000 persons are hospitalized with this skin condition, and up to 100 persons die. There are options such as the vaccine, however, studies show it is only 70% effective and contains harmful chemicals that can be detrimental to long-term health.
There are safe, natural and effective ways for treating the above chicken pox symptoms as quickly as possible. While there are vaccines and medications available, they might not be conducive to your long-term health and well-being. The most efective way to treat these symptoms are through natural, home-made remedies that will help heal the body and get rid of the chicken pox symptoms that come along with the virus, such as itching and the red blisters.
Failure to treat these symptoms may risk in them getting worse, or more suffering than necessary. Not only that, but often scars can appear if left untreated or if these symptoms are not treated properly. Be sure to do your research and find the best solutions for your families health.
Want to cure this condition in 3 days or less in the fastest, safest, most natural and effective way possible?
To find out more about the most common Chicken Pox Symptoms visit our website on how to cure Chicken Pox in 3 days or less.
On our website, we provide the safest and most effective treatments and remedies that can easily cure your child or yourself as quickly as possible. We also have hundreds of success stories and testimonials of what works!