Study Shingles - What It Is and How To Treat It more

Shingles is a disease that strikes fear in anyone who hears its name. Tell someone you have shingles or have a family member with it and see them slowly edge their way towards the nearest exit. Don't feel bad though, they should. Shingles is a painful and highly contagious disease that nobody wants to have. If you think you have a shingles outbreak you should try and quarantine yourself until you can see a doctor.

How Do You Know If You Have Shinges?

First of all, a typical Shingles outbreak includes a large section of your body being covered in blisters or a rash. They are quite often itchy and painful. This is because shingles is a result of the Herpes Zoster virus moving to your skin's surface through your nervous system. You may also have headaches or a fever and feel quite tired and fatigued. Tingling and burning over parts of the body is also common along with muscle weakness and nerve pain. If you have any of these symptoms and think it may be the shingles virus, see your doctor immediately.

What Causes Shingles?

It is most common with people who have a weakened immune system or those who have been under a lot of stress. If you were exposed to Chicken Pox, the Herpes Zoster virus is the byproduct of that disease. The Herpes Zoster virus moves to the base of the spinal column and lies dormant. Once an outbreak occurs it is quite often worse than the original Chicken Pox virus. Many who have had the Chicken Pox virus never experience shingles and never will. Healthcare professionals are not sure why the disease infects some and not others.

I Have Shingles, What Should I Do?

Make sure to keep your blisters covered so they don't become infected and so you don't infect those around you. Do not itch the blisters. You can apply a cold cloth or compress to the area, this should help to alleviate the pain. Covering the area in Petroleum Jelly can also help soothe the skin. Wear loose clothing or no clothes at all if possible. Oatmeal baths can be very soothing as well.

The duration of the virus varies greatly from patient to patient. Some experience very mild discomfort and are through the disease in a very short period of time. Others either have a weaker immune system or are under more stress. This can cause the virus to last quite a bit longer. If you do have shingles, try and stay calm and stress-free if possible. Take care of the infected area and try some of the pain treatments listed above.

Shingles Symptoms

If you want more information about Shingles you can visit the Is Shingles Contagious? website.

Shingles - What It Is and How To Treat It

Shingles Symptoms