Study Natural Treatment of Shingles With Homeopathy extra

The natural treatment of shingles, with homeopathy is likely not only to be the most effective, but also do so without suppressing your symptoms or creating side effects.

Shingles is related to chicken pox. Another name for it is herpes zoster. Typical symptoms include a skin eruption on any part of your body. But, more importantly, it is accompanied by a painful inflammation of the nerves. It is this symptom that creates so much distress.

Shingles can occur after exposure to chicken pox, accompanying some other disease such as pneumonia, tuberculosis or lymphoma or can be caused by certain drugs or injections. Sometimes it can occur after a trauma. Or there can be little apparent reason.

Blisters are the normal skin affection. And they tend to be extremely itchy and painful, making this an exhausting disease.

Normal treatment of shingles includes the topical use of calamine lotion and the internal use of pain killers. Neither of these approaches addresses the cause and are more likely to suppress your symptoms (turn them inwards) and harm your liver.

However, you do need some help with this painful malady.

Homeopathy works by stimulating your immune system, so that it can return to its job of curing you. It hasn't been able to because there is a blockage preventing it. Remove that, and away it goes again.

When the cause is not known, then your unique symptoms are used to determine the most appropriate homeopathic medicine.

The cause will be personal to you. It's what was going on in your life at the time it occurred. If you were taking a drug or had a vaccine, that may be the cause. If it came after an injury, then that is likely to be the cause.

If you can't see what the cause might have been, then the best medicine can be worked out by your symptoms.

Rhus tox is a great homeopathic medicine for shingles, when the cause was an injury. An injury that has not been energetically treated, so has made a permanent mark. Often the injury is to a joint and that may now be stiff as a result.

Whatever the cause of the shingles, if the shingles is intensely itchy and improved by the applications of very hot heat packs, or very hot water, then Rhus tox is likely to clear everything up in a short time.

Rhus tox can also be successfully used in old cases of shingles that recur periodically, or never seem to go away completely.

The treatment of shingles is most effective with a low potency (strength) of the best medicine. So Rhus tox 6c taken several times a day, as the itch and pain dictates.

Shingles Symptoms
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Natural Treatment of Shingles With Homeopathy