Go through Healing Shingles Effectively much more

Shingles are very irritating, painful, and nerve wrecking. They are caused by the varicella-zoster virus. This same virus also causes chickenpox, and one in every ten people that get the chickenpox are susceptible to get shingles. People suffering from shingles usually complain of pain or burning of the muscles and skin before they get any of the other symptoms. The other symptoms that follow are flu like pains, aches, and temperature, as well as a red spotty rash. Healing shingles is rather easy, but the process until fully healed is very painful and irritating. People that suffer from it endure pain that varies from mild to severe, either way, both are uncomfortable and unpleasant and the quicker you catch it the better the chances are that you will be able to get over it faster.

As soon as you begin to feel burning in muscles or skin observe your skin carefully the following few days, and if you begin to feel flu like symptoms or begin to see the red rash make sure that you go to a doctor immediately. They will then determine if what you have is shingles or not and will prescribe the necessary medication. When they do prescribe the medication make sure that you take it just as it is written and do not stop it prior to the duration that it is prescribed. Some medications that you may be prescribed are acyclovir, valcyclovir, and famcyclovir. It is vital that these medications are taken no more than 72 hours after the rash has appeared in order to have an effect.

Healing shingles is not only about getting rid of them but also dealing with the pain and irritation. If the pain is mild, you can take over the counter painkillers such as ibuprofen. On the other hand, if it's severe visit your doctor and they will prescribe you narcotics such as antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and oxycodone.

In some cases, the pain is mostly in just one area while the rest is bearable, in this case the doctor may prescribe a cream or gel that contains ludicane which will in turn numb the area. Use calamine lotion or anti itching cream with hydrocortisone to ease itchy and irritated skin. Whatever you do, do not scratch, as it will take longer to heal plus may cause scars. Lastly, if your fever reaches over 103 degrees or you find shingles are spreading to the eyes call your doctor immediately.

While healing shingles take oatmeal baths and ensure that you keep your hands away from the effected area so you do not scratch or further irritate it. Catch it early on and within 7-14 days it will be gone.

Shingles Symptoms

Find out how to cure shingles in days by visiting this helpful Shingles cure website!

Healing Shingles Effectively