Understand Symptoms Found in Chicken Pox and Shingles more

Symptoms of Chickenpox (varicella) may vary from patient to patient making us see people that have headaches, flue like symptoms or even fever, that in some cases can reach 105 F, and swollen glands are also included. The incubation period of the chickenpox may also vary from 10 to 20 days, again depending on the patient and its immune system.

This doesn't last much. Shortly after the flue like symptoms have past the rash breaks out. By rash we understand the appearance of tiny red bumps, mostly on the face, chest or abdomen. Spreading relatively quickly, they start to get bigger in a mater of hours forming a blister on a red base. A funny comparison has been found for them: dewdrops on rose petals. At first the fluid in the blisters is clear only to become cloudy during the period of several days and eventually forming a scab and falling of after another four. The number of blister also varies; while some patients of chickenpox have only a few ones, other can have hundreds, on top of that being the fact that they each like crazy. Lasting seven to ten days, the disease causes the patient to have several crops of blisters.

Another type of skin disease would be the shingles (Herpes Zoster) attack. Occurring nearly always on adults, we see it developing on one side of the human body and having three identifiable symptoms.

->Prodrome: a cluster of warning symptoms appearing before the outbreak of the infection.

->The infection begins.

->Postherpetic neuralgi a develops.

Pain is a very common symptom in herpes zoster, often appearing well before the appearance of the rash.

Predrome (pain) - being the first symptom to appear in patients, it appears to be located at the very site where the virus will be re-activating, making the pain be sharp, piercing, tearing or even similar to an electric shock. Besides pain, the patient might feel that the area is itching or be unbearably sensitive to touch. Muscles aches and even fever are some of the extreme symptoms of the disease. Although usually lasting only a couple of days before the rash, cases have been known where the pain has lasted more ... lot more for weeks or even month.

Active shingles - it marks the actual infection. 50% or 60% of cases occur on the trunk, the side of head being the next big area on witch it appears, making a very big risk the fact that the infection could spread to the mouth or eyes. First a rash appears only to become small fluid-filled blisters in about 12 hours witch eventually grow and become pus filled. The healing last as long as in chickenpox: up to 10 days.

Zoster Sine Herpete is the condition when the pain is not followed by the rash, this thing occurring more often in elder patients, with symptoms very similar to the ones of chickenpox.

Shingles Symptoms

For more information about chicken pox virus or even about symptoms of chicken pox please review this page http://www.chicken-pox-center.com/

Symptoms Found in Chicken Pox and Shingles

Shingles Symptoms

Examine Treating Shingles Naturally additional

Treating Shingles Naturally



Shingles (herpes zoster) is an acute and painful infection with the varicella-zoster virus (VZV), the organism that causes chicken pox. Nearly everyone in temperate climates is exposed to the virus by the age of 15, although in many cases it does not cause symptoms. After infection the virus hides in the ganglion, or "root," of sensory nerves for the face, trunk, and neck. It stays dormant for years, or, more often, decades, until a disturbance to the nerve reactivates the virus.

When the virus is awakened in the nerve, the first symptom is usually a tingling or an itch. Within 48 to 72 hours the itch becomes persistent deep aching, burning pain, and itch along the course of the affected nerve. The skin over the nerve is covered with rash. In persons with normal immune systems, the skin lesions usually clear up within 7 to 10 days, although complete healing can take up to 4 weeks. Persons with immune deficiency, the rash covers a much larger area, and healing can take weeks or never be fully achieved.

The bad news about shingles is that the disease sometimes presents devastating complications. The most common complication of shingles is postherpetic neuralgia, persistent pain at the site of inflammation lasting for a month or longer. Studies associated with drug testing claim that up to 50 percent of people who suffer shingles after the age of 60 might develop this complication. One of the most serious complications of shingles occurs when the virus is activated in the trigeminal nerve, lying over the corner of the cheek bone nearest the nose. When herpes spreads along this nerve, vascular inflammation and infection affect the eye and can even cause blindness. Open skin can be superinfected with Streptococcus and/or Staphylococcus bacteria causing cellullitis, bone infections, and lingering wounds.

The good news about shingles is the bad news about shingles is probably overstated. A long-term study of 421 herpes zoster patients reported in the British Medical Journal reported that the risk of developing postherpetic neuralgia was slight. Only 2 percent of patients under the age of 60 had pain associated with shingles three months after the first outbreak, which was mild in all cases. About 7 percent of patients over the age of 60 had moderate to severe pain three months after the first appearance of a rash, but in all cases the pain had abated within a year. In this study, only one in 25 patients received any antiviral drugs.

The antiviral drugs used to treat shingles are acyclovir, vancyclovir, famciclovir, and foscarnet. The more strongly antiviral the medication, the worse the side effects. Foscarnet stops replication of all known strains of the herpes virus (under laboratory test conditions), but can cause kidney failure, destruction of the heart muscles, and seizures. Nutritional measures can ease side effects when these drugs are medically required.

Older patients sometimes are given relatively high doses of steroids such as prednisone to control pain, although only one of several studies indicated that this class of drugs leads to shorter dependency on pain medications and better sleep. Interestingly, the only drug approved by the FDA for treatment the pain of postherpetic neuralgia is herbal, capsaicin.

Nutritional supplements are as effective as antiviral drugs in most cases of shingles. Persons who take corticosteroids or who have diabetes or HIV, and anyone experiencing an outbreak affecting the eyes, however, should consult a physician about necessary medical treatment.

There is some scientific evidence that shingles can be relieved by proteolytic enzymes, the chemicals that help digest the proteins in food. The two richest plant sources of these enzymes are pineapple and papaya, which produce bromelain and papain, respectively. The presence of proteolytic enzymes in these fruits has been long recognized in their use as "natural tenderizers" for meat. The body itself produces chymotrypsin, which is extracted from the pancreases of various animals.

Proteolytic enzymes were compared to the standard antiviral drug acyclovir in a double-blind study involving 192 people. The participants in the test were given either the natural enzymes or the drug and evaluated on the seventh and fourteenth days of the study. Both groups had similar pain relief, although reddening of the skin was reduced more by acyclovir. Similar results were found in a study involving 90 people.

Proteolytic enzymes can be broken down by stomach acid. For this reason, most brands are "enteric coated," covered with cellulose so that it does not dissolve until the tablet reaches the intestine. Make sure the brand you use is coated. Chymotrypsin is usually a pork product, so vegetarians and other persons who do not eat pork may prefer bromelain or papain. Holding the pill in the mouth can dissolve soft tissues, so always take proteolytic enzymes with water. You can also get bromelain and papain by eating pineapples and papayas, but far less of the needed enzyme will enter your bloodstream.

Digestive enzymes are safe for almost everyone. However, enteric-coated pancreatic enzymes given to children with cystic fibrosis have been known to cause a serious complication known as fibrosing colonopathy, probably due to an interaction between the enzymes and the coating of the tablet. Frequent use of proteolytic enzymes can cause pale or pungent stools, and occasionally allergic reactions, such as sneezing, wheezing, or tearing. Hypersensitivity reactions to the enzyme preparations are usually caused by allergies to the pineapple, papaya, or pork from which the product was derived.

Physicians have been reporting for 50 years that vitamin B12 and vitamin E help relieve the pain of post-herpetic neuralgia. While no systematic studies have confirmed that these vitamins help outbreaks, laboratory experiments have shown that vitamin E, sodium pyruvate (a sports supplement), and membrane-stabilizing free fatty acids work together to stop lesions in herpes simplex. It is possible that vitamins B12 and E act as antioxidants to similar benefit in this condition. For this reason, eliminating saturated fats and fortifying the diet with sources of omega-3 fatty acids may be helpful in treating the aftereffects of shingles.

How do you get vitamin B12, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids in a single meal? Beluga caviar is an excellent source of all three nutrients, but for day to day, choose bluefish, cod, eel, herring, mackerel, octopus, pollock, salmon, or even catfish, although catfish is a relatively poor source of omega-3 fatty acids. If you follow a vegan diet, vitamin B12 supplementation is more practical.

Examine Healing Shingles Effectively a lot more

Shingles are very irritating, painful, and nerve wrecking. They are caused by the varicella-zoster virus. This same virus also causes chickenpox, and one in every ten people that get the chickenpox are susceptible to get shingles. People suffering from shingles usually complain of pain or burning of the muscles and skin before they get any of the other symptoms. The other symptoms that follow are flu like pains, aches, and temperature, as well as a red spotty rash. Healing shingles is rather easy, but the process until fully healed is very painful and irritating. People that suffer from it endure pain that varies from mild to severe, either way, both are uncomfortable and unpleasant and the quicker you catch it the better the chances are that you will be able to get over it faster.

