Cold sores are one of the most common infectious diseases, but also one of the most annoying & painful. This is generally caused by the herpes simplex virus which leads to an infection around the mouth area that appears as small blisters on the skin.
The most familiar shingles symptoms are tingling, cold sores & itching, which are fairly often accompanied by burns, which in turn leads to a vesicle formation. After the vesicle has been formed, it breaks out & a scab appears between seven & fifteen days after infection. Skin lesion will stay visible for another ten days. Although the virus generally attacks the outer lip it can also affect the mouth, nose, cheeks & fingers.
The main problem of the cold sore is that, after it cures, the cold sore virus remains dormant in our immune system & may re-emerge as a the body's defenses come down. It's therefore decisive to take into account a # of recommendations to prevent this disease, both in people who have never experienced it before & those who are normal hosts for the disease.
If you continuously expose yourself to sun and wind, you are more likely to get some kind of damage especially if you had suffered from cold sores in the past. It can reactivate & precipitate its onset. As sunlight triggers 1 of every 4 cases of cold sores, experts advise applying a cream or lip balm with sun protection before going outdoors, especially to avoid recurring cases.
If you share everyday objects like glasses, towels, cutlery and plates, the virus will spread from one person to another. It's therefore advisable not to share those possessions while the person has the disease. Moreover, toothbrush harbour herpes virus for quite some days and again & again it will keep infecting the lip. For that reason, it's recommended to change your toothbrush, both when the disease has broken out, & when the lesion has healed.
When you are exposed to regular situations of stress, your body defenses weaken which in turns promotes renewed cold sores. In consequence, it is strongly recommended to avoid a situation of persistent stress & practise relaxation techniques. However, any specific situation can be particularly distressing enough to trigger a recurrence of cold sores.
If, despite preventive measures, the virus show up again, a series of recommendations will promote healing & help reduce pain & discomfort.
Hygiene is important. It's best to wash the blisters with a little water & antibacterial soap in addition to keeping hands clean at all times to prevent the virus spreading to other areas of the skin.
There are numerous studies linking the consumption of foods rich in "arginine" (almonds, cashews, chocolate, jelly, soft drinks, beer... ) with the deterioration of the virus & its recurrence, as herpes simplex virus needs this amino acid to survive. However, "lysine" foods like seaweed, potatoes, soy & eggs, are effective in preventing the viruses & to stop their activities & promote faster healing.
ALOE VERA & MILK compacts
Pulp of Aloe vera applied topically to the affected area is a natural aid to accelerate wound healing due to its antiseptic, analgesic & regenerative properties of the skin. There are lip balms available in pharmacies with aloe vera in combination with other natural ingredients that are going to help you repair, protect & moisturize the affected area in depth, promote healing of herpes & act as a preventive measure.
In the same way, a compress of whole milk at room temperature, placed on a cold sore, relieves pain & speeds the healing process.
So, if you are a person who has suffered from shingles symptoms, it is in you best interest to always remain alert in order to act fast at the earliest sign of virus recurrence
Shingles SymptomsStruggling with painful shingles? If you have suffered from shingles, you know that the virus will not go away. But that does not mean that you cannot control them. Please visit where you will find relevant information for curing your Shingles Symptoms [].