As soon as you begin to feel burning in muscles or skin observe your skin carefully the following few days, and if you begin to feel flu like symptoms or begin to see the red rash make sure that you go to a doctor immediately. They will then determine if what you have is shingles or not and will prescribe the necessary medication. When they do prescribe the medication make sure that you take it just as it is written and do not stop it prior to the duration that it is prescribed. Some medications that you may be prescribed are acyclovir, valcyclovir, and famcyclovir. It is vital that these medications are taken no more than 72 hours after the rash has appeared in order to have an effect.

Healing shingles is not only about getting rid of them but also dealing with the pain and irritation. If the pain is mild, you can take over the counter painkillers such as ibuprofen. On the other hand, if it's severe visit your doctor and they will prescribe you narcotics such as antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and oxycodone.

In some cases, the pain is mostly in just one area while the rest is bearable, in this case the doctor may prescribe a cream or gel that contains ludicane which will in turn numb the area. Use calamine lotion or anti itching cream with hydrocortisone to ease itchy and irritated skin. Whatever you do, do not scratch, as it will take longer to heal plus may cause scars. Lastly, if your fever reaches over 103 degrees or you find shingles are spreading to the eyes call your doctor immediately.

While healing shingles take oatmeal baths and ensure that you keep your hands away from the effected area so you do not scratch or further irritate it. Catch it early on and within 7-14 days it will be gone.

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Healing Shingles Effectively

Read through The Best Home Treatment For Shingles a lot more

The Best Home Treatment For Shingles

Shingles Symptoms

Shingles Symptoms

Shingles is a virus that occurs in the body when the Chicken Pox (varicella virus) becomes re-activated again at a later stage of life. This most commonly occurs in adults or seniors, mainly due to a weakened or compromised immune system. Severe stress can also result in the virus appearing.

The first symptom of Shingles is a pain that appears in a specific region of the body. Soon after, a rash of blisters will appear. It will be extremely painful, and sometimes even be itchy or have a burning sensation. While most doctors will prescribe medication or drugs, it is important to be aware of the various home treatment for Shingles that are available.

What is the best Home Treatment for Shingles?

The best home treatment for Shingles is lemon balm. Lemon in general is very healthy and helps in any illness and virus due to its immune system boosting abilities and a lot of Vitamin C content. It is also an anti-viral and when taken, can help slow down and even stop the internal spread of the virus. There are many ways to use lemon, one is to use it in a paste or balm and apply it to the burning skin. Drink it warm or cool; just make sure that you drink plenty of it, at least seven cups daily. It will not only provide you a good quantity of Vitamin C, but also relax you to feel comfortable against the virus attack. The teabag of your tea is also very effective. Let it cool, or if you find that cool compresses help ease the itch, burn and nerve pains then stick it in the fridge for a while and then apply directly to the skin.

Another great home treatment for Shingles is to take an Oatmeal Bath, which has been used for ages for the Chicken Pox as well. Other popular bathing procedures are using Baking Soda or Neem Leaves. This helps ease the pain and reduce itchiness.

Since the primary cause of the virus is due to a weakened or compromised immune system, it is important to take care of your health and eat well so that you can boost your immune system. You also want to reduce stress from your life. If you do this, added to the home treatment for Shingles mentioned above, you will be well on your way to getting rid of your rash in a safe, natural and effective way.

Want to get rid of Shingles as fast as possible? Discover how to cure Shingles fast, check out this Home Treatment For Shingles website right now!

Read Exactly What Can You Do To Ease Your Shingles Symptoms? much more

Shingles is a rash that follows the nerve endings along the skin. This is an unpleasant health problem that is caused by the varicella zoster virus. It is most common in older individuals who have decreased immune systems.

If you have a history of having chickenpox, you are at risk of having shingles since the condition is caused by the same virus. This virus remains dormant in your system after the chickenpox episode. For some reason or another, it could turn into reactivated causing shingles.

There is no permanent cure for the condition and the treatments are based on minimizing the pain and length of the shingles episode. There are some typical medical shingles treatment choices that your physician could prescribe to alleviate your symptoms. Let's talk more about them.

Antiviral medicines are normally prescribed as soon as an individual has been diagnosed with this health problem by their physician. OTC pain medications can also be used to decrease the pain that is associated with swelling. Antibiotics could be applied to the skin to stop any sort of infection from the shingle blisters.

Doctors normally rely on antiviral medicines to provide shingles treatment. These can reduce the pain in addition to the duration of the illness. If they are started within three days of a shingles eruption, there will also be less chances of developing post herpetic neuralgia (PHN). Acyclovir, valacyclovir and famciclovir are the most common antiviral medicines that are suggested by physicians.

The discomfort caused by shingles blisters can also be minimized by having some over the counter medicines, such as ibuprofen and aspirin. They can be remarkably valuable in assisting to tolerate the condition before the antiviral medication starts to effect.

If the blisters open, there is always a risk of infections. In those situations, some topical antibiotics that are applied directly to the afflicted location can be valuable. They will also accelerate the recovery time.

About 1 in every 10 sufferers shingles will develop post herpetic neuralgia. This is even more unpleasant condition than regular shingles, and the recovery duration could last months or even years. There are some medications to treat PHN also.

For example, a doctor may suggest some antidepressants for individuals with PHN. Additionally, topical anesthetics lidocaine, benzocaine, and lidoderm can be useful. Often the pain is so extreme that the patient need to take some strong opioid.

Specialists will commonly prescribe their patients a shingles treatment that is created to decrease the duration of this uncomfortable eruption. They could also offer pain medicines. Some individuals go on to develop PHN, and this painful health problem can last up to all year. Finally, I want to remind you that effective stress management is one the best natural shingles home remedies you can find.

Shingles Symptoms

Have you ever questioned is shingles contagious? Do you want to find some natural methods to ease shingles symptoms? Visit shinglestreatments.info to read more about shingles and different natural shingles treatment options available.

Exactly What Can You Do To Ease Your Shingles Symptoms?

Shingles Symptoms

Read through Shingles Pain Management - How to Deal With the Pain far more

Shingles Pain Management - How to Deal With the Pain

Shingles Symptoms

Shingles Symptoms

Are you one of the millions of people suffering from the pain of a herpes zoster outbreak? Herpes zoster is the wrath of chickenpox, otherwise known as shingles, that affects millions of people in the US every year. Shingles is a painful red rash that turns into blisters that leak a clear fluid when the blister breaks open.

Shingles is caused by the same virus as chickenpox. The varicella zoster virus (VZV) stays dormant in the body after a chickenpox infection, that usually occurs in children. If your immune system becomes compromised later in life, this could result in reactivation of the virus, resulting in a painful case of shingles zoster.

How is the immune system compromised?

Prolonged stress, anti rejection medications, as well as HIV/AIDS and chemotherapy all can be an assault on the immune system causing the virus to come alive with a vengeance. The result is extreme pain and discomfort to the victim. It can start and burning and tingling on the skin that appears to come out of nowhere for no reason. VSV travels along the nerve route, or dermatome and shows up on one side of the body. This is one way that shingles is distinguished from varicella (shingles).

Discomfort due to herpes zoster can be debilitating, requiring pain medication and antivirals to manage the symptoms. Antivirals need to be taken within 72 hours of onset of symptoms. The pain can last up to six months, and in many cases is chronic lasting for years.

Dealing with the pain:

Discomfort due to herpes zoster can be debilitating, requiring pain medication and antivirals to manage the symptoms. In order for antivirals to have an effect, the drug should be taken within 72 hours of onset of the rash.

Medication Management:

Corticosteroids for pain: Prednisone taken together with acyclovir can reduce the pain of shingles by reducing the nerve inflammation caused by active infection. It has also been shown to decrease residual nerve damage.

Analgesics: Pain can range from mild to severe and relief may be obtained from over-the-counter analgesics when paid is mild to moderate, while narcotics may be needed for more severe pain symptoms.

Lotions such as calamine are effective when applied to the seeping blisters to combat pain, and capsaicin cream when the blisters have crusted over. Topical pain patches of lidocaine (Xylocaine) and nerve blocks have also been beneficial in easing the pain related to zoster outbreaks.

Herpes Zoster Keratitis (eye shingles) is a complication of herpes zoster, and is treated with antiviral medications. This serious complication can cause temporary or permanent vision loss, and needs medical treatment right away.

Another complication of zoster is Postherpetic Neuralgia, a painful condition known to occur after the blisters have healed. This pain is extreme nerve pain and can exist for up to and more than six months. Medications that are helpful for this condition include such as topical skin applications, analgesics, antidepressants, and anticonvulsants.

Herpes zoster is mostly seen in people 60 years of age and older, although children and young adults get as well. Having had a prior chickenpox infection make you vulnerable for developing shingles. However, if you have never had chickenpox before and have never been vaccinated against it, avoid people who have an active shingles infection, or you could find yourself with your first case of chickenpox!

Barb Hicks is a licensed registered nurse and experience writer who loves to share her experience and knowledge online. She has a classroom at Clivir.com where she provides more information on Shingles Vaccine Information and Shingles Pain Medication.

Understand Treat Chicken Pox and Shingles Effectively much more

Both chicken pox and shingles are highly contagious viral conditions that are characterized by painful skin rash. Caused by the herpes virus, the earliest symptoms of both conditions include headache, fever, a general feeling of malaise, sore throat and swelling of the face.

Treatment for both conditions is available in the form of Acyclovir tablets.

What is Acyclovir?

Acyclovir belongs to a family of drugs known as guanosine analogue antiviral drugs. Its one of the most commonly used treatment options for treating shingles and chickenpox. The development of this medication heralded a new era in antiviral therapy. Its selective action and its low levels of toxicity with respect to cells, has made it the recommended treatment option for shingles and chicken pox.

How Does Acyclovir Work?

To understand the working of Acyclovir, it's a good idea to understand how the herpes viruses work in the body. The virus acts in the body by multiplying through replication. As the virus cells begin multiplying, it spreads through the body. The intake of Acyclovir helps arrest the reproduction of the virus, limiting its spread to a particular part of your body. Basically, it stops the virus from spreading all over your body.

When you take in Acyclovir, it inhibits the functioning of those enzymes that the herpes virus uses for replication. This means that the virus can no longer multiply. As the spread of virus stops, so does the spread of its symptoms. This also helps reduce the severity of the symptoms.

Treatment with Acyclovir

Aciclovir is a prescription medication available in dosages of 200mg, 400mg and 800mg. The doctor will take cognizance of your current intake of medications and existing health condition(s) before prescribing the appropriate dosage. Typically, the medication is prescribed at the first sign of an infection. This medication needs to be taken orally with a glass of water and can be taken with or without food. Some people, prescribed Acyclovir have noticed that there is a reduction in the side effects if it's taken with food; especially side effects like stomach upset, diarrhoea and nausea. Chicken pox and shingles can be effectively treated with Valtrex also.

Side Effects of Acyclovir

The use of Acyclovir tablets may cause certain side effects. The nature of the side effects and their severity might be different in different people. Patients taking this medication sometimes suffer from digestive side effects like vomiting, nausea and diarrhoea. Other side effects also include headache, memory loss, fatigue, pain in the legs, sore throat, and swelling of the hands and feet. If you suffer from a side effect that becomes bothersome, it's important that you seek immediate medical help.

The effect of Acyclovir on unborn babies has not yet been understood clearly. So, pregnant women are advised not to take this medication. Also, you might experience a significant improvement in your condition before you complete the recommended dosage. But, it's important that you complete the prescribed dosage and not leave it midway. If you do, it might lead to some complications later on.

Shingles Symptoms

Hayden Eck writes articles on various health topics like Sexual Health Treatment and its supplements, which can be treated effectively with like: Valtrex Valaciclovir and Aciclovir Tablets also known as Acyclovir.

Treat Chicken Pox and Shingles Effectively

Shingles Symptoms

Study Shingles - Natural Remedies for Clearing the Virus and Repairing Nerves much more

If you already have shingles, or if you want to avoid getting it, you might want to turn to natural remedies. But which ones should you choose, and can they play an effective role?

Below are some natural remedies you might find useful. Some support your body in either avoiding the virus entirely or helping eliminate it if already present. And others aid in nerve recovery and repair after your body clears the virus.

First, a short review. Shingles occurs when the chicken pox virus erupts along the surface of your trunk, resulting in skin blisters. It customarily follows a peripheral nerve that passes information from your skin back through your central nervous system and spinal cord. The virus causes pain in the area of your skin supplied by the affected nerve and also pain due to inflammatory nerve alterations. It is this second condition that can continue to cause pain even after your body has cleared the virus.

The following are herbal and nutritional supplements that can first support your body in clearing the virus, followed by those that can assist the nerve to recover.

Support for Clearing the Virus


The effectiveness of the aerial part of the herb Echinacea (rather than the root) has been shown to be effective in warding off viruses, including this one. Apparently it blocks virus receptors on the surface of cells and also supports the body in killing the virus through the production and release of interferon, which can block viral RNA.


This common food has antiviral actions due to its ability to stimulate and support the immune system. It can kill viruses and can protect from invading viruses.

Pau d'Arco

This herb has demonstrated antiviral activities, including that of inhibiting the varicella virus.


This herb restores and enhances immune system activity. Used in Chinese medicine for centuries, it also has the additional advantage of supporting adrenal and cardiovascular functioning.

St. John's Wort

This herb promotes optimal immune responses, and has the additional advantage of acting to calm nerves and restore nervous system balance, thus it has the potential to reduce nerve pain associated with an outbreak.

B12 Allan Spreen, M.D. recommends 500 mcg per day of B12 as a prevention. He used B12 shots in higher dosages for 3 days when he had an outbreak and that took care of it, he said.

Tai Chi Practice A UCLA study demonstrated that the practice of Tai Chi by older adults doubled their immunity to shingles.

Support for Repairing the Nerves

After clearing the virus, the following are among the remedies for nerve repair:


This is a B vitamin with a somewhat sweet taste; it is the fuel nerves use to fire.

Flax Seed Oil

This is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. The lining, or insulation of the nerves is made from this type of fatty acid.

Schizandra fruit May be helpful in nerve repair and relief from neuralgia.

California Poppy An herb specific for addressing nerve pain.

Damiana leaf is a central nervous system tonic.

Skullcappromotes a tranquilizing effect on the central nervous system.

St. John's Wort (see above.)

Minerals Nerves Use Nerves use minerals to do their work and also to repair themselves. Those minerals found in kelp and alfalfa are especially effective for these functions.

Pamela Levin is an R.N. and Teaching & Supervising Transactional Analyst with 500+ post-graduate hours in clinical nutrition, herbology and applied kinesiology. In private practice 42 years, she offers health improvement services and information for better health and greater wellbeing of body, mind, spirit, emotions and relationships. You're invited to request a topic you'd like her to address at http://www.betterhealthbytes.com

Shingles - Natural Remedies for Clearing the Virus and Repairing Nerves


Go through Safe Home Remedies for Shingles additional

Safe Home Remedies for Shingles

Shingles Symptoms

Shingles is usually seen in people who are 50 years and more, but can occur in anyone who has the varicella zoster virus. This is the same virus that causes chickenpox. Once a person has had chickenpox, the virus becomes dormant in the body and can resurface as shingles. The cause for the resurface is not yet known, but it can get triggered by certain factors, such as stress, weakened immunity or cancer. The shingles blisters are painful and can also cause chills, fever, diarrhea and headaches. While the blisters are healing and new ones are forming, the person can spread the virus to a person, who has never had chickenpox.

Conventional medication involves providing relief to the person for pain and hastening the healing of blisters. Usually antiviral medications are prescribed, but they should be taken within 72 hours of the initial symptoms cropping up. To alleviate pain, the person is often prescribed OCT non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or acetaminophen. If the pain is particularly severe, the doctor may prescribe prescription non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or narcotic analgesics. For the itching, often corticosteroids are prescribed.

Many of the prescription drugs that doctor prescribe for shingles have side effects associated with them. Hence, there could be some people who are not comfortable taking them. Such people can opt for home remedies to help cope with the symptoms of shingles and hasten the healing of blisters. Most of the home remedies for shingles are simple and use ingredients found in every home.

Applying an ice pack for five to 10 minutes few times a day can help alleviate the pain caused by the blisters and provide a soothing feeling. Taking a lukewarm water bath can also help with the pain.

To heal the blisters, try applying a mix of fresh celery juice, carrot juice and parsley juice. This will also provide some relief from the pain.

Many practitioners of alternative medication claim that making changes to the diet can help with the healing process. Adding more fiber to the diet and eating food with high Vitamin B content can help the person get rid of shingles and its symptoms.

Putting aloe vera gel on the blisters will provide relief from the pain and also cure the rash. The get even helps to remove the scars left behind by the blisters after they have healed.

Finally, putting some calamine lotion on the blisters will soothe the area at once and also reduce the itching. In fact, calamine lotion was regarded previously as one of the most important treatments in shingles before conventional medicine overtook it.

Kum Martin is an online leading expert in health and medicine. He also offers top quality articles like: Shingles Vaccine Effects, Shingles Contagious Stage

Study What is the Right Shingles Medication? more

Anyone who has had chicken pox may later also have shingles. This disease however may need some other kind of treatment that is different from chicken pox medication. Given below are some types of shingles medication.

Consulting with Your Doctor

Although shingles do disappear on their own after a couple of weeks, it is important to immediately seek medical attention once you experience shingles symptoms. Shingles medication given by a doctor can help reduce the discomforts that accompany shingles and prevent complications. A doctor too would be able to give you the right combination and dosage of medications in consideration of your age and severity of condition.

Antiviral Shingles Medication

The first type of shingles medication that most doctors prescribe for shingles patients is antiviral medication. This is because shingles is caused by a virus and an antiviral can help prevent the development or increase of the virus. Antiviral medications also speed up the healing of shingles blisters and help ease pain. Experts say that antiviral medication should be given within 3 days of the first signs of shingles for best results. It is also believed that prompt and early medication can help limit the possibility of a patient developing post herpetic neuralgia or PHN. PHN is a condition in which pain persists for a long time after the shingles rashes have healed.

All patients with shingles may benefit from antiviral shingles medication. Early antiviral treatment however may be especially helpful for the elderly and those with severe cases of shingles. In some cases, antiviral medication may result in headaches as a side effect.

Corticosteriods Shingles Medication

Sometimes doctors may also prescribe corticosteroids in addition to antiviral shingles medication. Just like antiviral medicines, corticosteroids also work best when give early. Some doctors however recommend that corticosteroids only be given to patients who are more than 50 years old or those who have shingles on the face and are in extreme pain. This type of shingles medication can reduce pain, decrease itchiness and limit swelling.

The problem with the use of corticosteroids as shingles medication is that it might result in a number of side effects headache, stomach upset, moodiness, thirstiness, insomnia and increase in weight. Corticosteriods have also been known to make shingles rashes appear worse. The worst possible side effects of using this medication for a long time include meningitis, osteoporosis and cataract.

Other Medication

Your doctor might also additionally allow the use of over the counter anti inflammatory pain medication to help relieve pain further. Antibiotic ointments are also recommended to prevent infections that originate from shingles blisters.

Post Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN)

In rare cases, shingles patients may develop PHN, in which case a different set of medications is required. Medical treatment for PHN includes tricyclic antidepressants, nerve blockers, opioids, anticonvulsants and topical pain relievers.

Antidepressants in particular have become a common mode of treatment for PHN. Low doses of certain antidepressants have been observed to relieve pain. Further studies however are still required to understand exactly how antidepressants help with PHN.

To find out more details about the different methods used for shingles medication [http://www.treatmentofshingles.net], visit [http://www.treatmentofshingles.net].

What is the Right Shingles Medication?

Shingles Symptoms

Read through Shingles - An Adult Form Of Chicken Pox additional

Shingles - An Adult Form Of Chicken Pox


Many adults suffer with an illness identified as shingles. Shingles is an adult form of chicken pox. This condition tends to show its face when adults are under extreme stress. Shingles is a very painful condition and extremely uncomfortable. A red, blistery rash is the first clue that you may have shingles. It can be a reoccurring event but the unfortunate part is that there is no cure.

As children, the majority of us have had chicken pox and once you get it you never get it again. Shingles is the complete opposite as you may get shingles many times during your lifetime. Stress is the culprit that brings it on so it is likely you will be stressed at various times. The rash that erupts is painful and takes time to go away. While the rash can occur anywhere on your body, it mostly appears on the face, head, back and torso. Some folks have even complained of having pain where the rash didn't even appear.

The shingles experience for each individual is unique but the most common symptoms are pain and itching. Sometimes these symptoms come together and at other times one can be more predominant than the other. In some cases, an anti-viral medication can reduce the symptoms but on the whole they tend to have little effect. The unfortunate part of getting this condition is you will be told it just has to run its course. The length of this illness is unknown and can last anywhere from a week to a couple of months. The duration is usually contingent upon the amount of stress the individual is feeling.

There is no textbook cure for shingles and no guarantees it won't reoccur. However, some people found if they ate better and exercised to reduce their current stress levels it did help to reduce flare ups. If you find yourself with a case of shingles, it's important to manage the symptoms. You may be lucky enough to be one of the few that find relief with pain medications or putting a topical lotion to numb the pain and the itching.

If you ever find yourself with a case of the shingles realize that the best cure is to manage the current stress you are under and hope the condition is short lived. After getting shingles the first time it may be a wake up call for you to reassess your lifestyle, make some changes so that a recurrence of this condition is not likely. Shingles can be uncomfortable and painful but it is not life threatening. Consult with your physician to determine the best way to control another bout of shingles. Perhaps they can offer advice that can help you to alleviate the stress in your life and never have to face another incident of shingles.

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Understand Shingles Symptoms - And Treatment To Cure Shingles Fast additional

If you're at this time affected by Shingles, then you're probably curious to learn exactly what the Shingles symptoms and treatment is. Throughout this informative article, I'm going to give out some of the best Shingles treatments available that you can begin making use of straight away.

First, just what are the Shingles symptoms and treatment?

- strong nerve pain
- rash and blisters
- skin sensitivity
- moderate fever
- head ache
- chills
- malaise
- itchiness
- scabs
- exhaustion/fatigue
- sensitivity to light

These are the most typical Shingles symptoms that you may be experiencing.

Keep in mind that Shingles is the re-emergence of the varicella virus (generally known as Chicken Pox) which usually takes place as a result of stress, trauma or even a weakened immune system. Consequently, one of the better Shingles symptoms and treatment is actually to reduce or eradicate stress out of your life. Which means spend some time relaxing and becoming comfortable. Get a lot of rest as well as sleep as much as you are able to.

Shingles Symptoms and Treatment

To boost your immune system as well as help your body to fight off the virus, I would recommend Vitamin C along with other multi-vitamins to assist the body. You could possibly get that through food, however taking it as a health supplement can be easier. On the topic of food, you want to make certain you're consuming a healthy diet plan.

For Shingles symptoms and treatment, you can try calamine lotion as well as Vitamin E oil to use on the skin. You may wish to make sure you keep your skin as thoroughly clean as possible and whatever you do, don't scratch it - regardless of how itchy it could be.

There are lots of additional natural lotions, creams and remedies you should use on the skin to remove the rash and also eliminate pain. Ibuprofen or even aspirin can temporarily assist with the pain, but there are other long term and safer solutions to help yourself.

Another thing you can try is using an ice pack or wet cloth which will help numb the pain you might be experiencing with the blisters and rash. Again, you want to make sure that the area is as clean as possible so that it doesn't get infected in any way. You can do this several times per day and it will help.

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Shingles Symptoms - And Treatment To Cure Shingles Fast

Read through Top 3 Shingles Cures far more

Shingles Symptoms

Shingles is a viral disease caused by the varicella zoster virus, also known as the Chicken Pox. While these two diseases both come from the same virus, Shingles is considered to be the stronger virus. Shingles usually appears from a Chicken Pox strain that people have contaminated in the past. This recurrence possibility of Shingles makes it one of the top diseases that infect elderly people. So what can be done to prevent Shingles from appearing? What are the most effective Shingles cures?

Before knowing the best Shingles cures, one must realize first how Shingles infects people. The fact is, the Shingles virus cannot be killed. While most people believe that recovering from the Chicken Pox or Shingles means the virus is completely gone, this is not the real case. Varicella zoster lays dormant deep in the skin, waiting for the body defenses to weaken so it can resurface again. People who've contacted Chicken Pox have high chances of getting a Shingles infection, especially later in life.

There are also cases of adolescents contacting the disease, so it's not uncommon for younger people to have Shingles - especially those who have a weak immune system. One of the best Shingles cures is prevention. The key to prevent Shingles from reappearing is to live a healthy lifestyle. Be on a healthy diet and get sufficient rest and exercise to increase your body's defenses towards these diseases. However, for those who have contacted the disease already, be mindful of the symptoms so you apply the necessary Shingles cures immediately. Treatments during early stages of the disease are very helpful in order to decrease the risk of recurrence. Here are some of the top Shingles cures that can help you in dealing with this problem.

1. While taking antiviral medication does not guarantee removing the virus entirely, prescribed medications along with painkillers are very useful Shingles cures to relieve pain and dry out lesions for faster healing. As soon as you feel symptoms, such as extreme itchiness, burning pains and rashes, immediately consult your doctor for medication. Early stage medication is important to prevent further breakouts of the disease.

2. Another one of the best Shingles cures to look at is the option of vaccine immunization. This preventive measure helps thousands of people who've contacted the Chicken Pox to prevent from getting the Shingles infection. While vaccines do not guarantee 100% effectiveness, it reduces the risk of a Shingles contamination among elderly people at a rate of 70%.

3. Finally, one of the best Shingles cures around is the natural remedies that our nature offers. There are many types of natural remedies out there. From oatmeal, cayenne pepper, calamine lotion, and other topical ointments for faster drying up and pain relief.

To find out more of the top Shingles cures, check out this website on how to cure Shingles within days!

Top 3 Shingles Cures

Shingles Symptoms

Go through Shingles Natural Treatment - Natural Alternatives to Prescription Drugs and the New Shingles Vaccine extra

Virus Basics for Shingles Natural Treatment

All living organisms play host to viruses, even including bacteria. It is a certainty that you will be affected by multiple kinds of viruses throughout your lifetime. The most prevalent human viruses will show up as the common cold, flu, cold sores, chickenpox, and shingles. Less common, and more deadly, viruses are blamed for such diseases as ebola, AIDS, bird flu, SARS, and hepatitis.

Scientists are also suspicious of viruses that are associated with multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, neurological diseases, cancer, and many more. Finding the best natural shingles treatment for you depends on knowing about the basic interactions between you and your virus.

One of those interactions comes from your childhood chickenpox virus when it breaks out into a shingles later in life.

Main Factors That Influence Infections

Your body is one of the main determining factors for whether you will suffer from shingles or any other viral disease. You are exposed to viruses on a daily basis, and most of the time your immune system or other defense mechanisms help you resist infections. Otherwise, you would be sick all of the time.

Another main factor for infection is the type of virus and its response to your defenses. Shingles, for example, is caused by the chickenpox virus that has infected millions of people. Out of all of the people who have had chickenpox, only about 1-3 per thousand healthy individuals under 65 years old will get shingles. This number goes up to as high as 12 per thousand for those older than 65. Such survey data just mean that the vast majority of people who have been exposed to the virus do not develop symptoms, due to the combination of their bodies' defenses and to the response of the virus to them.

Your best strategies for fighting viral infections must be based on whatever you can do to help your own defenses and whatever you can do to address the behavior of the virus itself. Antiviral prescription drugs have side effects resulting from their suppression of the immune system, which undermines your defenses. The new shingles vaccine, Zostavax, is only approved for people over 60 years old, because clinical experiments focused only on this group. Even so, it is only effective for about half of the people who are injected with it.

Even though Zostavax has been approved in Europe as well as in the U.S., it is not widely used in such places as the U.K. even though it is licensed there. This caution is based on the long-term unknowns, the interactions with other drugs and vaccines (esp. the chickenpox vaccine) and worries about affects on those with already weakened immune systems.

Cautions About Zostavax

Follow-up studies are in progress. The long-term effectiveness and potential complications of Zostavax are unknown At this time it is not recommended for women who are pregnant, people with active untreated tuberculosis, or those with weakened immune systems. It is also not recommended for anyone who has had a life-threatening allergic reaction to gelatin or to the antibiotic neomycin, which are components of the vaccine formula.

Focus on Herpes Viruses

The chickenpox and shingles virus is known scientifically as Herpes zoster (or Varicella zoster), which means it shares many characteristics with all of the members of the herpes family of viruses. The same antiviral drugs are prescribed for shingles, cold sores, genital herpes, and Kaposi's sarcoma because they are all herpes viruses.

Herpes viruses target the same kinds of tissues (skin and nerve), although in different parts of the body. They also have the same basic appearance and genetic composition and respond to drugs and natural treatments the same way. This just means that a successful remedy against one type of herpes infection has a good chance of being successful against other types.

Natural Antivirals for Shingles Treatment

Scientific literature over the past century reveals thousands of plant natural products that have antiviral activity. This is to be expected, since plants have their own viruses to deal with. Nevertheless, plant viruses and human viruses have much in common, so hundreds of the antivirals that plants make in their own defense also inhibit human viruses.

Most of the research-level results are not practical at this time because the majority of antiviral plant compounds are not yet available in herbal formulas. However, a few herbs that show positive clinical results against shingles have been available for several years.

The classic herb against shingles is lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), which produces an oil that has anti-herpes activity for topical use as well as for internal use. It is an ingredient in several formulas, sometimes by itself and often with other oil-producing herbs. Recent research in cell cultures shows that lemon balm can overcome herpes infection in cells that have become resistant to prescription antiviral drugs.

The newest herb, and maybe the best one, against herpes is the creosote bush (Larrea tridentata). It is also available in a lotion for topical application as well as in a capsule for internal use. The active ingredients in the creosote bush have general activity against several types of herpes infections as well as activity against HIV and several other types of viruses. This herb is definitely a rising star in the realm of antivirals from plants.

What About Shingles Pain?

The pain of a rash, which can sometimes last weeks or months after an outbreak has already subsided (i.e., "post-herpetic neuralgia"), responds very well to a paste of red pepper powder or to creams containing its main active ingredient, capsaicin. Capsaicin is well-known for blocking pain signals between nerves just under the skin. The only drawback to applying capsaicin-containing formulas is that it makes the burning sensation worse if the skin has been broken or is still has open blisters.

Medical researchers are finding out a lot about capsaicin vs. shingles pain. More than 70 research articles have appeared on this topic since 2002 in PubMed, the U.S. government's medical database.


Dr. Dennis Clark, Ph.D.


Shingles Natural Treatment - Natural Alternatives to Prescription Drugs and the New Shingles Vaccine


Examine Chickenpox Symptoms And What You Can Do To Soothe The Itch far more

Shingles Symptoms

Chickenpox symptoms typically present as hundreds of fluid-filled blisters that are very itchy and can appear anywhere on the body. Chickenpox (a.k.a.Varicella) is a highly contagious viral disease and though this has long been considered a childhood disease, the same virus (herpes zoster) can cause a condition called shingles in an adult.

Chickenpox Symptoms And Causes

The typical child will present with signs of general illness a day or two before breaking out in the itchy, fluid-filled blisters typically associated with the chickenpox. These early symptoms may include a fever, headache, stomach upset or ache, or loss of appetite. During this one to two day period the child is contagious to others.

Within a couple of days, a child will break out in hundreds of small, itchy red spots and blisters. These blisters typically appear on the face, trunk or scalp first before spreading to other areas of the body. The blisters change over the next few days to form a crusty scab as new blisters continue to form, springing up in groups for a few more days. Blisters can form in the mouth, vagina and on the eyelids.

Chickenpox is caused by an infection of the Herpes zoster virus through direct contact with the fluid from a chickenpox blister or airborne particles from an infected person's cough or sneeze. After exposure to the virus, it will commonly take between 10 to 21 days for the pox to appear.

Chickenpox Diagnosis And Treatment

This viral infection is typically diagnosed through the observation of the aforementioned symptoms. If there is any question about the diagnosis, the presence of the illness can be confirmed by a physician using blood tests or a test of the blisters.

Treatment may involve simply waiting for the virus to run its course, which typically happens within 2 weeks. After exposure to the virus it will remain dormant or asleep in the person's body for a lifetime. However, the virus can re-emerge in adulthood resulting in shingles.

A child should avoid any contact with other children until the pox have crusted over and dried completely.

To help soothe itching a person can use cool compresses, calamine lotions or topical anesthetic ointments, or an oatmeal bath in lukewarm water. An oral antihistamine may also help ease the intense itching associated with this illness.

A medical doctor may use antiviral medications for those with additional risk factors such as older (adult or teen) patients or those with complicating conditions (i.e. eczema, lung conditions, weakened immune systems)

Excess heat and sweating should be avoided and the child should be discourage from scratching. Acetaminophen may be used to decrease fever and discomfort. Avoid aspirin entirely when dealing with a viral infection such as chickenpox.

The introduction of the chickenpox vaccine has made classic chickenpox in children less common. Those with the vaccine may still get a mild version of the illness and will be contagious to others.

Scarring is not common unless the pox became infected from scratching.

Take an active role in your health by learning even more about Chickenpox

You can read more about this condition and use a free tool that walks you through your symptoms and leads you to an online diagnosis. Prepare yourself before your doctor's visit and figure out what your symptoms mean using this Medical Symptom Diagnosis Tool.

Chickenpox Symptoms And What You Can Do To Soothe The Itch

Shingles Symptoms

Understand Treating Shingles far more


Shingles is a viral infection caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. In fact, the infection is similar to chickenpox but it only affects adults, generally older adults. The symptoms of shingles include a rash that generally affects one side of the body. It can appear as a long strip of bumps and rash or it can cover a small area. Either way, it generally affects older adults who, for whatever reason, have a weak immune system. While shingles can reoccur, generally people only suffer from shingles once.

As a child, you may have suffered from chickenpox. If you did, then you still have the virus in your system. It simply became dormant, but it still exists in your nerve roots. For some, the virus will stay dormant for the rest of their lives. For others, however, the virus will reactivate and cause shingles.

What are the symptoms of shingles? First, you'll have a headache. You may experience flu like symptoms, too, but you won't have a fever. Then you'll start to see a rash that is both painful and itches. Then the rash will turn into blisters that may leak fluid and then crust over. In about four weeks, these blisters will heal. Note, however, that some people will never experience a rash. Others may have a horrible rash that lasts for several weeks.

There is no shingles cure, but there are some ways of treating shingles. Antiviral medication, including steroids, can help you get over the illness. Antidepressants, topical creams, and other pain medication can all help you get over shingles more quickly and can reduce the pain. There is also a singles vaccine that can prevent older adults from ever suffering from shingles.

If you want to learn more about the treatment for shingles, or indeed the symptoms of shingles, click on one of the links and visit our site for a more in-depth read.

Treating Shingles

Read through Natural and Alternative Ways to Control Shingles more

Natural and Alternative Ways to Control Shingles

Shingles Symptoms


In December 2003, on holiday abroad, I suffered a severe attack of shingles, which covered my neck, head, back, shoulder, arm, face and chest on my right side. My doctor at home told me the shingles had attacked two parts of my nervous system, when it usually only attacks one. I took several months to recover: my neck was painful and my right arm had a constant painful ache like hitting yourself with a hammer. It was also weak for about five months. Now those symptoms have returned. Is this still the effect of the original illness or is there a possibility of the shingles returning? And can you tell me what I can do to alleviate it please?

Shingles are caused by the varicella-zoster or V-Z virus, which is the same as the chickenpox virus: varicella is chickenpox. Shingles, or zoster, appears in people who have previously had chickenpox. The initial infection produces chickenpox, a common and usually mild disease of childhood where watery eruptions on the skin are preceded by sore throat and bronchitis. The virus then gets lodged in the body in ganglia, collections of nerve cells outside the spinal cord, located a long the spinal column the spinal cord. Once there, it goes into a period of hibernation, taking the minimal nutrition it needs from the nerve cells. It can lie dormant for decades without showing any symptoms or discomfort whatsoever. Years later, when immunity to the virus is lost or the immune system is weakened by illness or age, the viral cells can multiply rapidly and spread down a nerve and nerve branches until they reach the skin surface.

That is shingles, which causes degenerative changes in the skin similar to chickenpox, and can be extremely painful. The watery blisters become cloudy as white blood cells accumulate and the debris from destroyed skin is deposited. The only good thing is that when the blisters burst and dry, the hard crusts peel off without leaving a mark in the majority of cases.( The reason this virus leaves no long term scaring in most people is because the infection is restricted to the skin surface, unlike smallpox now eradicated- which attacked deeper layers of skin and left indented scars in survivors.) Generally, as your doctor says, only one nerve and its branches are involved, most frequently the one in the middle of the trunk.

The nerves in face and neck are less commonly involved. In your case, the branches of the nerves that feed the shoulder, arm and hands are also involved. I suspect that after your initial infection, the virus must have lodged in multiple ganglia including the neck area. The nerves involved are usually sensory which is why you get all sorts of sensations such as burning, pain, tingling and itching and the area of the skin feels very sensitive to touch. On rare occasions, motor nerves (those responsible for voluntary movement are involved and sufferers may experience weakness or loss of power in the arm, as you report. Even when the skin eruptions are completely gone, the pain and discomfort may continue for weeks or years, depending on the damage the virus causes as it moves a long the nerve. The more severe the attack, the longer the symptoms persist. Once the pain and burning subsides, however, you can be assured that the attack is over. In your else, the return of the pain in your neck and right arm could be nerve pain caused by problems in that area.

Here are some suggestions.
* In the initial stages of an attack, antiviral drugs are useful which your doctor will prescribe. At your stage, I would tend to focus on supporting the immune system and treating the neck and upper back.
* Avoid yeast products, coffee, alcohol, citrus fruits, canned products, excess sugar.
* Make sure you sleep well to replenish your energy stores: take 1 tablet of Brento at night for one month to relax and get into the habit of good sleep.
* Boost your immune system-with one tablespoonful of Bioprash in a little milk with some Manuka Honey, daily for three months.
*Take one 15 mg tablet of zinc citrate daily for two months.
* Take a multivitamin and mineral daily for two months.
* Give yourself a neck and shoulder massage twice weekly for two months: see my website for details which you can download freely, or look in Therapeutic Yoga, the book I co-wrote with Jiwan Brar or have professional massage sessions.
* Book in for acupuncture or homeopathy with an appropriately trained and qualified practitioner. These sessions will reduce the burning pain and tingling in the arm. Your GP may be able to recommend good local practitioners; in some cases they are attached to surgeries...

visit my health shop http://www.drmalishop.com 121 Crawford Street, London, W1U 6BE shop@drmalishop.com


Read Cold Sores: How to Prevent and Heal Them a lot more

Cold sores are one of the most common infectious diseases, but also one of the most annoying & painful. This is generally caused by the herpes simplex virus which leads to an infection around the mouth area that appears as small blisters on the skin.

The most familiar shingles symptoms are tingling, cold sores & itching, which are fairly often accompanied by burns, which in turn leads to a vesicle formation. After the vesicle has been formed, it breaks out & a scab appears between seven & fifteen days after infection. Skin lesion will stay visible for another ten days. Although the virus generally attacks the outer lip it can also affect the mouth, nose, cheeks & fingers.

The main problem of the cold sore is that, after it cures, the cold sore virus remains dormant in our immune system & may re-emerge as a the body's defenses come down. It's therefore decisive to take into account a # of recommendations to prevent this disease, both in people who have never experienced it before & those who are normal hosts for the disease.

If you continuously expose yourself to sun and wind, you are more likely to get some kind of damage especially if you had suffered from cold sores in the past. It can reactivate & precipitate its onset. As sunlight triggers 1 of every 4 cases of cold sores, experts advise applying a cream or lip balm with sun protection before going outdoors, especially to avoid recurring cases.

If you share everyday objects like glasses, towels, cutlery and plates, the virus will spread from one person to another. It's therefore advisable not to share those possessions while the person has the disease. Moreover, toothbrush harbour herpes virus for quite some days and again & again it will keep infecting the lip. For that reason, it's recommended to change your toothbrush, both when the disease has broken out, & when the lesion has healed.

When you are exposed to regular situations of stress, your body defenses weaken which in turns promotes renewed cold sores. In consequence, it is strongly recommended to avoid a situation of persistent stress & practise relaxation techniques. However, any specific situation can be particularly distressing enough to trigger a recurrence of cold sores.

If, despite preventive measures, the virus show up again, a series of recommendations will promote healing & help reduce pain & discomfort.

Hygiene is important. It's best to wash the blisters with a little water & antibacterial soap in addition to keeping hands clean at all times to prevent the virus spreading to other areas of the skin.

There are numerous studies linking the consumption of foods rich in "arginine" (almonds, cashews, chocolate, jelly, soft drinks, beer... ) with the deterioration of the virus & its recurrence, as herpes simplex virus needs this amino acid to survive. However, "lysine" foods like seaweed, potatoes, soy & eggs, are effective in preventing the viruses & to stop their activities & promote faster healing.

ALOE VERA & MILK compacts
Pulp of Aloe vera applied topically to the affected area is a natural aid to accelerate wound healing due to its antiseptic, analgesic & regenerative properties of the skin. There are lip balms available in pharmacies with aloe vera in combination with other natural ingredients that are going to help you repair, protect & moisturize the affected area in depth, promote healing of herpes & act as a preventive measure.

In the same way, a compress of whole milk at room temperature, placed on a cold sore, relieves pain & speeds the healing process.

So, if you are a person who has suffered from shingles symptoms, it is in you best interest to always remain alert in order to act fast at the earliest sign of virus recurrence

Shingles Symptoms

Struggling with painful shingles? If you have suffered from shingles, you know that the virus will not go away. But that does not mean that you cannot control them. Please visit http://www.articlesbase.com/authors/dylan-frame/726259 where you will find relevant information for curing your Shingles Symptoms [http://www.eshinglessymptoms.com].

Cold Sores: How to Prevent and Heal Them

Study Shingles - What It Is and How To Treat It more

Shingles is a disease that strikes fear in anyone who hears its name. Tell someone you have shingles or have a family member with it and see them slowly edge their way towards the nearest exit. Don't feel bad though, they should. Shingles is a painful and highly contagious disease that nobody wants to have. If you think you have a shingles outbreak you should try and quarantine yourself until you can see a doctor.

How Do You Know If You Have Shinges?

First of all, a typical Shingles outbreak includes a large section of your body being covered in blisters or a rash. They are quite often itchy and painful. This is because shingles is a result of the Herpes Zoster virus moving to your skin's surface through your nervous system. You may also have headaches or a fever and feel quite tired and fatigued. Tingling and burning over parts of the body is also common along with muscle weakness and nerve pain. If you have any of these symptoms and think it may be the shingles virus, see your doctor immediately.

What Causes Shingles?

It is most common with people who have a weakened immune system or those who have been under a lot of stress. If you were exposed to Chicken Pox, the Herpes Zoster virus is the byproduct of that disease. The Herpes Zoster virus moves to the base of the spinal column and lies dormant. Once an outbreak occurs it is quite often worse than the original Chicken Pox virus. Many who have had the Chicken Pox virus never experience shingles and never will. Healthcare professionals are not sure why the disease infects some and not others.

I Have Shingles, What Should I Do?

Make sure to keep your blisters covered so they don't become infected and so you don't infect those around you. Do not itch the blisters. You can apply a cold cloth or compress to the area, this should help to alleviate the pain. Covering the area in Petroleum Jelly can also help soothe the skin. Wear loose clothing or no clothes at all if possible. Oatmeal baths can be very soothing as well.

The duration of the virus varies greatly from patient to patient. Some experience very mild discomfort and are through the disease in a very short period of time. Others either have a weaker immune system or are under more stress. This can cause the virus to last quite a bit longer. If you do have shingles, try and stay calm and stress-free if possible. Take care of the infected area and try some of the pain treatments listed above.

Shingles Symptoms

If you want more information about Shingles you can visit the Is Shingles Contagious? website.

Shingles - What It Is and How To Treat It

Shingles Symptoms

Study Natural Treatment of Shingles With Homeopathy extra

The natural treatment of shingles, with homeopathy is likely not only to be the most effective, but also do so without suppressing your symptoms or creating side effects.

Shingles is related to chicken pox. Another name for it is herpes zoster. Typical symptoms include a skin eruption on any part of your body. But, more importantly, it is accompanied by a painful inflammation of the nerves. It is this symptom that creates so much distress.

Shingles can occur after exposure to chicken pox, accompanying some other disease such as pneumonia, tuberculosis or lymphoma or can be caused by certain drugs or injections. Sometimes it can occur after a trauma. Or there can be little apparent reason.

Blisters are the normal skin affection. And they tend to be extremely itchy and painful, making this an exhausting disease.

Normal treatment of shingles includes the topical use of calamine lotion and the internal use of pain killers. Neither of these approaches addresses the cause and are more likely to suppress your symptoms (turn them inwards) and harm your liver.

However, you do need some help with this painful malady.

Homeopathy works by stimulating your immune system, so that it can return to its job of curing you. It hasn't been able to because there is a blockage preventing it. Remove that, and away it goes again.

When the cause is not known, then your unique symptoms are used to determine the most appropriate homeopathic medicine.

The cause will be personal to you. It's what was going on in your life at the time it occurred. If you were taking a drug or had a vaccine, that may be the cause. If it came after an injury, then that is likely to be the cause.

If you can't see what the cause might have been, then the best medicine can be worked out by your symptoms.

Rhus tox is a great homeopathic medicine for shingles, when the cause was an injury. An injury that has not been energetically treated, so has made a permanent mark. Often the injury is to a joint and that may now be stiff as a result.

Whatever the cause of the shingles, if the shingles is intensely itchy and improved by the applications of very hot heat packs, or very hot water, then Rhus tox is likely to clear everything up in a short time.

Rhus tox can also be successfully used in old cases of shingles that recur periodically, or never seem to go away completely.

The treatment of shingles is most effective with a low potency (strength) of the best medicine. So Rhus tox 6c taken several times a day, as the itch and pain dictates.

Shingles Symptoms
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Natural Treatment of Shingles With Homeopathy

Go through Shingles Pain Management - How to Deal With the Pain much more

Are you one of the millions of people suffering from the pain of a herpes zoster outbreak? Herpes zoster is the wrath of chickenpox, otherwise known as shingles, that affects millions of people in the US every year. Shingles is a painful red rash that turns into blisters that leak a clear fluid when the blister breaks open.

Shingles is caused by the same virus as chickenpox. The varicella zoster virus (VZV) stays dormant in the body after a chickenpox infection, that usually occurs in children. If your immune system becomes compromised later in life, this could result in reactivation of the virus, resulting in a painful case of shingles zoster.

How is the immune system compromised?

Prolonged stress, anti rejection medications, as well as HIV/AIDS and chemotherapy all can be an assault on the immune system causing the virus to come alive with a vengeance. The result is extreme pain and discomfort to the victim. It can start and burning and tingling on the skin that appears to come out of nowhere for no reason. VSV travels along the nerve route, or dermatome and shows up on one side of the body. This is one way that shingles is distinguished from varicella (shingles).

Discomfort due to herpes zoster can be debilitating, requiring pain medication and antivirals to manage the symptoms. Antivirals need to be taken within 72 hours of onset of symptoms. The pain can last up to six months, and in many cases is chronic lasting for years.

Dealing with the pain:

Discomfort due to herpes zoster can be debilitating, requiring pain medication and antivirals to manage the symptoms. In order for antivirals to have an effect, the drug should be taken within 72 hours of onset of the rash.

Medication Management:

Corticosteroids for pain: Prednisone taken together with acyclovir can reduce the pain of shingles by reducing the nerve inflammation caused by active infection. It has also been shown to decrease residual nerve damage.

Analgesics: Pain can range from mild to severe and relief may be obtained from over-the-counter analgesics when paid is mild to moderate, while narcotics may be needed for more severe pain symptoms.

Lotions such as calamine are effective when applied to the seeping blisters to combat pain, and capsaicin cream when the blisters have crusted over. Topical pain patches of lidocaine (Xylocaine) and nerve blocks have also been beneficial in easing the pain related to zoster outbreaks.

Herpes Zoster Keratitis (eye shingles) is a complication of herpes zoster, and is treated with antiviral medications. This serious complication can cause temporary or permanent vision loss, and needs medical treatment right away.

Another complication of zoster is Postherpetic Neuralgia, a painful condition known to occur after the blisters have healed. This pain is extreme nerve pain and can exist for up to and more than six months. Medications that are helpful for this condition include such as topical skin applications, analgesics, antidepressants, and anticonvulsants.

Herpes zoster is mostly seen in people 60 years of age and older, although children and young adults get as well. Having had a prior chickenpox infection make you vulnerable for developing shingles. However, if you have never had chickenpox before and have never been vaccinated against it, avoid people who have an active shingles infection, or you could find yourself with your first case of chickenpox!

Shingles Symptoms

Barb Hicks is a licensed registered nurse and experience writer who loves to share her experience and knowledge online. She has a classroom at Clivir.com where she provides more information on Shingles Vaccine Information and Shingles Pain Medication.

Shingles Pain Management - How to Deal With the Pain

Read through Relief For Shingles a lot more

Several years ago, my wife began to exhibit a red rash located about her neck and face. She complained that it was causing pain that did not seem to be located just at the skin level. As days wore on, the rash increased in area, and some of the areas began to turn into open lesions, that became even more painful.

We were very ignorant as to what was occurring here, but in looking up different skin conditions, shingles looked like a very suspicious culprit. So, we made an appointment with the dermatologist and anxiously awaited the time when we could get this condition arrested and healed.

The doctor explained that, yes, this indeed was a case of shingles, and while most cases of this disease will break out on the trunk, the back or abdomen, sometimes it will appear around the neck and face, as it did with my wife. The real concern with this area is that it can affect the eyes and even the brain, if left alone too long.

Shingles is caused by the herpes zoster virus, a relative of the "other herpes" virus we hear so much about. More specifically, it derives from the chicken pox virus, which goes dormant in our bodies when we are "healed" from the chicken pox, usually as children. The symptoms are large, patchy areas of the skin that begin as a rash, the form sores, or lesions in the skin that become very painful.

In my wife's case they were beginning to form all over her neck, face and even into her scalp. She had some beginning to form on her nose near her eyes, which became extremely painful. The doctor said that we need to take action immediately and prescribed zovirax, or acyclovir which is an antiviral medication. Sad to say, that after a month of taking the medication, there was no measurable relief, and the condition seemed to be just a little worse than before.

Needless to say, we were pretty discouraged. Not really knowing what we should do next, we fortunately had a friend recommend a naturopathic practitioner to us who had a history of offering relief to such conditions in a more natural way. We surmised that it was worth a try, so we scheduled an appointment.

The practitioner was very knowledgeable about shingles and its causes and informed us that this is the result of a very depleted immune system which enables the dormant virus to raise its ugly head and do its damage. The recommendation was to build up my wife's immune system naturally and give her body the strength to attack the disease naturally.

Her suggestions were:

Get completely off of sugar and white flour. (Cake, pie, soft drinks, all sugary desserts, white bread, etc)
Begin a program of B vitamin therapy. B vitamins are our stress vitamins, that strengthens our nervous system. These vitamins are water soluble and are depleted rapidly when we are under stress.
Drink 5 to 7 full glasses of distilled water per day to flush the system. Distilled water is the only kind our body can use, and if we don't put it in our body to begin with, the kidneys have to distill it anyway.
Substitute brown rice for other starches, such as potatoes and white rice. This is rich in B vitamins, iron, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, protein and selenium.
Drink Pau D'Arco (Tahibo) tea. This comes from the bark of a tree from Brazil and is one of the world's most powerful anti viral agents. The procedure was to take a large pinch of the bark from the jar, boil it in water, the let it simmer for about 15 minutes. She then drank one full glass of the tea, 5 times per day.

By following this treatment, my wife began to see the lesions and the pain begin to disappear in a mere 5 days. The proof was definitely before us and we certainly were excited. It is one thing to read about a treatment and relief from a condition, and it is yet another to experience it.

This treatment simply rebuilds the body's immune system so that healing can take place from within, just as nature has planned it to occur.


David Tennant is a former high school football coach and researcher of health related issues. The use of minor pain relievers in sports is obviously necessary, and over the years a few basic remedies have stood the test of time. The cost is very small, so that any family or person can afford to purchase and have on hand the necessary product. To learn more go to: Relief for Shingles [http://relief-for-shingles.com] for more details.

Relief For Shingles


Read through Symptoms of Shingles Disease extra

Shingles is derived from the Latin & French words which means belt or girdle. This signifies a broad distribution of a rash. This distribution is usually on one side of the body.

Shingles is a very painful disease categorized by the painful skin rash with fluid filled blisters on the skin. This is caused by the Herpes virus. The same virus is responsible for the causation of chickenpox which is very common disease of the childhood. This virus remains in the dormant stage in the body in nerve roots responsible for sensations in the body. So after some years due to some exciting factors like stress, cancer, deficiency diseases like AIDS, fever, organ transplant etc cause the reactivation of this virus & this results in the shingles disease. Incidence of this is about 1 in every 5 individuals who have had chickenpox once in the life. There are about 1 million people every year who suffer from shingles in US.

Causes Of Shingles

There is no specific & sure cause of shingles i.e reactivation of herpes virus. However, there are certain factors which can lead to its reactivation. These are stress, fatigue, immunodeficiency disease, radiation treatment, cancer, HIV/AIDS, skin injury etc.

Symptoms Of Shingles

Shingles often shows a typical stage. The symptoms occur in the following fashion -

1. The Rash stage - In the start, a patient may feel like they are having the normal viral infection. The symptoms are common as that of flu. These are headache, nausea, fever with chill. These symptoms are the primary symptoms before the outbreak of skin rash. If the disease is diagnosed at this stage & treated properly, the chances of further progress of the disease is lowered to a greater extend. This stage is the right time to boost the immune system. Normal treatment includes antiviral medicines. Then the rash appears about 3-5 days after this stage. This is accompanied with certain other symptoms like burning & tingling sensation, itching, numbness & burning pain.

2. The eruptive stage - This stage is characterized by the outbreak of blisters with pain. Blisters are often filled with clear fluid. The common sites of such blisters are on buttock, arms, legs, face. These usually occur on one side of the body. This stage may continue for about 2 weeks. The clear fluid in the blisters slowly gets converted into pus during this stage & leads to scabbing. This is highly contagious stage. Also patient may suffer from pain & itch. So he/she may like to wear loose clothes in order to avoid contact of anything with the eruptions.

3. This stage: Post Neuralgia - In some cases, the patients may feel continuous pain along the nerve pathway where earlier blisters were present. This pain even persists after the complete healing of blisters. This is the post neuralgia. Anti-inflammatory creams and oils can be helpful in such condition.

Kobi Aharon is a medical practitioner. He works as dermatologist in nobel hospital in Haifa. He has also written about Shingles Symptoms and Shingles Contagious

Symptoms of Shingles Disease


Go through Healing Shingles Effectively much more

Shingles are very irritating, painful, and nerve wrecking. They are caused by the varicella-zoster virus. This same virus also causes chickenpox, and one in every ten people that get the chickenpox are susceptible to get shingles. People suffering from shingles usually complain of pain or burning of the muscles and skin before they get any of the other symptoms. The other symptoms that follow are flu like pains, aches, and temperature, as well as a red spotty rash. Healing shingles is rather easy, but the process until fully healed is very painful and irritating. People that suffer from it endure pain that varies from mild to severe, either way, both are uncomfortable and unpleasant and the quicker you catch it the better the chances are that you will be able to get over it faster.

As soon as you begin to feel burning in muscles or skin observe your skin carefully the following few days, and if you begin to feel flu like symptoms or begin to see the red rash make sure that you go to a doctor immediately. They will then determine if what you have is shingles or not and will prescribe the necessary medication. When they do prescribe the medication make sure that you take it just as it is written and do not stop it prior to the duration that it is prescribed. Some medications that you may be prescribed are acyclovir, valcyclovir, and famcyclovir. It is vital that these medications are taken no more than 72 hours after the rash has appeared in order to have an effect.

Healing shingles is not only about getting rid of them but also dealing with the pain and irritation. If the pain is mild, you can take over the counter painkillers such as ibuprofen. On the other hand, if it's severe visit your doctor and they will prescribe you narcotics such as antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and oxycodone.

In some cases, the pain is mostly in just one area while the rest is bearable, in this case the doctor may prescribe a cream or gel that contains ludicane which will in turn numb the area. Use calamine lotion or anti itching cream with hydrocortisone to ease itchy and irritated skin. Whatever you do, do not scratch, as it will take longer to heal plus may cause scars. Lastly, if your fever reaches over 103 degrees or you find shingles are spreading to the eyes call your doctor immediately.

While healing shingles take oatmeal baths and ensure that you keep your hands away from the effected area so you do not scratch or further irritate it. Catch it early on and within 7-14 days it will be gone.

Shingles Symptoms

Find out how to cure shingles in days by visiting this helpful Shingles cure website!

Healing Shingles Effectively